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Everything posted by Lamardirts
  1. I know its not all Spags fault (He can't tackle and he isn't getting burned) but it is year 4. We have gone out and gotten his type of players and its not working. Maybe its time in the offseason to change philosophies and get fresh blood on that side of the ball. Its going to be sad if we look back 20 years from now and realized that this team has never had as good of a Defense as Tom Brady's worst defense (That may not be 100% true but its not far from the truth. This is trully embarrassing.
  2. Knowing our luck they will be drastically better without Wilson.
  3. That was a duck yolo ball. McDuffie turned his head but got ran into by the WR. Bail out call.
  4. When Charles Davis said the Bronco defender turned is head when he never did. Lol He is terrible.
  5. What is Charles Davis talking about. McDuffie had his head turned. Horrible duck ball.
  6. We will run a bunch now and at the end of the game it will appear we had a good split but if you watched the game those runs will all be in garbage time. That 3rd and 1 roll out that almost got Mahomes killed should be a fireable offense (Not really but dang it was a dumb play call). I actually think EB is calling this game. Looks different on the sidelines.
  7. This Broncos teams has scored 11 or fewer points 6 times this year. Only twice have they scored more than 20 this year. But yeah this is on Mahomes. 🙄. One day we will all wonder what could have been if Mahomes had just even an avg defense. I'm not calling for Spags head but we are 4 years in and his model is antiquated and doesn't work. I know he isn't on the field and he isn't the one missing tackles but we are in serious trouble vs the offenses we are going to see.
  8. This D has been trash for 4 years. It hasn't been top 20 I don't think in 4 years. Get out of here with that crap. Mahomes rarely throws mulitple INTs. Both were insane catches, but by all means act like Mahomes is being wreckless and stupid. IF we lose this is completely on the D.
  9. At some point your D has to be able to stop the worst O in the NFL. If they can't do that regardless of the circumstances the Spags should be fired tomorrow. I'm not even remotely blaming Mahomes for this. They sucked last week and carried it over to this week.
  10. What in God's green earth was that play call. There wasn't anyone open. Its 3rd and 4. Why leave a pass rusher unblocked even if it's a roll out to the other side.
  11. What does that have to do with Mahomes? Broncos started on their 40. They weren't in FG range after the INT. Our D is a steaming pile of crap right now. This is the worst O in football. Our D is terrible.
  12. I mean. This is the worst offense in the NFL by a long shot. Our D can't tackle and is a problem.
  13. He is human and makes mistakes but "does not play good situational football"...is asinine.
  14. First Int the LB made a heck of a play on the ball. Looked like he juked Mahomes into throwing that ball and then made a heck of a catch. Can live with that one. The 2nd one was a bad decision. I mean the tackles got pushed back immediately and Wylie got pushed on his butt but Mahomes has to throw that away. Regardless our D looks like hot garbage. This Broncos team is terrible. Playing zone and prevent. Then allowing Wilson to run 40 of the 60 yards on that last drive. 40! What are we doing?
  15. Maybe, but Fisher got worked when he was healthy and younger with bull rushers. What about now? Not sure OBJ will be any better for us on the right side as the left side. He just isn't a great fit. I sometimes think about what things would be like if Trent Williams was our LT.
  16. Normally it says he sucks but this team has a propensity to play crappy players over more talented ones. Also, this coaching staff is loyal to a fault and they won't make that move unless Wylie gets hurt no matter if he gets Mahomes killed because of continuity or something.
  17. Only problem is this FA class sucks and there aren't any DE's that will move the needle. You either trade up in the first for your DE or that LT. I think they are going to give Brown a contract that none of us will like but won't be elite and then go after that DE in the draft. Love the rest of the stuff you said. Extending CJ95 and Sneed are a must. Resigning Juju is also up there since there is no other option. Only way they don't do this is if Moore goes off in the playoffs and Toney gets healthy and stays healthy the could possibly move on. Juju is a little injury prone himself and he is going to cost a lot so while its probably the best move we could make it does have its risks.
  18. Yeah that is the frustrating part. We sign and draft bigger slow guys because they are suppose to be stout vs the run yet we are terrible in both facets.
  19. Could it be that Eric Fisher isn't very good any more. OBJ played horrible on Sunday but the previous 7 weeks he has been pretty good. What would signing Fisher accomplish? He isn't a RT and that is our biggest weakness on the OL. As far as Houston is concerned, there were bridges burned that can never be rebuilt.
  20. It is an abysmal year and some bad teams have a lot of money meaning there are going to be a plethora of mid tier players making bank. Not a great year to get a lot better in FA. Maybe we can find a guy coming off an injury to help, but we will have to keep drafting really well and extend our good players. Its not completely ideal but its far from tragic. There is a path to fix the holes on this teams and get better in other areas. Crazy when you consider we are 9-3 in a rebuilding year. We will be fine barring injuries. Veach has already starting stock piling talented underperforming wrs on the PS. We have a great GM.
  21. I take this back to some degree. Is abundantly clear Veach gets players his coaches want. Spags wanted HB and Veach got him HB. Last year he played Neimann and Sorensen over more talented players. Why? He values intelligence to even at the expense of talent. Justin Reid is an intelligent football player but I haven't seen much this year that screams anything other than an average safety. I know we needed a safety after HB departed but maybe Veach went out and go a guy Spags wanted and so far it has all the makings of a bad signing. Hope Reid proves me wrong but safety is gonna be a higher need than some realize this offseason. Him and Thornhill have been really bad so far.
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