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Everything posted by Lamardirts
  1. I love the kids motor but he just runs around the edge so far out of the play that it doesn't matter or gets stone walled rushing the passer. Leo Chenal looks lost out there as well. Reminds me of Dee Ford that first year. He literally has no idea where to be and it renders his athleticism meaningless. Both are rookies so there is time but they aren't making any sort of an impact like many of us had hoped.
  2. This i can agree with moon. Those mid range routes were working. Its the cute short behind the LOS passes or screens to Burton and Gray and stretch plays to CEH are what is maddening. I've seen enough of Noah Gray to know he is just a dude. Would rather get Fortson involved. Would rather see McKinnon and Pacheco get those stretch runs because CEH can't get anywhere fast enough. Mainly the O looks like its humming and then we decide to call some cute screen and put the ball in our least two talented offensive players hands in a huge game. If we see Burton I would prefer he was running a LB over as a FB. I still maintain they know what they should be doing but no one within the org wants to do it because its boring and requires patience. Its line up in the I or traditional running sets like we did vs the Bucs and let our OLineman do what they are built to do. Run it down their throats and play action off of it. It works and its deadly but we seem to want to run just to say we ran x amount of runs instead of making it part of our identity. Not sure how many missed SB's its going to take before Mahomes realizes he can still easily get 300 plus and 3-4 TD by running an offense like that but until he forces Andy we will see flashes of briliance followed by series that we look ridiculously idiotic. All that said. I've never been less worried after a loss. This game proved we are ahead of schedule this year and if it keeps trending this way we are going to be juggernaut come playoffs.
  3. How many years. He is probably still elite till 32 and if we don't draft two stud DE's then you probably have to. He is our pressure and his presence generates pressure for our inempt DE's now.
  4. Which is why this game isn't all that bad. We faced the best team in the L "right now" and should have won if not fore dumb mistakes. We gifted them that win and they went all in this year. We might see them again in January and I like our chances. If this team at least can sign one good tackle, a good DE, and a legit threat at WR to pair with Moore, MVS, and Kelce, along with the young guys developing. Next year we are going to be a nightmare to face. We could be for the next 5 years.
  5. Saunders is better in every facet than Nnadi and its not really close. Karlaftis is a rookie but he isn't making any splash plays. Its just run around the edge and get stone walled over and over again. Just a midwestern version of Frank Clark without the very infrequent occasional speed.
  6. 100% this. We had every chance to win this game. Mistakes cost us again. Our WR's aren't going to bail out Mahomes. That first quarter jump ball wasn't great but MVS has to go get that. That is 3 pts. Butker missed a chip shot for another 3 pts. Andy going brain dead on a couple drives and not running the ball takes 7 points off the board for them in the first half. O had the ball mulitple times to seal this game or at least build a sizable lead only to crap on themselves. Our D played really well all things considering. Williams got picked on a lot but he was in position on a couple of those plays against one of the best. Our secondary is devleoping into a really stout unit and our LB unit is young and talented. Just missing some real DE's. We cannot generate pressure with 4 and it stifles the entire scheme Spags wants to play. Its going on 4 years now and the type of DE Spags likes doesn't work consistently. They seal the edge but offer little to nothing in the way of pass rush. And to be honest they haven't been great vs the run. We lost, but we played tough and with our O still figuring itself out and our D missing 4 big contributors (Gay, Fenton, McDuffie, and Cook). All things said, we could have easily won the game but made to many mistakes. We get those clean up and get guys back and we are legit SB contenders in a soft rebuild year.
  7. They dared us to run and we countered with slow CEH on the edge or delayed hand offs instead of lining up and mashing the ball down their throat. It would absolutely loosen up the pass game but as long as we continue to be stubborn its going to be tough sledding against top D's. Our O has to play better and more consistent.
  8. I don't know if thats entirely true. If williams was in Diggs pocket on a couple of those Mcduffie might bet a PBU or int there. You are right pass rush and protection are areas we are struggling with but it absolutely matters getting a LB that can spy Allen and 2 upgrades at DB.
  9. I don't know the first quarter was a jump ball. At some point our wr's have to start making plays. If Mahomes doesn't put it right on the money they aren't bailing him out very often. I feel bad for Mahomes. He is going to get unfairly judged for this game yet the D mahomes is facing is an elite D while ours is a middle of the pack work in progress with important key players out. I'm super proud of our D today but they aren't in Buffalos class. The last throw he has to throw away. Hard when your trying to make plays but you don't have time for the design play to develop becasue your tackles are giving up instant pressure.
  10. Absolutely agree. D has been incredible today. That missed hold call probably is the difference. Also did it look like that Know catch he bobbled it.
  11. Its why comparing the two is ridiculous. Mahomes has done more with less today than Allen.
  12. It was pretty egregious. Jersey was visibly pulled. Probably ends the game. D gonna have to dig deep here. They have played so well today. Need one more stop! We need an int or sack.
  13. Our O has to do better. Reid has to give Wylie some help. He is getting abused today.
  14. Yep but makes up for the 2-3 bogus calls on us this game.
  15. As frustrating as moments have been we are up 20-17 vs a very good team. I'll take it. Lets get that stop here and go win this game.
  16. I seriously don't understand the play calling. We just picked up a 2nd and 13. and then go with those two calls. At least we got points. Needed a TD there though.
  17. And there we go. Can't help calling that crap. Burton........Burton gets a target. We are in a groove and rhythm. and call that.
  18. Whew. Glad it didn't matter. Mahomes is in a groove and the Oline is giving him some time. Lets go O.
  19. Hard to win when you get Unsportmanlike penalties for talking vs the Colts that cost us the game. Then Juju gets it for sniffing and now this crap.
  20. Kelce barely touched Elam....its becoming a trend that we get screwed every week on a horrible call. Hope Mahomes can get the first anyways here.
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