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Everything posted by Lamardirts
  1. Watching an offense that was on a historic pace run run pass punt with no intention of trying to score with 1:08 and 2 TO's is impossible to please? First off if you are gonna be gutless then run the ball three freaking times and force them to call a TO. I mean we didn't even execute that strategy correctly. It's the philosophy there that comes off weak. Last year and the year before we get in FG range in half that time with 2 TO. Shoot we might even score and could put this game away right out of the gate. Weak mentality...maybe our O's confidence is that weak......that would be a shame.
  2. That just told me what the coaching staff things of this team. wow....just wow.
  3. So we are playing not to lose then? That isn't a SB caliber teams mentality. That's a team with Alex Smith at QB's mentality. Had Pringle caught a deep pass and Wylie not been a turnstile Mahomes would be lighting this secondary up. But yeah let's turtle up. Fortune favors the bolt.
  4. Elite teams don't do that. Sorry teams with anemic offenses do. Andy doing Andy things. Utterly pathetic.
  5. Imagine that. We get a stop with Gay at MLB. Wow....our O is turtling. Our freaking O is turtling. So we don't run when we should and now we in essence take a knee. We aren't scaring anyone. Pathetic! Last year we get a FG there easy. Loser mentality.
  6. Amazing how we wouldn't be on the field if our DB could catch a toss up. SMH. Our entire team goes from SB favorites in the first quarter to the league bums in the 2nd. Both sides of the ball. Bolton needs to be the starting MLB from this game on. Mike Hughes should have been cut weeks ago and its time to see what Baker can do. I dont need to comment on Niemann and Sorensen because we all know they are mouth breathers. Hitchens is garbage. He has no feel for the game. Gets washed out and is never in a hole and when he is its the wrong one.
  7. We know they are gonna run and they rattle off 7 yards. Come on D....don't let the O get you to do the same thing.
  8. Dude this team is so frustrating to watch this year. All world one second and then can't catch the ball, can't block on a simple screen, can't get out of our own way. We are our own worst enemies at times.
  9. I mean he had to know Ben was washed and we need a #2. He would have completely feasted.
  10. I think that might be a fumble. Kelce gotta protect the ball better. Hope they say he didn't have time to make a football move but dang. This team goes from hot to blah in a split second. Shouldn't matter if Wylie could keep his man off Mahomes. Should have been a TD to Hill or at least a deep long ball. Wylie gets pushed back in his lap every play just about. Reid gotta send him some help.
  11. We go from an elite D to 11v9 on 3rd down in that package with Sorensen and Niemann.
  12. What is Hitchens doing there? Running into a filled hole? Gay was already there.
  13. Wonder if JuJu regrets going back to Pitt. He would have feasted this year.
  14. Great start fellas! Only issue is the same issue we've all moaned about all year and that is need a true #2. Anyone clamoring for Pringle, enough is a enough. He's an excellent 4th wr. Love the kid but he is what he is and that aint a #2. Other than that the Brown pathetic soft screen block cost us as well. Other than that this game has been great so far. D looks elite....which is awesome. Sorry Spags for doubting you early on.
  15. I do find it funny how people drug Mahomes hard after his rough little patch but its silence when Josh Allen, LJ, Herbert, and Stafford suck eggs for the better part of a month. I also find it funny we have a 4 turnover game and lose by under a score. Titans have 4 TO's and get blown out.
  16. EB comes off as a hard nosed no non-sense type of guy. Old School type. Not sure that is desirable anymore.....not sure that has been desirable for a quite a few years. I think EB has a whole litany of things going against him. He's Andy Reid's OC, the past two OC's didn't turn out so great, I think he was over estimating his swag and wasn't willing to turn around a crap show but rather wait for a big time offer, I don't he interviews wells, he is black (I'm not saying it matters 100% of the time but I'm not niave enough to think there aren't some old school owners that have issues with it, as sad as that is), and our O has looked pretty pathetic this year overall. That is definitely not the direction you want to be going. We are stuck with him, any moving him around and that will be viewed as a demotion. I for one don't want a HC that relies on motivation and getting the most out of players as their best characteristic. Ed Orgeron was an amazing players coach.....he just sucked at everything else. Depending on awesome OC/DC to field a good team is never going to go well because the best OC's and DC's will always be earning opportunities elsewhere as HC. Better to have the HC as the brains behind everything and the identity of the team. As much as I want those 2 3rd rounders, he isn't going to be netting us those picks anytime soon unless we win out and dominate
  17. Was just thinking the same thing luv! Also, who would have thunk that general consensus is, if our O can get its act together after the bye we could run the table. Crazy year! There are no dominant teams in the AFC. That top seed is there for the taking!
  18. I understand that but normally he gets closer to the LOS and watches the qbs eyes. Didn’t seem like he was doing that but I could be wrong.
  19. Well Nieman and Sorensen both saw more snaps than Bolton and almost as many as Gay. They are still on the field way to much but this D looks like a different animal. Gonna need them with our O being so meh at times.
  20. This is no way a dig at CJ....because the dude is a monster and dominated a very good Oline today. Did anyone else notice him taking a couple plays off when we had them pinned deep on that last Cowboys drive? Sometimes he will time out a pass but he stepped back off the LOS and just kinda danced around there. It was odd because I thought it would have been a great chance to get another sack or a safety. There may have been a reason for why he did what he did, i just found it curious. He was so good today. Why they ever had him at DE.......why he ever volunteered to play DE when he is HOF level talent at DT is crazy. When he plays like that.....our D can be scary good!
  21. My issue is missing a pass on first down and then running on 2nd with little to no gain and being forced into 3rd and long. Crazy thing is, this O used to convert 3rd and 15th like they were 3rd and short........now a 3rd and 6 has me concerned. Something isn't right. Playcalling sucked today. Drops, and turnovers hurt as well but some of the crap we run is vomit worthy.
  22. I'm assuming that sarcasm lol. I am curious though. We were building into a good rhythm the past couple weeks and today looked disjointed and out of sync. Last week someone said they saw Andy doing more talking, as if he was calling the plays, but today it looked like EB was calling them. I know they sometimes get ran through both guys. Just trying to figure out what is up with our O. Or do those TO's now get Mahomes skiddish. Him not tossing the ball was dumb and it seemed like some passes were open and he wasn't forcing them at the end of the game. Happy about the great W but the O still isn't back.
  23. People talked about him breaking the sack record at end.....he might have had close to 20 had he stayed inside this year for the majority. Clark looks like he's got he step back and is healthy which helps. D rounding into form at just the right time. Love it!
  24. It is the only issue on our D today. Spags persistence with putting those two on the field at the same time. Our D looks semi elite with Gay and Bolton on the field....it looks like we are playing 10v11 when Niemann and Sorensen on the field.
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