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Everything posted by Lamardirts
  1. Can we get CEH out of there. We are way more dominant with McKinnon
  2. Didn’t hit the ground but not sure he held on
  3. Doesn’t help out first possession they can mail our wrs and then they start calling ticky tack stuff on us next possession. It’s like they got the memo about calling everything last game vs the Bengals and so they are gonna screw us by swallowing the whistle this time. If the O doesn’t score a TD I’m not sure we can hold the off. How we got to this point is a crazy. And happens to oftenz
  4. Im not sure who is calling plays but since the half it’s sucked
  5. Need the D ro hold them again. Not looking good
  6. Time for petty Lavon to stick a fork in this team. Bengals needing the refs to get them in fg range. They have held like that all game long. Nearly every play.
  7. We gonna have to beat both striped teams today
  8. Frank got mauled there and would have made a play. It’s getting ridiculous
  9. Personal foul on punt, late hit on Hardman, blatant hold on Pringle. One possession and they swallowed their whistle. Their Oline is bear hugging our D. It’s getting a little much.
  10. I enjoy allowing them to play but when the opponent is holding every play to keep up and they aren’t calling it that is ridiculous
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