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Everything posted by Lamardirts
  1. I would seriously consider trying Niang at LT when Remmers gets back.
  2. We suck on D and our guys aren't prepared. We look confused on the field and can't control our emotions.
  3. What are the routes for those wide out wr's? Just go to the endzone and stop? Its like they are secondary afterthoughts and only decoys! This playcalling sucks!
  4. Wasted a TO because our team sitting back watching the jumbo tron. That's not your job. Get back to the line and let the coaching staff to review that. This team is pathetically unfocused.
  5. What is that run call? Line up under center in the I and lets go! Panzy football. Andy always gonna field a soft team.
  6. Why are these refs giving him all this time to talk? Its the middle of the game?
  7. This is on Reid. I'm not calling for him to be fired but this is unacceptable. This, what we are seeing is why Philly wanted him out of town.
  8. And there Dan is. lol what a joke. But he had a good training camp.
  9. Anyone else feel that if they score our O.....our O...might not be able to answer?
  10. We can't get out of our own way. This team is snake bit. Which player didn't call that witch back? lol this is beyond belief. Our DB has an easy pick 6 and trips on his own feet. HOF TE fumbles in a game where turnovers have been preached over and over. Mahomes tosses a pick in the endzone off a rb's facemask. This is the epitome of Murphy's Law!
  11. I'd rather see Saunders at LB than Ben Niemann. He is WORTHLESS!!!!!!!!!!!
  12. I think its there for the taking but we aren't calling the plays to attack them. Its like we still want to play our game regardless. Making it too hard.
  13. Mecole out ran his blockers or he could have had 10 ore more yards.
  14. Stale. Players coaches get stale. Success breeds complacency when there is no accountability. When your head coach allows his friend to have roster say for ST players and his other friend to play washed up bums over future young studs on D for nearly 1/2 the season then players are gonna tune it out.
  15. Can this season get any weirder? Our O was on a historic pace but just turning the ball over. D was on historic pace as worst ever. Now the O semi stops turning the ball over and look like league worst and the D looks semi respectable. This team never ceases to amaze me.
  16. Niemann at the bottom holding on to the leg....after he was the first one in the hole. What a tool.
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