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Everything posted by Lamardirts
  1. Its a long year and there is still hope. Our run D is for real and will only get better with Harris getting reps and when Gay returns. Getting McDuffie back will help as well. This D could be a top 10 unit something Mahomes has never had. Our O is the problem. We have more than enough talent to win the SB with this O. If we needed our 2003 Oline, and Hill back along with everyone else we have added to win then we are underperforming. Mahomes doesn't like this style of play and it seems he is resistant and bucking against the system instead of embracing it. I believe its a curse to be so talented were other qb's like Brady have thrived in their system because they never had the luxury of being so talented to not lean into theirs. The NFL has caught up to what we are doing and the only answer is to sign 2-3 elite wr's and outplaye the d, run them into submission (we aren't committed enough nor do we have the back to do that), or keep evolving. We haven't done any of those. Our coaching staff is stagnant and we haven't brought in new blood in so long that its an echo chamber. If any team can pull themselves out of this, it is our team but its been a year of seeing the same crap minus one idiot desert DC who thought blitzing was the answer. I know this is our soft rebuild year but we should be able to compete this year if the O can find a rhythm. Its sad that our D looks farther along that our O. Just an odd couple of games. We are 2-1 and have a lot of season left to play so the sky is still the limit. Better to peak later than sooner anyways so we have that going for us i guess.
  2. Well.......his dancing run that lost 4-5 yards today was it for me. He isn't fast enough to exploit defenses to the edge or run around someone, he isn't big enough to push the pile, and he isn't shifty enough or frequent enough to make up for the previous two. He can be productive but when our 7th round pick has more upside it makes it tough. Ugly game by almost all involved today.
  3. Just finished the game. Thought at the end of half we would come out and jump to a lead and never look back. This team is undisciplined. Sky Moore's muffed punt gifted them 7 points, his next bad decision put our O in horrible position. We held them and came out on top at half. Our D looked good today minus Chris Jones stupidity. That game was won and in hand until he just had to keep running his mouth. Sad because with our schedule every win is important. Our O is a problem. Its predictable and boring. I do not think EB has a good feeling or rhythm in play calling. Our personnel decisions too are odd. 1st and goal from the 3 and we rush up the gut with McKinnon? CEH just doesn't have the speed or ability to overcome for poor blocking or get to the edge. Kelce missed an easy TD. Reid opting for a fake on 4th down that had zero chance. 2 missed fgs and a missed PAT iirc. This loss reminds me of the Alex Smith days. Played well enough to win but found a way to lose. Hate losing these types of games to inferior teams. We are undisciplined in every facet of the game. Mahomes is going to have to start calling people out for it to change. CJ's mistake could end up being the difference in first round bye and a wild card. Our schedule is that tough. Mental mistakes all over the field and not just this week but every week. Ugly game coming off a mini bye.
  4. Someone in that house was scared enough to call the police. People act like the damaging a vacuum was the only thing damaged in this event. I can only image the trauma of the woman and child. These types of things usually aren't isolated incidents. Glad Gay acknowledged his behavior was wrong and got help. That takes a lot. With that said the timing it odd and the penalty doesn't line up with other incidents. Ray Rice who actually hit a woman got the same penalty or less iirc. As a Chiefs fan it sucks but reality is 4 games isn't much for terrorizing someone in their home. I just hope the NFL does this to everyone who has a domestic dispute......I won't hold my breath though. A little positive is Leo and Cook probably get more reps which helps their development.
  5. Call me crazy but I'm ok with our wide receivers. Its early and that D is loaded. I think the game plan last night sucked and didn't do Pat any favors. Until we commit to the run and realize we can run 35 times and win by 14 plus then we are looking at a lot of games vs good teams like last night.
  6. I wonder if the game plan didn’t put them in a good position. Also Mahomes just had a bad game and this D has so many elite players at every level. The dline need to call up Danny Shelton and relegate Nnadi to backup. And not much we can do with Frank. Cj is elite and Karlaftis has the potential to be Tamba Haliesque. We are putting the pieces together just a year away imo. Need an elite rusher and that one piece would elevate everything behind it.
  7. It is baffling. The Chargers run D sucks. Their pass d is really really good. Our interior Oline is really good. Yet we only rushed 18 times last night. It was a little maddening. I go back and forth. I’ve seen too many 3rd and shorts were our rbs can’t bounce it outside or have terrible vision and can’t pick up the first to be super upset. I think the overall game plan wasn’t good but that D was built to stop us. We knew it was gonna be tough and still found a way to win. Andy is never gonna lean heavy on the run so it’s a moot point.
  8. They can’t all be pretty but getting the W in an ugly short week divisional game is huge! Go Chiefs!
  9. I agree and it's why it's hard to compare. I just didn't understand people saying Herbert wasn't good or didn't play well tonight. Watson made a terrific play or they probably win. If CJ didn't get pressure, Herbert had a lot of time. Plus, their D as a whole is elite were ours is a work in progress. So, you are right its hard comparing when one faced a different level of D. Just glad we got that W.
  10. The O looked bad and the D couldn't tackle and was getting gashed. Kudos they figured it out and got it corrected in time. They will be better but so will we when we see them again.
  11. This team can be frustrating to watch at times but the D has potential. If we could find a legit rusher opposite Karlaftis then we could be really really good. That San Diego team is super talented on both sides of the ball. I think they are a good bit more talented than we are, but we are a better team. Our O looked a lot like last year. Mahomes looked rushed and uncomfortable outside of a couple drives. We cannot find a good rhythm on offense because we refuse to make running the ball a focal point of this O. Great W and an important one with our schedule. Chris Jones is a beast and doing it without a lot of help. Karlaftis doesn't look like a rookie. Both Watsons balled out. Hope we see Justin Watson more on O. Jaylen Watson made a huge play this week. Hoping he is the next draft steal from Veach. Willie Gay was in position to make about a half dozen great plays. Hope he slows down a little and wraps up. ST looked undisciplined tonight with stupid penalties but our kicker was nails tonight. Not a pretty win but for a team still figuring itself out....it was a great W. Can't wait to see this team when they have ironed out all the kinks.
  12. Herbert looked pretty good tonight minus the pick 6. Mahomes looked a lot like he did last year. He made some terrible throws. Doesn't mean I think Herbert is better but he isn't far away and has games were he is better. Mahomes doesn't have as talented a D as Herbert, but Mahomes looked shaky at times tonight. Glad we got the W and this LA team is no joke, still this O looks bad in stretches.
  13. Honestly what is Spags thinking. Herbert can't run and we are screw it. Lets rush 4 and let him pick us apart back there. We go from being aggresive and getting off the field to allowing a hobbled and gimpy qb to drive down for a chance to win without ever moving him out of the pocket. Oh well. We get a hard earned W.
  14. I hate prevent defense. The D has overall played well but now in Spags 4-5 year and we still can't tackle. Its frustrating. Also if Jones doesn't get pressure there is no pressure.
  15. Anyone ever notice how all the wr's converge on the same area of the field on longer developing plays. Makes it so easy for the defense to make a play on the ball and cover. Just seems like the game plan tonight was trash. Worries me moving forward because we look like we did last night and Mahomes hasn't looked exceptionally well either.
  16. Glad it was a clean hit. Looks like he landed on Danna's helmet. Probably ribs. Hopefully just bruised and not broken.
  17. From that all 22 angle. 3 wr's all within 5 yards of each other. So the play call brings all the defenders together. Seems counter intuitive. Don't understand this game plan at all. We are winning in spite of it.
  18. Nice screen by Clyde but why not wait for those 3 blockers. That could have been a huge gain.
  19. Bryan Cook again. Toub's units seem so undisciplined a lot. So many penalties. Sheesh.
  20. This D is looking stout this 2nd half. Still missing some tackles but 3 3 and outs is really good vs this offense.
  21. Aborted the previous message to type....Let's Go Chiefs!!!!
  22. Maybe this will jump start our O. As much as I hate our D they have only allowed 17. A big stop here goes a long way. Lets go D! Need a big CJ sack and a Willie Gay pick 6.
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