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Everything posted by Lamardirts
  1. He will be better next week. He might not be 100% but he will be able to make that handoff. Now dancing around back there and taking off for 20 yards might be hard but if Reid can pull his head out and scheme up an offense like he did vs the 49ers we got a shot. The Bengals got a break because the weather hurt the Bills ability to get a pass rush. They don't have CJ crushing the pocket. While our DL isn't amazing that Oline is not good and should get exploited by Spags. If we can get consist pressure and stop a few drives we are going to win this game. We always play better when people doubt us.
  2. If we want to be a dynasty this is the moment. Odds stacked against us. We will be the underdogs. We've lost 3 straight (all avoidable but still L's) and they own us according to everyone. Mahomes is dinged up. Etc, etc, etc. This is an opportunity to do something incredible and it will require Reid to scheme it up like he did vs the 49ers, the D to play the game of their life, and Mahomes to grit it out but its doable. As much as you can't take the Ravens game into account you also can't take this game into account. Any Given Sunday and I will always bet on an overlooked Mahomes team every time. Let them talk, let them come in over confident and cocky. Still gotta play the game at Arrowhead!
  3. No but I think the Bengals will be over confident coming into this game especially with Mahomes injury. I actually like being the underdog this week. I think we can win and I think we can do a much better job on D than the Bills today.
  4. Surprised the Bills couldn't get any pressure today. I think the weather helped them a lot. The one positive is the Bills don't have Chris Jones. If he can blow up the pocket like he did yesterday we have a chance but the Bengals are super talented. Reid is going to have to scheme up the best game of his life another 49ers style game plan. I obviously liked our chances better before Mahomes injury but I still think we can win. Buffalo's game plan on O and D was horrid. Gonna have to play a near perfet game but its possible and you can never underestimate Mahomes will to win.
  5. Problem is you can’t cherry pick when a player is playing well to base contracts on. He has always been a slightly above avg LT but when you pay top tier money to a slightly above avg player you handicap your team. The last 10 games has come against the weaker part of our schedule and as the wr corp developed Mahomes was able to get the ball out fast which helps Browns stats to a degree. He rejected a very lucrative contract and bet on himself. That means you are seeing his very best because it’s a contract year. This is about as good as it’s gonna get. Does he seem like the type of guy who is going to continue to work this way once he gets paid? I mean he didn’t even hire an agent until mid summer. I would be extremely worried that he gets the money and stops grinding to be the best. However we are kinda between a rock and a hard place with him.
  6. I watched two qbless teams take the Bills and Bengals to the brink last week. We can still beat anyone on any given Sunday. It will take an incredible effort from the entire team but its more than possible. Also injuries like these subconsciously affect the other team. Just like last week. Its human nature to get a little over confident and they will. Not saying we will easily win but we can absolutely win. The two teams that scare me the most reside in the NFC anyway (49ers and Eagles). Anything can happen. High Ankle sprains are not joke but if anyone can get back to 80% its Mahomes and 80% of Mahomes playing well is almost as good as the other guys. I had high hopes we would and could win the SB before Mahomes got hurt and while I think we don't have as good of a chance as before I still think we have a good shot. Who knows maybe tomorrow the both kill each other on the field and some of their key players get injured or banged up.....we won't know until next weekend when we play.
  7. I agree.....but Lawrence wilts really bad under pressure and he is still on his rookie contract. All these teams (Cincy, SD, Jacksonville, and Philly) are benefiting from rookie deal QBs. None of their qbs are as good as ours (Burrows is close) and all of them are gonna end up making and costing more than Mahomes. Their window is now. They will be better next year but so will we. Only time will tell how much of a problem.
  8. I'm afraid you are 100% right. Was hoping our LT situation would have been resolved by OBJ playing like a top 5 tackle, but that is not the case.
  9. Our Oline is touted as one of the best in the L but we are no were near as good as the Eagles Oline. Gotta go get some stud tackles this offseason. If Mahomes isn't hurt we have a chance in any game we play. Too many hits and pressures this year especially for guy wanting top LT money. Before today I was pay him a little less and move on but I now think it would be a mistake. If this is his best (contract year) we might not get any better play from him and there is reasonable good chance he relaxes after he gets paid.
  10. What a wild and crazy game. Mahomes going down takes some of the joy out of this win! It really is amazing what he means to this team. We advanced which is amazing and the sign of a good experienced team but now we can only hope Mahomes ankle miraculously gets healed up. Also, starting to think a replacement at LT should be top priority along with RT and DE. Our Toub's unit still struggling but at least Butker was nails! Not sure if we can beat the Bills or Bengals if Mahomes isn't at least 85% unless the D plays out of its mind and gets some TOs, but we made it to another AFCCG. Loved seeing some rookies step up in key moments. The future is bright even if this years playoffs moving forward is a bit more uncertain. Finally Kecle was amazing tonight and so was Pacheco. I love McKinnon for Pass Pro and screens etc but Pacheco has to get the ball more. It felt closer during the game because of the Mahomes injury but this game wasn't that close. Great win and now get Mahomes healthy...ier.
  11. I know many of us look to that game last week but the Jag won't turn it over 5 times again and they did score 31 so imagine if they had not turned it over 5 times. Point is you can't put much stock into any of those games. They will be hungry to upset us and if we play our game without turnovers then this game won't be a problem. If we screw around we might find out like the Chargers did. I think it was good all three AFC games were ugly and the Bills and Bengals went to the wire, as it should be a wake up call to our team that anyone can lose even to a bad team. I am pessimistically optimistic that the team will be ready to go and we will win this game pretty convincingly.
  12. Yes but depending on how they structure it 2025 might be the first year with a big cap hit.
  13. Thats great news for us....not so great for the Chargers. Bottom line their ownership is too cheap to make the changes necessary and one day they will regret not getting Herbert a HC that he needs to get the most out of those talents. They have have basically already missed that window by going all in this year and failing miserably.
  14. You make a good point xen. Lots of young qbs have burst on the scene but maintaining that elite level of play after the NFL figures out what you like to do is another story. Shoot, I'm not sure the NFL has ever adjusted the way they did for Mahomes. A testament to his ability.
  15. I mean CJ had him wrapped up for the win so they did get to him but they couldn't finish the deal. The DL is better overall and that OL is a good bit worse than last year so that helps but I kinda think the Bills win next week. Healthy and that game is for some reason in Buffalo.
  16. The definitely need to but unless they find an elite qb its gonna be a long painful process. I think thats why its such a tough decision for them. They compete right now with LJ and they could conceivably win a SB if everything fell in their favor and they got a little lucky. Same things we told ourselves about Alex Smith and Trent Green.
  17. I think Andy made him better but I think Mahomes was going to be a superstar for over half the franchises in the NFL. Obviously there are some that would have wrecked him but Mahomes with Sean Payton would have been nice. I agree though. Andy has definitely made him better. Glad we had both the coach and the qb at the right moment in time.
  18. At the expense of that D. Additions by subtraction won't make them any better. They will be the East Coast Raiders. As good as the Ravens are at drafting D they kinda suck at drafting O. That entire O will have to be revamped and it won't be cheap with the cost of wr's now. Good luck with that rebuild.
  19. It was all the rage last year when they won, but let's be honest. I don't think they win that game if don't wet the bed in the 2nd half of the AFCCG. What a wasted opportunity.
  20. We are the #1 seed in the AFC west with the best offense with a bunch of wr's in their first year with the team. Sure we can add talent but the best is yet to come. Toney has #1 talent but his health is a question mark but he is under a great team deal. Skyy Moore is going to shock some people next year. Dude has skills just needs some time to acclimate. MVS while not a world beater is a good wr and he and Mahomes can get on the same page that will be a huge upgrade. Juju is tricky. He is going to warrant 20 million per year in this market and while we can afford to keep him is he worth 20 million? I think he probably is worth close but he took some big hits this year and if he keeps taking those shots can he survive a long term deal? He makes the most sense. If he wants more money I think Brandin Cooks is a better option than Hopkins or Williams. A little bit younger than either and cheaper. He also fits our scheme a little better.
  21. Not sure if that was all Pederson's fault though. He was definitely the scape goat. The Eagles went out and blew their wad on FA's and did really well in the draft. A good organization for sure but Pederson wasn't the reason why the fell off after the SB. You are right about Reid. Reid has done this twice with two organizations. He isn't perfect but he is better than Pederson. Pederson did his qb no favors that first half after the 2nd int. Some of his play calling was interesting but it turned out ok because they won. If SD actually had a HC the don't lose that game. I like Pederson and think he is a good HC but getting a young and talented group to the playoffs in that division isn't rocket science, keeping them atop their division for nearly a decade is a whole other story. Maintained excellence in this league is rare and special. Andy has taken two teams to SB appearances and has maintained success twice. Not even BB has done that.
  22. Helps when their opponent goes full on brain dead in key moments of the game. When Cris C is questioning your bunch formation qb reach sneak when your over a yard from the goal line then you know it was a stupid play or the qb trying to be a hero. Not giving your best rb the ball in that situation in the redzone is another questionable call. Then burning 30 seconds with a minute left in the game on your 30 yard line knowing your a slow methodical run team is another. The Ravens snatched defeat out of the jaws of victory last night.
  23. If we lose we lose but I'll take my chances vs Lawerence, Etienne, Marvin Jones, and Kirk any day vs Herbert, Allen, Ekeler, Bosa, Mack and James.
  24. lol what a choke job by LA. Up 27-7 at half and got beat winning the turnover battle by like what +4. Love to see it! Hate that Staley will get fired though he as been a closet KC ally for quite some time.
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