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Everything posted by sith13
  1. If healthy Juju is staying on the roster, if not then he would likely be a vet minimum that can may be help out in the playoffs. I believe the timing for this question is next year.
  2. Not sure if he's any better than the youngsters after the injury so there's no need to pay for him as that wouldn't be negating a need.
  3. CJ + Snead over any FA IMO. OT should be our go-to choice in the draft but that's it.
  4. Of course we make it to the playoffs. The schedule isn't harsh and I think a roster shakeup will boost some output.
  5. Definitely didn't follow one another but I'm fine with the time in between considering they are the 2 best TEs in NFL history.
  6. In the meantime Trey Smith has been balling. https://sports.yahoo.com/chiefs-ol-trey-smith-nfl-170507313.html
  7. Good news, he has a lot of upside but with Gray's recent surge I guess his best bet is TE3, which isn't still solid in this system.
  8. We have a bunch of veterans that have been decent at the position so a rookie coming into this system is obviously going to get some adjustment period.
  9. I think the #1 issue on defense has been the lack of versatility. We have decent players against the run and decent players against the pass as long as they focus on a single thing. However we miss a LB like Bolton who is great against both which will be a huge plus in first and possibly second downs.
  10. I wouldn't even be surprised if we get the #1 seed, but not sure if this young offense will step up with the pressure of the playoffs.
  11. Players talk trash in the NFL all the time, no harm in that but Hill should show some respect to the coach that made him and the QB that shined him over the years.
  12. Very predictable playcalling. It's as if they knew what we were going to do every single down. Looks like Denver game isn't the wake up call we were expecting.
  13. Terrible playcalling yet we won by defense. The young group is tremendous and are carrying us now but we need offense to show up at some point. Right now I think we'll make the playoffs but not the SB, hopefully that changes soon.
  14. Can't complain about the review but this offense wasn't returning from that drive without a TD. Too bad it's not 5/5.
  15. Curious what the threshold is for this exemption? Does the player have to plead guilty or something similar?
  16. The supporting cast could play a big role which would show Tua as LJ 2.0
  17. Unless there are some injury concerns or we lack depth I don't think bringing back anyone on defense is useful at this point. This defense is young and getting better by the week. Our biggest weakness is at DL but with the suspension taken care of we already have what we need to fix it.
  18. I think he went to the Bears last year. Don't know what he did before. Definitely a good move against the run but that's assuming he has some left in the tank.
  19. Possibly a no-name trade for a future conditional pick but they have generally worked well for us, especially on defense.
  20. Bringing in two new starting tackles is never a plug & play process. Needed some time for the whole linemen to really adjust to each other and come together as a unit. As long as they can create such pockets Mahomes will keep putting up TDs left and right.
  21. I guess the most important question is how much are we on the hook for regarding his 4 million deal?
  22. I don't mind "serviceable" as a starting point. Very young group with a lot of upside that will likely get better as the season goes on. I don't mind bringing in a veteran WR2 or WR3 but overall I think we'll have some youngsters break through similar to Pacheco last season. I wouldn't bank on it but I expect both Moore and Rice turn into solid options before the playoffs and if Toney can get his act together I think we'll be fine. As long as we have Mahomes the offense will survive.
  23. TBH my preferred outcome would be a tie. I hate both and I doubt this game will have an impact for this season. Reid's legacy after a bye is more than enough to get us a win already.
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