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Everything posted by reesebobby
  1. Of the two, I'd rather have Ford. But I understand that it's possible that Peters has matured since his time here.
  2. I wouldn't care if we lost those first two. I never want to see Peters or Ford in a Chiefs uni again.
  3. I think the question is that since his arraignment is after the season starts, would he be suspended prior to the arraignment or is just being charged sufficient.
  4. The first step is for you guys to admit that you have a problem.
  5. I've been seeing a lot of love for the Browns. The lights seemed a little too bright for the Bills last year, but maybe they are ready for a run? I suppose Rodgers to the Broncos could change some things also.
  6. Gig for Lamardirts. I shall bring this up at the next secret conclave of the moderators.
  7. I want everyone to know that I will be tough, but fair. I will not tolerate any tomfoolery, spelling errors, dangling participles, run on sentences, or basically any other grammatical errors. Double check your posts or maybe have a friend proof read them. The dictionary is your friend. Time that this board gets it shit together.
  8. Yeah. If the Patriots never win another game I'd be a happy camper.
  9. That contract was cutting edge. They got right to the point and killed it.
  10. Is your concern that we no longer have Watkins, our 5th leading receiver from last year's number 1 offense?
  11. Still probably a bunch of dead cap we'd have to eat.
  12. I know whenever I drive my Lambo, I am careful to keep the uzi under the seat and in a case. I can still get to it quickly if I'm attacked by an angry mob, but I just feel better with it in the case.
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