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Everything posted by Lamardirts
  1. Or we could just wait the two years and see how he does and then resign him. Or just use him for two years while some younger guys develop. Or find another player like him. Seems like Veach does a pretty good job of finding these types.
  2. Then 24 per the next 3. So yes a first round tackle would offset those amounts in 2024-2026.
  3. Versatile and young with the possibility to get better. I like that and at 8 million per year. Sounds like we potentially got a steal.
  4. I agree, but then we would have a very cheap LT for the duration of that contract, so it would sort of balance out the contracts.
  5. He signed for like 16 m apy. Wow. Big money being spent!
  6. 21 million apy. Wow! Thats a lot for a 30 plus IDL. He is a great player just a lot of money. If we can sign CJ for 23 million apy that would be awesome!
  7. When you see that Mike McGlinchey got 5/87.5 we were wise to lock up Taylor at 4/80. Can't imagine what some desperate team is going to pay OBJ.
  8. Would like to see the details. 60 million is a lot but eating two years into the guarantee before Creed and Smith need to be resigned isn't terrible. The real question is what side will he play. At least we have a very good tackle on this roster for the next 4 years. Even though I'd imagine that final year is probably like 30 million or something.
  9. Our first, third, and fourth? According to Rich Hill's chart.
  10. He seems like a great RT prospect that will fall in between our picks. I wouldn't want to draft him at 31 but like you said doubt he is there at 63. If we didn't have to find a LT so quick this Breeland kid looks intriguing. Whatever Veach does its going to be a fun offseason!
  11. I can see us trading up big and drafting a guy like Broderick or Skoronski to secure that guy for 5 years. Maybe use next years first to do it to avoid giving up our 2nd and 3rd this year. If it works out it will be worth it. If we do that who are some options at wr/de/dt in the 2nd? I agree Spags rarely deviates from his thresholds though I wish he would. These slower bigger DE really don't get it done. I think this years success is as much to do with Cullen as Spags. If we don't resign Jones its going to get ugly getting pressure this year.
  12. I'm a huge Alabama fan and was saying all year that OSU was the only team outside of the SEC that really scared me. Y'all had an incredible qb, amazing wr's and very talented roster. Frustrating to get so close and know that if healthy things would have been different.
  13. Any chance we grab a guy like Nolan Smith who doesn't fit the Spags thresholds if he is there? I do agree that if there is a run on OT's early then we might be able to grab a developmental guy like Duncan or Breeland in the 2nd. Play them on the right side for a year and find a stop gap at LT? Dawand Jones as a right tackle?
  14. Stinks we need a player ready to play immediately at LT if we don't resign OBJ or sign a vet, because I think Breeland from BYU (iirc) looks like a very high upside player. There looks to be some decent DE's available as cap casualties which could fill that hole. If we trade up who are the realistic options to grab in the very high teens to mid 20's? Will Broderick or Skoronski drop to that range? Do we think Harrison or Wright would be there at 31 and do we feel comfortable with them starting? Or do we try and upgrade the right side and stop gap the left for a year? Dawand Jones, Duncan or Breeland?
  15. I did lol, read it too quickly and briefly thought you were talking about the TCU/Michigan from Georgias perspective. Reread it and realize you meant GA during the GA/OSU game. Agree UGA was very fortunate to win that game over OSU. OSU was real scary this year.
  16. Went and looked. Dude had like 10 sacks after 10 games and then .5 the last 7 😬. Yikes.
  17. Depends what type of FAs. Cut guys don't count and those guys are typically 2nd-3rd contract guys who have already made their money and often times want to play for a winner. We are in a good position this offseason.
  18. Its an important decision for sure but I would always hesitate signing an avg LT for top 4-5 money because you feel threatened or forced into that situation. We aren't planning for one more SB run we are trying to position ourselves and set the precident that we will be SB contenders/favorites for the next 10 years. Signing elite guys to elite money is fine, signing guys that are ranked 11-13 in the league at their position at top tier levels pretty much guarantees you losing an elite player down the road or shortening that SB window. Lets not pretend like OBJ was elite nor was he atrocious down the stretch but we had to game plan around his inability to stop speed rushers and if you are going to pay a LT 20 plus million they shouldn't need that help regularly. Mahomes also makes our tackles stats look better. No one knows this better than our OC, HC, and OL coach. They see what we see and more and this is absolutely the correct call. If someone wants to overpay let them, we will be fine. If his market is less than he thought we have the option to bring him back. We have the ammo to move up and lock up a LT in the first, we can sign a one year vet or a couple looking for a ring and draft a LT at 31. We could upgrade at RT and draft a LT. Helping one side of the line is doable. Shoot we had the best O last year and two turnstiles at tackle for stretches of last year. I'm not worried. We have money, draft capital, and a very strong overall team. Losing one player isn't going to break this team. Overpaying for an avg dude very well might though.
  19. Are you serious? Georgia scared of Michigan? Nothing about Michigan was scary. They are generally one dimensional and this year had a fluky win over a much better OSU team that catapulted them into the playoffs. The real championship game was the semifinal OSU vs Georgia. Until Michigan can find a dynamic qb and wr's like OSU they won't scare any top tier college program.
  20. If we could get him for a 4th and CEH and we could make those two years for 30 I might take a swing. Neither are guaranteed so if he doesn't pan out this year we can cut him with no dead money.
  21. The whole Clark contract and his tenure here was odd. On one hand he was big in the playoffs but on the other he handicapped our team big time. Who is to say what would have happened if we had spent that 20 million eslewhere and used the first round pick on someone. For me it was both costs that hurt. All things considering thought we got two rings out of his time here and he played big parts in both so thats a win. Time to move on though.
  22. Juju could have gotten more last year. Dude wants to be here. I'm not saying he will play for nothing but I could see him taking a team friendly deal to stay here. It would have help solve some issues before FA and the draft he we did indeed resign him.
  23. Breeland looks like a Reid guy. Super athletic and long. Maybe they've identified a kid they like and will move up to the 20's to get him if necessary. That would free up a crap ton of money but this FA market is pretty barren it also comes with a big risk to Mahomes. I trust Veach. Gonna be a fun offseason.
  24. Another option is they don't want to pull form Mahomes deal to kick the can down the road to get under the cap. Tagging him immediately puts us a good bit over and with no other fast way to get under other than Mahomes. Part of me likes the stability of Brown and feels its worth it to pay him we know what he is and its good enough, but if we truly want a 10 year window we can't be signing top 5-10 guys to record breaking deals. Hope he takes a deal that is fair will take care of him financially but won't hamstring the team. Nothing else tag him and trade him.
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