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Everything posted by Lamardirts
  1. Would be nice to have a guy capable of winning quickly from the edge from time to time. We all know Spags likes his beefcakes on the edge but how many times do we have to see CJ crushing a pocket only for a DE not able to win 1vs1 to clean it up. Definitely take a DE high in this draft though and probably one later as well. Draft em until you hit on a couple. Wonder if we are interested in Sweat or Young? Young seems like a typical Veach get. Uber talented first round pick that hasn't quite fare well to this point. Would love to see what Cullen could do with him.
  2. Thought I remember him stating getting that first deal was important for taking care of his family for life and probably his kids kids. Seems like that 1/2 B deal did that not to mention his other business dealings. He definitely didn't take a huge discount even thought that contract is super team friendly. I guess I could see him wanting them to redo it but then again I could see him saying I'm good and lets go win a bunch of rings. He seems to understand he has an opportunity with a few more rings to cement himself as the GOAT and being the highest paid player by a couple million doesn't help him accomplish that. Either way we are golden because he is one of the few players worth a monster deal.
  3. Kind of surprised no one tried to sign him. For a mid level team he would have been a nice advantage to have on ST.
  4. I like Gibbs a lot but taking a RB in round one just isn't good positional value and considering we have a 7th rounder producing at an acceptable level it seems redundant to use another first on that position, especially when we have big future needs at OT/DE/WR. All positions of high positional importance and value. I would love adding some more speed to this roster though. The more guys that can take a short pass the distance the better.
  5. I know Gibbs ran a 4.36 and Jamaal's best was a 4.38 but Jamaal appeared to be faster imo. I'm a big Gibbs fan and an even bigger Bama fan and he is super fast but JC seemed to get to top speed faster. Maybe he didn't get the same opportunities in the offense to show off that super speed as much but when you watch the highlights of both there seems to be a difference between the two if ever so small. Maybe that is just me but watch both of their highlights. JC is a good comp though and he would be a weapon in our O but I just can't see the positional value if drafted in the first. Mainly because Mahomes doesn't like to check it down enough to the RB to make that worthy of a first and we don't run the ball enough.
  6. How many wr's are we keeping this year. If we cut down to 9 OL, 3 TE, 1 FB/HB/4thTE, 2 QB, 3 RBs, we could potentially keep 7 wrs. Toney, MVS, Moore, James, & Watson. So that would leave 2 spot available. One for a rookie that seems likely we draft and then the final spot on a FA vet/Ross brothers/camp bodies? If no one wows we keep 6 and add a 10th OL?
  7. We will be lucky to get a 6th for CEH. Maybe a team that plans on passing him the actual ball a lot out of the back field might offer a 5th but I have a hard time seeing that.
  8. I've gone back and forth on DHop. On one hand he is older and expensive. On the other we just won the SB and having the ability to win back to back is such a super tough thing to accomplish but whoever does cements themselves in history. I think DHop still has an elite year or two left in the tank. He would instantly make our wr room top notch. After all Mahomes learned last year it would be such a nightmare for DC's between Kelce, DHop, Toney, MVS, Moore and that doesn't even consider Pacheco running the ball. I'd rather have more than enough weapons and not need them than need them and half our room is injured or not very good. Move up in the draft and get a OT. Draft another DE. Trade a later pick to Arizona for DHop and go defend your SB as favorites.
  9. I was merely commenting on SEMO's statement that age is no big deal when in fact statistically it is to the NFL. Of course you can't apply general statistics to one player as there are always outliers. His age and where he played will factor into his profile. Fair or not. In my original post that might be a blessing for us as it will push him down probably 4-5 round (maybe 3rd) past a guy like Mingo who is a similar comparable player. Getting a talented guy lower isn't a bad thing, but drafting and developing a younger player is generally better and produces better results. Honest question. When did he pop up on your radar? Game film or after athletic testing? Curious. Because I had never heard of him (nor am I scout or even avid game film junky) before the testing.
  10. We seem to do a great job of this in the secondary and even on the Oline but we struggle at it in other areas. I'm interested to see Cullen's impact on this because last year was pretty spectacular in terms of his impact on that Dline. The area we need to improve on is WR. Maybe its our scheme so its very difficult but by now we should be able to identify the kind of wr profile that benefits in our system. We have it nailed down on D with our secondary. We have a type and we do a great job of identifying them and drafting them. The Steelers do that with their wr's so maybe its scheme based or are their scouts better. The last two wr before Moore we have drafted didn't develop very much at all (Hardman/Powell). If we are going to be a dynasty, like you said we can't overpay for a ton of different players. Find a way to identify wr's and develop them would go a long way towards building a historical dynasty.
  11. I strongly disagree and stats prove that out. https://thedraftnetwork.com/nfl-draft-success-by-age/ Also if that player did develop into a foundational player you don't see the downside of giving a 28 year old a big 4 year contract as opposed to a guy that would be 26? I understand that many won't see that 2nd contract but if you are taking the time to develop them into a player and you are spending the draft capital on them to potentially fill a roll on your team then it does matter. This also doesn't account for the fact that a 24 year old should be dominating at the college level and is already closer to their physical prime than a 21 year old. There is more room for growth than a 24 year old. Add in the fact he plays for a smaller school and while he tests off the charts its a big hill for him to climb. Just my opinion though.
  12. Iosivas is intriguing but he will be 24 in October and while that isn't ancient that is pretty old by rookie standards. Mingo will just turn 22. Not the end all be all but those 2 years matter down the road if you spend the time to develop a guy. However, Iosivas will probably go a good bit after Mingo so there is that as well. Xen, do agree the real wr value in this draft is mid 2nd - 3 round? I wouldn't even mind drafting a guy like Kayshon Boutte. His is 20 and his testing stunk but he can absolutely play. Might even be able to get him in the mid 3rd.
  13. By most accounts this wr draft class has good value in the middle rounds 2-4. The top of this draft is pretty meh. I'm not sure any of these wr's would go top 20 in the past few drafts (maybe JSN). The value is later with guys that will fall into the 2nd (Tillman, Rice, Perry, Scott, Dell, Boutte). Also recent history tells us we can find great wr's in the 2nd. Whiff on one there and it stings a little. Whiff on a first rounder and that stings a lot more. Our best option unless some stud falls to 31 is trade back for a team needing a qb or wanting that 5th year option and loading up on guys in the 2nd and 3rd. Kinda of feel like Clark Hunt won't allow that and maybe even forcing them to make a splash play. If that is the case I hope its for a 5th rounder for DHop though and not a crazy move up for a WR.
  14. Some guys on Twitter are disappointed in bring Watson back but I think our signing James forced him to make a decision. Guys like him don't want to wait until after the draft when teams are more likely to give their rookies a chance to be the 5th and 6th option. We also got him on a two year deal for peanuts. Mahomes trusts him which is great for the 5th-6th option. Depending on what they do in the draft and after the draft in FA my guess is James and MVS are playing for a roster spot with whoever they bring in along with the Ross brothers. I think MVS will make the roster but if a guy like Justyn Ross wows then maybe they move on from one of those guys or they keep 7 wr's and cut back on OL. I'm sure intrigued in what Veach is going to do in this draft. I honestly think they are going after a OT and DL and then move up in the 3rd or back into the 2nd for a WR unless like some of you said the board provides a wr that shouldn't be there.
  15. At what point do we stop feeding the trolls or engaging in the stupidity. No matter what Mahomes does there will always be a group of fans/idiots who think some regular joe is just as good as him if he had the same coach, weapons, oline, system, etc. I know Chiefs Twitter feels the need to come to Mahomes defense on every slight but the reality is Mahomes wants to prove them all wrong way more than we want to defend his honor.
  16. Which is interesting. Would seem like a good offseason to get some solid vets in on relatively cheap deals. Makes me think we were scared by Juju's medicals and we were just ready to move on from Hardman regardless, because both deals were very team friendly.
  17. We might not have even offered him anything. Told him to test the market and then come back with what he had and they would either match it or decline. He didn't resign with us until last last offseason. His tweet seemed to be at the market as a whole was really down on the RB position. This entire FA class has gotten significantly less than I think many expected.
  18. The CJ situation is nuanced. There are a couple different scenarios that could be at play. 1. They could already have the frame work in place and are holding off in the event we need to move some of that money around to make room for a wr or fa. 2. The agent is waiting like any good agent should to see what Simmons, Williams, etc sign for. 3. Veach and Clark have decided to let CJ play out his contract and consider franchise tagging him next year. 4. Veach and the agent are monitoring the market and will make a deal that benefits both when they know what being the 2nd highest paid DT in the L looks like. No need to push a bunch of money back if they can fill their remaining holes with cheap vets and keep it as front loaded as possible. 5. Both sides are miles apart and are not anywhere close to a deal. I know they generally don't pay guys almost 30 this kind of money but CJ has 2-3 elite years left in his tank and this D without him would be bad like really really bad. For that reason I really hope they get this deal done and move up and grab a let DE not some cumbersome oaf. The fact they met with Nolan Smith gives me hope.
  19. Like the James signing. Filling up holes before the draft.
  20. I know we can win without a guy like Hill but that doesn't mean we should be actively looking for another elite pass catcher. Mahomes is Mahomes own worst enemy as he has set the bar so high and normalized the exceptional....and yet still finds a way of one upping himself. Special times to a Chiefs fan!
  21. This doesn't bother me one bit. I'll be honest I miss his ability. I know we didn't need him to win a SB but he is 1 of 1. I don't know if i've ever seen a trade that benefitted both teams so much. He made Tua an MVP candidate which would normally cast shade over Mahomes but Mahomes took a rag tag group of Wrs and won the SB. They truly benefited each other without needing the other to be great. Rare. I wish him the best.
  22. I'm all for a big fatty to play LT/RT on this oline. Protect Mahomes. Eventually a FA wr will take a prove it deal or a wr will be cut that can come help. We resign Watson, add a rookie, and a vet FA and we aren't any worse than we were last year and probably a lot better with Moore having a full offseason and hopefully Toney working with our medical training staff. I hope that first round pick is OT or DE/DT.
  23. I try not to as well Ev. I do feel better after last year thought. I think Mahomes has taken another step and as long as he has decent protection and I think we can do that with our Oline right now and and as long as he has 3-4 solid to above avg receivers then he is going to put up incredible numbers. Kelce, MVS are both solidly in that category and Toney is an elite talent just a health concern and Moore has shown flashes of being there. Adding two more solid players and we are good to go in need be. Veach might have just jedi mind tricked himself into Nuk without giving up a single pick.
  24. Saw something interesting on twitter today comparing Randy Moss when he went to NE and Hopkins. At the right price its the right move. The longer this goes Veach looks better and better.
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