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Everything posted by Lamardirts
  1. Apparently this team still thinks they just need to flip the switch on O. We don't even attempt to run some plays for Gordon with Kelce getting manned up by a DB and Hill doubled. This is embarrasing. We deserve to lose.
  2. Gay got off a block to make that play. Niemann would have been on the other side of the field had someone put a hat on him.
  3. I'm glad we seem to have found 2/3 of our starting lb corp for 2022.
  4. Even when he pushes it down field with a clean pocket his throws aren't crisp or on point. Everything seems rushed or out of sync. The fact this offense is so complicated is stupid. When you have the best players on a team you literally cause things to be counter productive. Better players have to think thus allowing teams like the Giants to compete. Line up and smash the ball, then play action, then develop your pass game around the running game until they move defenders to the line of scrimmage. Andy knows how to beat loaded boxes when he did it with Alex Smith but now we can't figure out how to beat it with no one there? I think Andy has added to many personal components to route...such as a wr should do this when this happens but that means wr's have to make a judgment call based on incoming information of the D. Kelce alluded to it earlier this year. A big bodied receiver like Gordon should be able to make an impact with a month of arriving if he is in shape. Oh well, I love this team and will cheer for them until I die. Just frustrating to watch what should be a dominating season go to pot.
  5. We gonna get embarrassed next week. The only thing the Chiefs could do tonight to change the narrative is blow out the Giants. We are in a dog fight with a pathetic QB and minimally talented team. I'm not calling for people to get fired but leaderships decisions to game plan this way and play certain players is very questionable.
  6. Not a bad pass there but we throw it to mini me. Would be nice to have a big strong WR's to throw those kind of balls too.
  7. Man I love this team but they can be so frustrating to watch. Mahomes is off and possibly regressing. Dude hasn't looked good in weeks. Our O is off. We don't run the ball and we keep forcing our skiddish qb to wait for routes to develop downfield when the entire D is downfield. We match down field with ease running the ball and then go back to pass pass pass.
  8. We got some pieces on this D. We just need a better pass rush and the back end will fall into place.
  9. I despise Niemann being on the field. He is so slow compared to Gay.
  10. I remember years ago when Alex was here we went through a bad offensive stretch. Might have been the 1-5 start. He was doing what he typically does and completely forgetting the run. We were all screaming for him to run the ball. Lo and behold when we started running the ball we started winning again. This is the solution for what ails this team. Let those interior lineman maul. Let the tackles take a breather! Its not rocket science.
  11. Andy you fat piece of crap! You finally did what you should have since game 2 of this year. Ram the ball down the opponents throat. We can score 40 by running the ball!
  12. Imagine that!! I formation and we smash it down their throat. Run the ball!
  13. Gore is quicker and faster than Darrell. Feed the dude! Feed him the Dang Ball Andy!
  14. I think Patrick has regressed some this year. Its the first time he isn't able to sling it down field and get out of problems. He is staring down wr's and has happy feet. Andy isn't helping him by refusing to adapt. Derrick Gore needs to get more reps.
  15. I was thinking the same thing. Why wasn't Gay in there. Niemann is weak and slow but we put him in that situation? To be honest he never is a pass coverage LB. He's a run to the line and get nuetralized by a TE or WR kind of LB. He was in on that 3rd and 8 and did nothing.
  16. Andy Reid's first drive was good and then we looked to go back to the down the field crap. We won't learn so we are bound to repeat the stupidity of the previous 5 games.
  17. Bro, things are major wrong on this team. This is bad. Mahomes looks avg at best.
  18. We don't even have Gay on the field for that goal line stand........
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