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Everything posted by reesebobby
  1. Travis isn't super fast. But nobody in the world can cover him.
  2. Reid sucks. Time to turn the play calling over to someone else.
  3. Mr. Joe Delaney died trying to save kids. Hard to find a more noble death than that. . Would have been interesting to see how his career turned out. RIP.
  4. It's tough. He's one of the top paid tight ends, and I'm sure when he extended he was probably the highest paid tight end. Not sure why they are paid less than wide receivers, but it's the way it is. Clearly he is more valuable than all but a few wideouts. It's like an arms race. People look at his contract numbers and then they want something a little better. We see that with how Mahomes has suddenly gone from an insane number to the new norm.
  5. Personally I think trubisky has a much better career under reid. No way to know for sure obviously
  6. I'm reminded how bad the offensive coordinating was that year. Andy took the fall for the play calling and People were insisting that he give up the offense. After he left, Reid regained genius status. The playoff game was God awful.
  7. I don't think you can replace Reid seamlessly. IMO he's one of the top 5 coaches in the history of the game. But there's nothing about Nagy that makes me think he's the guy. He has been a coordinator for 1 season and a head coach for 4. His Chicago team got worse every year and really the only bright spot was Fangio and a ridiculous defense. Trubisky got worse under him. I think there's just as many holes in the argument that Nagy is the dude.
  8. No. The entire bonus was paid up front. But expensed against the cap over the life of the contract. Since the contract didn't go the distance, the part of the bonus that was paid but not yet expensed is charged to this year.
  9. I think basically if you get a 20 million signing bonus on a 4 year contract, you get the money up front, but the team gets to count 5 million a year against the cap instead of 20 million all in year 1. So the remaining signing bonus and guaranteed money not yet earned is basically a persons dead cap number.
  10. I know that he has a dead cap. But isn't that money he already received several years ago?
  11. I'm a little vague on that. Is he actually getting paid, or is it just a dead cap hit because of spreading the signing bonus that he received a couple years ago against several years of cap space?
  12. A sad day, but what a life she must have had. RIP Norma.
  13. He will benefit from recency bias. Not many talk about Montana anymore, great as he was. It's all Manning and Brady. And Mahomes highlight reel already dwarfs Brady's. Brady won a lot, but there's not that many spectacular plays you can point to. Just a lot of accurate throws.
  14. The Chiefs were 8th in the league in rush defense. And 7 yards per game from being a top 5 run defense.
  15. I'm sure there are some ego things occasionally. But I can't imagine how anyone could be too unhappy making 50 million a year to play football, winning Super Bowls and making another 7 million a year in endorsements. And he's one of the most popular athletes in America. The only problems in his life are his brother and owning part of the Royals.
  16. I'm a huge Mahomes fan. Obviously we all are. But I'm not sure I'd come running to his defense if he started complaining about his half a billion dollar contract.
  17. Demand a trade or he'll walk away from the game? I think he has the same problem. He's under contract with the Chiefs for a long time. If he was a UFA next year, I could see him having some leverage.
  18. Serious question. What leverage does Mahomes have? He's not a free agent until 2032. Is he gonna hold out until he's 37 and walk away from a half a billion dollars? To be honest, I'm not sure how all that works.
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