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Everything posted by Lamardirts
  1. Cran you said it. If that injury gets Watson on the field we have a chance!
  2. I'm officially done with Hardman. Not a perfect pass but easily hits both hands and drops it. His big catch he bobbled. He's an NFL vet playing like a rookie.
  3. They are more talented than us at like 15 of the 22 starting positions. They are uber talented .
  4. We have quite a bit of money tied up in that sorry D.
  5. Nope! Veach better not come close to paying Brown 20 million per year.
  6. Does it really matter. It was a horrible throw. Andy can be a genius for quarters at a time but then he can get an O out of sync so fast with stupid gadget plays and stubborn player personnel decisions.
  7. Would be nice to have a DC that game planned around stopping their best wr. Instead he will rush 4 who can't ever get home and single cover their best wr. The bend don't break style of D gets old after you've seen it for the better part of a decade. Chris Jones and maybe Bolton are the only two positions we are better on D than the Chargers. And they are considerably better at those other 9 positions. Mahomes has to be perfect and overcome Andy's dumb short yardage calls if we are to have a chance.
  8. Nice play by Bolton. Finally we stuffed them on contact.
  9. Or our DC doesn't think taking a player away is a good strategy.
  10. Oh well, not sure what I expected. Different year same song.
  11. Fenton sucks. I mean how is Mike Williams single handedly carrying this team.
  12. Is it just me or does Nnadi kinda suck. Also how many missed tackles are we gonna make. Come on Gay, break down and make the tackle.
  13. Its not just the call but when the call is made. It completely affects momentum and was a dirty play at Mahomes legs. Funny how he was held and pulled down yet Wyile fell in a completely different direction and purposely didn't hold. You are right as ugly as the D looks they are getting it done.
  14. How can the NFL allow Bosa to do that. Such a BS call. Last year a horrible call that affected the game and now this. Other than that CEH and Pacheco have to pick that first down up. CEH had a lot of room but can't bounce it. Pacheco has horrible vision or he would have bounce just slightly outside he might have gotten it but instead decided to run up the stuffed olinemans butt. Hard to argue running the ball when your backs can't pick up 2nd and 2 and 3rd and 1. On D, are we ever going to be stiff vs the run? Nnadi isn't very good. Would rather see Shelton out there. They are gashing us pretty good on interior runs. Other than that. 10 pts to the Chargers is pretty good with all the rookies and missing McDuffie. All things considering the score could be worse. Our 3rd and short playcalling kinda sucks or we might be up at half. Hope we make some adjustments. This is a good litmus test.
  15. Thought it was reported he would be the guy brought back after Bell was moved. However, I haven’t heard anything either.
  16. I know many seemed a little surprised that Kinnard made the 53. From reports he struggled at tackle. With the team keeping multiple backup T's does the team see him as a possible future backup guard? Maybe Thuney's eventual replacement? Or they are giving him a redshirt year to learn.
  17. What did everyone think of Prince Wanogho's performance in preseason? I didn't get to watch the first two games and only a little of the third. He made the roster which is good for him but was it more based on the fact we are short on reliable swing tackle options or has developed into a solid backup? Curious your thoughts.
  18. I agree with most of that xen but 21 million per year is about as market as market goes. KC didn't want to reset the market. There has been to much from his own agent to give credence to any of this trash talk, but you are correct he do talk a lot. I personally think he could have a monster year if McDaniels makes him into last years version of Deebo. Curious to see if his body can hold up with a qb who can't alway deliver a ball to avoid major contact.
  19. There were talks he could be a dark horse backup after the draft. Never could break into the top 5 though.
  20. He is very immature apparently. Its not hard to compliment your new team without throwing shade at your former team who like many of you stated stuck their neck out and took a PR beating for drafting him and not cutting him after his GF's lies. I'm happy he got generational wealth but lets not kid ourselves the 21 million the Chiefs offered is more than enough to be considered generational. He will do great in Miami and probably end up in the HOF and we will be just fine with the haul we got. Both teams won imo.
  21. I'm pretty underwhelmed by the whole group. When I feel notably better that Wylie is starting at RT that should sound warning bells. I also don't think you can count on Niang at all either. Hope they can sign a veteran or an upgrade after the cuts. Wylie has grown on me some but he is still a liablity long term.
  22. That is what I thought as well. Can't imagine Fortson has a lot of value outside of the Chiefs, especially coming off that injury. While he looks great and we are excited for him it doesn't make a lot to sense to trade him leaving a so far underwhelming Gray as the only other viable pass catch option at TE. Seems like they are hedging their bets on this injury.
  23. You don't think Nnadi makes this team? If you keep Saunders then Nnadi makes it over Stallworth imo. You are right Suanders is an injury risk but he has some juice.
  24. He has been in the league a few years so I wonder if the Chiefs would offer a 2 year extension to lock up a guy that seems to have Mahomes trust and attention. 2/8m or something. Would be nice to have more than two wrs locked in on a deal past this year. I have a feeling Juju is gonna be expensive next offseason.
  25. A dark horse could be Frank Clark. Not sure he is being hyped at all but his lifestyle changes (which is to be commended) seems to indicate he will have a bouce back year this year. I'm pretty numb to the "Changes in the offseason" or "Best shape of their life" reasons for a turn around.
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