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Everything posted by Lamardirts
  1. If there was ever a year to trade up this would be the year. I mean if we are shooting our shot why not Will Anderson.
  2. 100% agree. If Veach doesn't address pass rush at the deadline it will be our focus this offseason no doubt. And if he attacks that position like he did OL and the secondary we will be a juggernaut for the next 4-5 years barring injuries. We will be 4 deep with the worse one probably Joshua Williams who might have the most athletically talented out of the group. We have 2 above avg safeties in Reid and Cook signed for at least 3 years and we have 4 young and promising lbs. If that dl can get fixed our D could be nasty.
  3. I love Wylie on this team but he needs to be our super backup not our starter.
  4. I'm not as low on OBJ as most are. He is better than Eric Fisher. If we had a competent RT all our line issues wouldn't be nearly as bad.
  5. I was ready last week for Shelton to be called up to replace Nnadi. I mean Shelton is better vs the run and thats basically the only reason Nnadi even plays so who knows?
  6. Biggest needs after this game? RT and DE? Did RT just jump DE? I would say no considering we put up 44 points and left at least 3 - 7 points off a horrible ref call and missed fg. Not every team has a Jimmy G who helps opponents out.
  7. What great game! Not perfect but considering it started as bad as it could they figured it out and played a great game vs a good team.
  8. So does this performance give Veach pause about upgrading the DL? Hope not.
  9. I want the D to finish this game strong and get a turnover or a stop.
  10. This Offense.....is something special in the making. Wow! This thing is coming together. Holy Crap!
  11. That safety came on the nascar package. Jones, Karlaftis, Dunlap and Clark.
  12. Our rooks are getting got here and there but they are in great position. If they can keep developing we will have the best secondary we've had in a long time.
  13. Mahomes is purely electric. Unbelievable how good he is. 3rd and long and he throws a bomb. Dude has no fear!
  14. Who is calling plays here? 2nd and long run? Sheesh. Doesn't matter because we have Mahomes though.
  15. This is why Spags gets so much criticism. When blitzing last week is working he just stops and now when it hasn't worked all drive he continues and puts Watson on Kittle 1 v 1. Its Jimmy G. Why not make him make perfect throws with more in coverage. I'm torn because I like him being aggressive but dang those blitzs took a while to get there and then the side its coming from didn't have the hot route covered up.
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