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Everything posted by Lamardirts
  1. Considering we had a couple rough years prior these two really filled in some major gaps and set us up well for the future. The scouting department is doing a great job of finding players that fit well. Excited for this years draft!
  2. Could be a special wr corp if we could find a way to bring back Juju. I still have high hopes for Moore as well. Toney, Juju, Moore, MVS, and Kelce. Not to mention Ross could be a diamond in the rough and Edwards could contribute.
  3. Robgar should have won this thread had a dumb ref not called CJ for talking. Nice prediction rob!
  4. I’ve complained a few picks the last two years but boy have I been wrong. Veach absolutely crushing it! Seems like the last two years he stopped trying to take monumental swings on raw players in the 2nd and thirds rounds and starting drafting stud college players. He still takes swings but a little later and he is even crushing those as well. Future looks bright!
  5. Bolton is a stud. He might not be the greatest in coverage but he more than makes up for that with instincts and vs the run. Glad we have a great lb corp.
  6. Disrespect aside, I thought the snow globe, ring around the rosie, whatever it was called was pretty creative and a great idea. Rolling out of the huddle that way into a wildcat snap has to be tougher on the defense to ID. I could see them running it again with a variation.
  7. I wouldn't guarantee they beat the Jags. We play the lowest seed whoever that will be.
  8. What a great game to finish the year on! Great game all around!
  9. Mahomes is the best but he has struggled on deep passes this year. He doesn't have the greatest touch on those deep shots. Not sure if its because he has such a rifle for an arm so those deep shots are frozen ropes and seem to make it easier for defenders to deflect them or not give his wr's enough time to react to off target throws. Maybe its bad routes but he has missed MVS quite a few times this year. And even with this little issue they are the best O. He truly is incredible and will probably have multiple bombs in the playoffs.
  10. What a great way to end the season on D. Nice sack Jones and for number 15!
  11. Great way to finish the season. Every facet has played well. Not super concerned about garbage time scores. Woud be nice to drive down and score. A perfect way to end this season and do it to the Raiders.
  12. Whose responsibility is it over the middle on Adams. He is wide open every single play. Its the only main issue from the D today. Other than this they have played really well.
  13. It would have been a tough catch but he had time to secure the ball well with both hands. This O still misses a deep threat that is on the same page as Mahomes. As good as Mahomes has been he has been the bigger issue than MVS on the miscommunications on the deep balls. MVS has had some walk in bombs if Mahomes could get the ball close. Still, our O is so good in spite of this. I think we will see some bombs in the playoffs.
  14. Amazing how much more lethal we look when we run some.
  15. Great game so far but as great as we have started the 2nd half offense has been less than stellar. I know that was a tough catch by Watson and Mahomes double pumped but that ball was right in your hands. Gotta make those tough catches. Also gotta be able to run on 3rd and short. Still hard to complain being up 24-6. Would be nice for the O to get another scoring drive in the 4th to end well. D has been solid all day and hopefully they finish strong. Will be a great confidence boost going into the playoffs.
  16. Perfect situation to get him reps but they are perfectly content with Wylie.
  17. That is too simple.....we do cute well but not simple. I mean what are we thinking giving their only pass rusher a free running start at Mahomes?
  18. Not now they aren't but in 10 years no one will even talk about the previous era and 16 games. We don't talk about the era that played less than 16 plus. For the record to stand it has to hold up under the new format. Time will tell how great of an accomplishment it is.
  19. Chiefs looking the best they have looked in a long time. Great job being ready to secure that #1 seed. Now just need to finish this game strong.!
  20. Toney, Juju, MVS, Moore, Ross, and Edwards isn't a bad wr room at all. Toney's health is the key. Dude could be special if he could stay healthy.
  21. Was thinking the same Palangi. He is so explosive and shifty.
  22. Gotta think Gay doens't have a great grasp on his responsibilities because the athletic difference is massive. Harris seems to struggle as bad as Bolton in coverage. Great stop by the D there! Probably got away with a PI but it offsets that MVS PI earlier. Lets go O and lets put this game away!
  23. That bye is huge if we were to get it and there is also a real good chance we could still host the AFCCG if we make it because the gauntlet the Bills will face will be brutal.
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