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Everything posted by reesebobby
  1. IDGAF about convincing you of anything. I was replying to your trying to convince me an hour ago that they would be changing tactics because this is the almighty Joe Burrow and his band of ruffians. And you were quoting me and my reply conversation with Mex. So get off my ass.
  2. I will make you this bet. If KC wins the toss they will defer. I will give you 10 trillion dollars if I lose and you have to rub Xen's bunions for 5 minutes and paint his nails if I win. That's a pretty good deal for you, I'd take it.
  3. I can't remember the exact number but because of bathroom and concession lines at halftime, arrowhead is like 35 percent empty to start the 2nd half
  4. The chiefs won the toss 10 times and deferred always. Those first series: They gave up 2 touchdowns. Scored 2 defensive touchdowns. Gave up a field goal. 4 punts and a turnover on downs. That's pretty good.
  5. I didn't get sprayed. But I can see why someone might not like it. And I might spray someone in a situation like that. But if that person complained I would apologize and not act like some kind of victim. Cause that makes her seem like a twat when she runs to Twitter and cries about being attacked.
  6. There are actual meaningful reasons to defer. Adrenaline helps defenders and hurts offenses. Crowd noise is louder to start the game. Wind dies down later so picking a goal gets less important. If we play well joe burrow is in too deep.
  7. So after 3 years of deferring and having unprecedented success we are afraid to give them the ball first and that's strategy?
  8. Ingram, Jones and Clark are talented enough to create pressure. We are the 2 time defending AFC Champs hosting our 4th consecutive AFCCG. We are playing against a 2nd year quarterback playing for a #4 seeded team that prior to this year hadn't won a playoff game since 1990. We defer. We play like we play. We should absolutely not change what we do and play scared against this team. Sure you adjust to Chase and you game plan, but I sure hope the message to the team is not that we are scared to kick off to Joe fucking Burrow to start the game.
  9. I'm thinking some of you guys must really love the Kardashians.
  10. I get the idea that getting sprayed by Patrick's wife is some kind of badge. But I had a 4 hour drive home after the game. I'm not sure I'd have wanted to be champagned up prior to. Also, I think we are to the place where winning round 2 of the playoffs at home is no longer the stuff of champagne popping. Seems like that's more of a AFCCG or Super Bowl thing.
  11. Yes. Here's a short clip of my family after we beat the Chargers earlier this year.
  12. That sounds like the perfect place for the Tonganoxie High Boys team to beat the US national team.
  13. I'm hoping Niemann tackles me. I think that's my best chance of avoiding injury.
  14. That's perfect. That should get me on TV for sure.
  15. I don't care if she's gorgeous, black or has a baby out of wedlock. She just seems like a whiny twat to me. She makes me miss Tyreek's woman.
  16. I'm sure sometimes that is true. But I think they could tell him to minimize it and he would. He seems pretty onboard with things. But he wasn't taking off in the middle of the season like he is now. For whatever reason.
  17. It is. And it sure feels like they made every effort to wait until it really mattered to unleash him again after the toe surgery. Which I'm perfectly happy with.
  18. No. But now that's part of it. And her complaining about being attacked every week. Her husband is being paid a half a billion dollars. Whether she likes it or not, she represents the franchise to a certain extent. I'm not asking her to die, but she could tone it down a little and still enjoy the success.
  19. I wouldn't mind it if she toned it down a little.
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