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Everything posted by Lamardirts
  1. I could see Juju taking a team friend deal with more guaranteed dollars. 4/60 with 30 guaranteed? I could live with 15 million a year. I could also see him wanting 20 million per year which we shouldn't do. What I love most about him is his ability to do what Kelce does against zones and he fills that void when Kelce isn't on the field. Not sure if anyone has noticed but Kelce is getting older and gets worn out a lot fast than in days past. If we want to extend his career for the next 2-3 years that is a plus. Last concern I have is all these hits he takes and the long term effect those have on his career. Will be interesting what Veach and Co will do.
  2. I imagine its possible. overthecap.com I cut Frank, post june 1 cut MVS, extended CJ and converted his salary to bonus and restructured Mahomes and got to 102,000,000. Butker gets you to 105. Thuney could be extended and Kelce could as well. Just showing its possible but I pray we never do that. What is most likely is cutting Clark, post June cut MVS, and extending CJ to give us 71 million. Sneed will need to be signed to an extension this offseason as well so 15 million ish per year to sign him? CB market is odd though so who knows. I'd say we will have around $55 million to spend on LT, RT, DE, WR, DT and then S, RB, and added DL. Problem is this FA class sucks for our needs an we are hosting the draft so I don't see us trading tons of picks for vets.
  3. I thought of this movie immediately after reading Colquits tweet.
  4. Or was it the two fumbles and numerous penaltlies? Defenses aren't afraid of the number 1 offense in the league? Defenses aren't afraid of our tackles but they sure as heck are afraid of Mahomes. The NFL has literally changed the way they play against Mahomes unlike any other qb in the history of the NFL. They didn't do this for Brady or anyone else quite like Mahomes. We are every underperforming teams SB. Coaches on the hot seat can salvage their job with a win or a good game against. Teams can get right with an epic win over us. We have dominated teams so much that even though their seasons are over they are fighting tooth and nail to get that monkey off their back. We are dinking and dunking to a 30ppg avg. How is that already being beat? We are doing all this with a horrible +- TO margin and a regressing D. Hardman will help but our own self inflicted mistakes are the reason we look rough recently not because Hardman isn't on the field.
  5. Fresh perspective and new ideas are a good thing. Feels like all three phases have gotten stagnant. I'm not sure the players believe in Spags schemes because the D is regressing as the year progresses and what makes matters worse its vs the inferior portion of our schedule. Mahomes is amazing but he can't overcome these level of ineptness. If its the players then bench them if its the coaches then change them in the offseason. Loyalty to friends is going to cost a generational qb a potential goat in the realms of MJ and Tiger if they don't make changes this offseason. Everything is primed for fresh new blood.
  6. Interesting take. I would imagine Dustin would know what he is talking about. Also if this is the case then why is Tommy still handing that duty? ST has been a train wreck this year.
  7. It is truly sad that Mahomes has a game like he had and it takes OT to win vs a truly horrible team. We might be the best O in the NFL but we struggle doing things that a #1 ranked O should never struggle with. There is definitely a conflict among coaches/staff/Mahomes about running the ball. We can run for chunks but when we have to gain a yard we get rolled up behind the LOS. So frustrating watching every opponents qb sit back for days in the pocket while Mahomes has 1.5 seconds to pass or his pocket is crushed or he's running for his life. Andy Reid needs some fresh perspective, Spags needs to go after the season for a DC who isn't pigeon holed into slow lumbering DE's and Toub can hit the door now. Teams kick short knowing we will return it and our avg starting spot is 4-5 yards behind the standard 25. We did everything in our power to allow a 1 win team to beat us. This team can absolutely win a SB but we are returning to the it will require the stars to align to do it. What is our record without Mahomes? Do we win 5 games?
  8. You could see Mahomes didn't like that entire series. Can a team fail a qb worse than the Chiefs have today? Juju, Pacheco fumbles. Butker's misses. Defense letting this O score 24. Thankfully we won the toss, no just hope the refs don't screw us like they tried to all game long.
  9. I'm not calling for Spags to get fired during the season but these two games warrant a new DC next year. Its brutal how inept we are. I know CJ is sick but dang our dline makes their oline look like the 2001 Chiefs Oline.
  10. He has been in gear but Pacheco fumbles, stupid holdings and then Juju fumbles and then sprinkle in the refs stupid calls. Its like the deck is stacked against him. 2nd game in a row allowing an inept offense with most of their talent not playing over 20 pts. Our D has gotten worse as the season has gone on.
  11. There is no excuse for our team. Our D letting Mills look like Joe Burrow or Josh Allen back there. Our D seems to be regressing as the year goes on instead of slowly progressing. Our O is such an enigma. Everyone on here crying and screaming for Pacheco to get more run and he whiffs on a big sack early and then fumbles giving the Texans a short field. We just can't have nice things! We need to run it more but when we do this crap happens. We can absolutely win the SB this year but I am having serious doubts we will. To many good offenses to corral and our D is making bad offenses look top shelf. Hope we get our act together second half.
  12. How do they not call Malik Collins for that slam of Mahomes. I've seen a dozen softer tackles called for that this year and nothing? The Texans are wrenching necks after tackles and playing dirty.
  13. OT is right but if that offer was on the table yeah you have to take it, but it never was on the table.
  14. Someone is going to pay him $15-$18 million per year imo. He is young fast and someone will think they can get more out of him with more target shares.
  15. We forget that while these NFL players have an immense platform they don't always have the maturity to use it wisely. Hill is a generational talent but he is very immature. He wants his cake and to eat it to. You can't claim the victim when your agent has already come out and said they were about the money. He doubles down about the target shares but a further examination shows he had plenty of targets. His claims of 2-3 target games are a small portion of his games. Sad really because he comes off looking petty, regretful, and plain dumb. Apparently his agent can't keep him from himself.
  16. Agreed, but what scares me about the Eagles are they have a very good dline and the best Oline in football. Those two things we struggle with. Also they have two really good wrs. I do agree their schedule has been weak but they don't play down to competition like we do. They put teams down. Still would rather face them than Cincy or Buffalo.
  17. I believe that Spag's best years came when he had elite players all across the defensive line. If that front 4 can't get it done his D sucks. We are in year 4 of experiencing this exact thing. Did we need younger faster better secondary? Of course but it won't matter if our front 4 can't get home consistently vs good olines. Only Chris Jones checks that box and we are wasting his career by not getting him some legit help. Karlaftis might develop into that guy but he isn't there now. The stats would make you think our D dominated yesterday but the reality is they took advantage of some possessions then gave up first downs on 3rd and 20 plus and tds vs an anemic pathetic O.
  18. Does yesterdays game put in a dent in his MVP run? Sure. He also still threw for 350 and 3 TDs vs one of the best secondaries and defenses in the L. Every qb has bad games even MVP ones. Did anyone watch Tua last night? His main competitor is Jalen Hurts. Jalen might be the front runner but Mahomes can easily surpass him again with a couple big games. I still think Mahomes is in the drivers seat or at least it is his to lose. Yesterday Mahomes had a couple dumb plays but the problem continues to be our D year after year. I would love to see Mahomes with a defense just rated somewhere in the top half of all defenses. Regardless of the ints the defenses job is to get off the field and they couldn't vs a "historically" bad offense. For some reason we don't have a game plan for their only real offensive threat, which is becoming a re-occuring theme with Spags. The whole team needs to get their act together but I agree with AFCWEST in that our coaching staff is a bigger problem than we might want to admit. If Mahomes has a career like Rodgers what will we look back and realize then was a huge problem and regret not fixing?
  19. 100% agree. Problem is when our Oline isn't great and Mahomes starts forcing things. We saw that today, which didn't really matter but against a team that is cooking our D that will result in an L. Not having a legit #1 hurts this team. Mahomes and Andy find ways to make it work but when they are in a bind you need more than just Kelce. We have a a whole group of #2/3 guys which is overall better than last year but have two elite guys really helps in certain situations. The issue is when you traded Hill the though was your D and WR room as a whole would be better. The WR are doing good, not great, but miss Hardman and Toney. The D isn't any better than last year really. I had high hopes for this D at about this point in the season.
  20. I'll take Mahomes all day long in critical situations. He isn't perfect but he doesn't play poor situational football. Also he is playing a very very good D who is playing their SB. It happens. This D is hot garbage and we might get bounced in the first round because of it.
  21. So you are doubling down that this is all Mahomes fault. You are defending this crap show of a D. Up until that int Mahomes wasn't the reason for this crap show. They are a top ranked D. The first Int gave them reasonable field position. The others were in their field position. Our D is playing against the worst O in the L by a long shot and have given up 28. Mahomes hasn't helped but get out of here if you think Mahomes is the problem tonight. Die on that hill that our team has a Mahomes problem.
  22. Oh they are gonna run it alright. They are going to run the Burton special that hasn't worked all year and I think its an 80% guarantee you will see it when he is on the field. This team is so hard to cheer for sometimes. Our 3rd and short play calls are atrocious. Spread them out and give it to Pacheco on thrid and short. Don't bunch their D together and give it to our Full back. Oh well. At this point we just need to get out of here with a win. Lets go D.
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