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Everything posted by Lamardirts
  1. Depends which Chiefs team shows up each week. We have the talent and ability to win the SB, but this year we have been our own worse enemy.
  2. ? It means a ton for the Chiefs with the #1 seed in play. It means nothing for the Broncos as they are out of the playoffs and losing helps them. We walked in here and thought we would torch them and one ST flub switched momentum and we went from possibly being able to rest starters to a dog fight. That’s not championship caliber. That’s an undisciplined superior team that found a way to win vs an inferior and pathetic team. I hope that’s why, because we overlooked but we’ve played in 50% of our games playing down to opponents. When you can’t stop a one dimensional team with a horrible qb after a debacle in the previous week that lends me to believe we were more smoke and mirrors during That winning streak. We can still win it all but our margin for error is pretty thin at this point. Offense has to be perfect.
  3. Not sure we do. Hill, award, HB, andOrlando Brown. If we don’t sign HB (which at this point would be stupid IMO) then we might. We have a ton of FA holes to fill and Clark and Hitchens will free up enough for Hill and Brown if we are really lucky. Cap jumps up which will help but we can probably get those two resigned and nab 1 upper tier free agent and one mid tier guy. That mid tier guy might be Ward. Gonna need another good wr, 2 DEs, LB, 2 S and 2 Dbs. What Veach finds he typically overpays an avg dude at a position that should be overpaid (LB, S, IOL). When our team is constructed like it is, it becomes even more important to maximize positional value. MLBs shouldn’t be making upper teens. Intelligent yet physically limited S shouldn’t be making 20 million per unless they are Leire game changers. Our two don’t even like to tackle. We will always be competitive with Veach but we need another great draft like last year and find another gem at a premium position. JMO. Gonna need
  4. Yeah on 3rd snd 6 let’s put our best DB in…..for any easy first down. Mike Hughes smh
  5. I feel the same way Cran. We don’t take anything away. If we did we would be a lot more formidable.
  6. 😬 Yes you are correct! They both did. Not sure our O play calling could drive us down for a TD at this point.
  7. Over reaction of the year but I wouldn’t cry if Spags and Toub are done after this year. This D can’t even stop one facet of a one dimensional bad offense. Bolton just saved us!
  8. Who has the RB in the flat? It’s there only weapon. Guys Spags can create a good game plan, no doubt. However, he is borderline atrocious at in game adjustments. This is back to back games. Make Lock beat you deep.
  9. Bro Gordon stinks. I’ve seen enough. And Zayne Anderson with another costly error. Love this team and this team can absolutely win the SB, but it might take a miracle this year. We aren’t good for long stretches of football. We shoot ourselves in the foot too much.
  10. This is failing to prepare for a team. Their biggest weapon is Javonte and Gordon and Spags constantly puts Niemann and Sorensen on the field so much. Also, we aren’t a disciplined team. ST should never cost a team as much as ours does especially when Reid gives Toub so much say. They consistently put our team in bad positions and there are penalties on almost every play. Sad. We overlooked a team and it could cost us dearly.
  11. Their RB picks and hole plows. Our rbs find the pile and dance behind it
  12. He’s always had a ceiling of an above avg #2….nothing more
  13. Seriously a case could be made he single handed ley cost us the #1 seed and then he comes back with this bone headsdnplay. He wasn’t even close to blocking it either smh.
  14. We go a drive from probably putting this team away to turning this into a dog fight because some scrub off the street wants to be a hero on ST.
  15. Seriously. Almost all of them aren’t good. Costly To allow a guy to have that much say over the roster whose chosen guys have cost this team so many times with dumb plays, fumbles and penalties.
  16. Wow, we just can’t play disciplined foot all. Zayne with another huge and costly penalty. Would think after last week he would play smarter.
  17. We have too many wrs that don’t know what to do when a play breaks down. Too often two wrs are within 5 yards of each other which makes it easy for the D.
  18. We lose yards because everyone thinks they can pull a Tyreek Hill and dance for an extra 10 yards. No one has that quickness.
  19. 3rd and 5 with Niemann and Sorensen still on the field and again they are worthless on the blitz. Fortunate that pass wasn’t completed.
  20. We would be forced to play regardless. If we lost there are 2-3 other teams who could jump us because of tiebreakers.
  21. I think DE has to be draft priority #1, then WR #2 and DE in FA. Without a pass rush this D isn’t good. I’m today’s NFL gotta have three guys that can generate pressure.
  22. They can’t decide if they want to be a dominant rushing team so we sprinkle in some rpos that don’t work. Then being off the field go so long in that cold has to get you off a little. The officiating killed that 2nd drive. Finally play calling wasn’t great. Cinch showed blitz we just pretended it wasn’t coming and then preceded to run deep routes on 3rd down with no option for Mahomes in the event of a blitz to pick up the first.
  23. 3 possessions. First possession sucked iirc. 2nd was screwed by the refs on that Wylie hold when his Facemask was being blatantly held and the non call on Hill on 3rd down and then Andy’s gutless punt when our D wasn’t stopping anything. Final possession we failed to account for the blitz and every route was a long developing route which forced the fg. Andy went gutless and Spags went arrogant and we lost.
  24. I’m not scared of playing anyone. Especially the Colts. Wentz isn’t good enough. What scares me is our our team knocking itself out. Spags is a good DC but today is inexcusable. Teams double and bracket our best guys all the time and it most definitely helps their D. Spags needed to have his butt chewed by Andy at half time and definitely after the 3rd quarter when we thought we could guard Chase 1v1. It’s that kind of arrogance that could cost us in the playoffs. If we doubled him they don’t even sniff the win today, Not rotating Thornhill over to chase on that 3rd and long zero blitz is infuriating. With all that said we put up 31 points without our starting tackles for practically the entire game and lost by 3 vs an all time performance aided by horrible officiating. This loss will galvanize us. Mahomes is back! He found his mojo and Andy crapped on himself and didn’t give him a chance to prove it at the end. This win will give Bengals false hope kinda like our win vs Bucs last year. We will be just fine!
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