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Everything posted by Lamardirts
  1. Someone actually voted for Josh Allen. Mahomes got 48-50. Truth be told he should have won it unanimously.
  2. Would you bring him back on a 1 yr 6-8 million dollar deal? MVS, Toney, Moore, Hardman, Ross, Juju, and Watson?
  3. That would be amazing! Two more third round picks would be great and give us even more ammo to move up with the draft in KC this year!
  4. Hopefully not playing in 5 degree temperatures will help no reaggravating some of these nagging injuries.
  5. I don't think he has any chance of being our HC if Andy retires. I'm not sure Mahomes loves him....i could be way off but they seem to but heads and don't see eye to eye. I also wonder if Mahomes respects him. After Kelce came out and all but said Andy Reid is the one calling the plays and basically EB us the relay man which seems redundant. Mahomes is always begging the plays to come in faster which is slowed down by that added relay. Maybe its nothing and it very well could be nothing but I don't think Mahomes would want that. I think he would be more in the Nagy as HC camp.
  6. Feel like Veach knew this and it is why he has been adding wrs all year to future contracts.
  7. Didn't they send it right back out to New Orleans though?
  8. I thought it was a smart move on their part at the time just thought it was interesting that a savy move might have cost them in the end.
  9. Agree Reese. Pretty sad that he couldn't finish strong. I truly believe he would have really helped us down the stretch. As much juice as Toney has he didn't have the long speed of Hardman. Thats great news about Toney and Juju, however I worry Toney can never be counted on to be durable. Maybe a full offseason with our training team but not holding my breath. If he can be a dominant force next Sunday it won't matter if he is a porcelain doll or not he will have been worth the trade if for nothing else. You think Veach is gonna try and get Mahomes #1 WR this offseason? I know we let Hill go and he can do it without one but you never want to Mahomes to bear the entire load and Kelce is getting older. Just curious what your thoughts are.
  10. They poached him from us which in return caused us to activate Kemp as the ST guy. Wonder if Lammons was back if they would have activated him over Kemp leaving us with one less WR than we already had. Would Mahomes have made that completion for the first down if we didn't have Kemp on the roster? I find it interesting that the Bengals might have inadvertantly hurt themselves by trying to gain a nominal advantage.
  11. Watson was sick so he will be back. Gotta hope you at least get one of the two ( Toney or Juju) back to pair with MVS, Moore, and Watson. Would be better to get Juju and Toney back but if we could get a least one of those guys to pair with those other 3 we should be ok. Gotta think the cold made an impact in the injuries this past week something that shouldn't be a factor in Arizona. Hoping they all get back well.
  12. He was back there because we had no one else. He did a great job but one turnover could be all the difference in a game of this magnitude it also could crush his confidence moving forward. Toney then Watson and then Moore (assuming Hardman is a no go).
  13. Has to be a huge confidence boost for him as well. Gonna need him in the SB.
  14. He is quick but not too big (6'1 240) so a chip should work but please don't attempt to block him with a TE like the 49ers did. If we can give Mahomes any semblance of time to throw we will win the SB.
  15. Thanks for your service Artsy. Didn't realize that. Yes he is. Such a humble guy too afterwards. You know he wanted that game bad.
  16. His will to win is incredible. Crazy how we restocked the entire room and ended up with a worse wr corp than at any point in his career. What an amazing crazy game! We finally win one of these crazy games.
  17. What a game. My heart is beating out of its chest. Won't be able to sleep for quite a few hours. What a gritty win. Our D played so freaking good with Sneed going out and the young guys stepping up. Even Cook who played terrible for 3 quarters stepped up with a huge PD that turned into a pick. Chris Jones should be the DPOY. Timmy I hope you watched tonight. That dude was in the back field all night long and dominated. Mahomes who had that dumb fumbled but gritted it out with Kemp, Moore, and MVS as the only wr's left at the end of the night. Moore with a return that reminded me of Hardmans against the Texans. Huge for the win. Butker who was nails. Spags called an amazing game. Reid got saved by his team tonight. His challenge of a clear drop to the no run possession after the int which flipped momentum before half to some questionable play calls all night but did just enough creatively to get the W. Legacy game tonight fellas! Cincy talked to much trash. Our team should have buried this team 4 times but finally figured out how to get the win. Hope all the players can get healed up for a very daunting SB in two weeks!
  18. That is true, but before that happened we should have built on our leader mulitple times But you are right.
  19. Our D came through in such a huge way and then Mahomes and Butker! Love it! What a game! Go Chiefs!
  20. Andy Reid is his own worse enemy. D has played lights out as good as they could. Andy has called a pathetic game after the first 15 scripted. We have had opportunity after opportunity to end this game and we either get cute, run into heavy boxes or throw wr screens to guys with no juice. I'm still holding out hope our D comes through but its a tall order and the longer this game goes the more that ankle is gonna get sore and limit Mahomes.
  21. The playcalling at times has sucked. 5-6 in the box.......pass pass pass. 8 in the box.......lets run it.
  22. Stop with the shotgun draw......it doesn't work!
  23. Cook.......way to totally redeem yourself! No O pull your head out and drive it down for the game winning TD with no time. Come on Andy! Come on Mahomes! Lets go!
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