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Everything posted by Lamardirts
  1. Boom! Two stops in a row! Let’s go O....wake up and fight back!
  2. We didn’t come to play we came to walk through a walk through. Dudes are 3-0 and want some. We ain’t ready to play
  3. Good thing out O can make up for a bad quarter or even a half. Our D has made adjustments before.....but need a stop here for sure or a TO
  4. Wilson is the only one that poses a running threat really. LJ scares me more than any of those guys not named Brady.
  5. You do realize that assumption is completely false.He actually takes fewer risks. There was some chart about this On Twitter a week ago. He is making smart and accurate throws. This sort of ranking puts the burden on them to explain how. I could see 2nd or 3rd but 6th.....ok
  6. What none of them mentioned was that this D is new and hasn’t geled yet. It’s posible they will be the same but it’s posible they get better.
  7. How can it be a trap game when its a game vs two undefeated teams.
  8. I think you need at least one to be considered the GOAT though. Kinda of a ticket into the conversation. I like Aikman and thought he was a good qb but he got in because of those SB's not because he was one of the greatest to play the game. That Oline was comparable to our early 2000's OL and then throw in Irvin, Harper, Smith and Novacek. Again not sure why he responded, other than its got under his skin because he's sensitive about it.
  9. Is rather have LJ than a lot of qbs in this league. He has a unique skill set and has a high ceiling but is probably another year away if he keeps developing. I feel great about this win because it was a good team we beat with an explosive offense and strong defense. That game will help us down the road.
  10. Comes off looking classless, but also shows how sensitive Aikman is about such things.
  11. Our offense has been humming right along with out him so I could see why this might come up. If Jalen had a different attitude and wasn't such a diva I could see the idea, but I would still say no. How easily some forget what Hill can do. Hardman is fast and nice but Hill's acceleration puts his to shame. This offense is gonna be nuckin futts when he gets back. And the defense who had the Jaguards couldn't even slow this O down...........so why would we trade an intergal part to get him. I'd rather giveu picks that aren't guarantees than superstart wr's with all world speed. After yesterday I'm not so sure we even need a ton of defensive help. That game could have been 50 had Andy and Pat kept the pedal down. We ran the ball the entire 3rd and 4th quarter almost.
  12. Andy being Andy. Could the Ravens have won? Sure but they squeezed about every drop of luck from that game they could and still were 5 away at the end. We went ultra vanilla in the second half and our D fell asleep on that first drive of the second half. Had we been aggressive in the second half I believe we could have hung 40-45 on a very good D. We need to burn some of these teams and rip out their souls. Score 60 and let the pieces fall where they may. Great win today against a better team in this league.
  13. Como picks......yes please. Sammy is tradeable if he stays healthy and puts up 1000 and 10-12
  14. All that talk about Mahomes vs Jackson being the next Brady vs Manning is and was way premature. Dude played cup cakes and our D which is not great held him in check the whole game. Their rushing attack is a different story. Not to say Lamar isn't talented, he's very talented and dangerous but he's got a ways to go before he's elite.
  15. Crazy thing is we weren't aggressive at all in the 2nd half and still put up 33 on this supposedly elite D. Our sorry D held their O to 27 pts while playing soft the entire 4th quarter. Earl Thomas talking crap that he couldn't back up and we will be better when Fisher, Williams, McCoy, and Hill are all back healthy. Great win! Go KC!
  16. Darwin going out of bounds and Andy going really vanilla on O has us in a pickle right here. If we don't get the first down they have more than enough time to move down the field on our soft D.
  17. I hope our D doesn't go soft and vanilla here. Would love to stop them on 4 downs and end the game on a defensive stop or int.
  18. Got to problem with eating some crow when we have a play like that!
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