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Everything posted by Lamardirts
  1. He is free game on the rpo. I wouldn’t even hit the running back. I’d clock the qb every time
  2. Yeah saw that too. Not sure it would have mattered though as it was Hughes.
  3. We would be better off running base in those situations than running out Niemann who couldn’t even tackle Allen 1v1
  4. Both of them are worthless in these situations. I blame Spags for this crap
  5. Imagine this. Nieman and Sorensen are on the field this entire drive and they are marching. Spags should have groomed one or the other for the playoffs. You can’t have both on the field at the same time thisnoften
  6. He hasn’t done anything the back half of the season. Been making tons of business decision. We will be fine! Sorensen is limited but he won’t leave Knox like he did last game. That wasn’t a limitation that was a mental gaffe. He doesn’t make tons of those. Besides when we punch this in they gonna start pressing and we will expose Allen tonight! Or at least I hope!
  7. Bolton is a stud. I was way off and wrong about him when we drafted him. Love being wrong when it means the guy is way better than I though! Boom!
  8. Nope, but the players ran from the ball and the ST coach decides who is out there
  9. Making a business decision……imagine that. Pray we don’t resign him. He has done nothing down the stretch but run into a play after the tackle is made or gets frustrated at the guys actually tackling.
  10. There were two guys down there too!!!! What in the world? Play calling is blah and the Oline isn’t giving much time
  11. So we put two guys back to return that punt and neither guy can fair catch that on the 12 yard line? Then we Telegraph that run on 2nd down and are forced to give up the series. We do stupid stuff sometimes!
  12. Got some consideration last year but really making the rounds this year. Had tow interviews with the Giants before the went with another guy. Wonder if he takes EB with him to Minn.
  13. Will never happen. I actually thinks he gets a gig this year. Too many openings. Regardless, we won’t fire him. That is not Andy’s way. Shoot we held onto Sutton for too long and he was terrible! EB has done nothing remotely close to that.
  14. I was nervous then wen't back and looked at that regular season game. 4 TO's. And it was still a tight game right up till half before Sorensen went brain dead and gifted them an easy TD. Even after half it was a reasonably close game until that pathetic roughing the passer penalty negated that int at mid field with us down only 11. Even after that I think we had a small shot. If we don't shoot ourselves in the foot we beat them easily without a lot of key players. Not worried anymore.
  15. Plus RB's from smaller schools often times get overlooked and have to deal with poor oline play. Good scouting can find really good players lower in the draft. IE Kareem Hunt. Shoot even JC was a 3rd round pick.
  16. And as good as those guys are the positional value, contract, and impact aren't worth it imo. Find a good back in those mid to late rounds or committee it.
  17. I think they did. It wouldn't suprise me if they don't look for another rb in the lower rounds and start churning that position or find cheap veterans on one year minimum deals until they find their guy.
  18. Yeah, I'm not holding my breath but our secondary coaching staff makes chicken salad on the regular. Veach has to keep feeding these guys until we find more Wards, Fentons, and ultimately Sneeds. Churn baby churn!
  19. Not sure what that represents but there is no way I'd rather live in any of those NE states over Alabama or Louisiana. It's not even close either lol.
  20. Wide open space? Kinda like the lanes that all of our running backs have missed this year. We have a running back room full of jags with different abilities. They all have different strengths and at least that gives us some flexibility and variety, but none will be the long term solution imo.
  21. Two things 1. This isn’t a huge deal in regards to him playing football and the penalty should be minimal so that is good for us fans. 2. On the other hand, going to visit your child and then getting so angry or frustrated that you can’t control your actions and break a vacuum, more than likely by throwing it against the wall isn’t necessarily a minimal issue. Hopefully this bad press will show him that and he can get some help in managing his emotions because he seems like a likeable dude. No one is perfect and thankfully this ordeal is one that can be learned from without huge negative ramifications.
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