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Everything posted by sith13
  1. Clark isn't the problem he's simply a problem. That attempt at a tackle against Waton's TD was no different than watching Ford run like a headless chicken away from the run game. Looks like we replaced a bad player with another bad player but the bad player we sent was at least decent in one aspect of the game but obviously not worth a new deal. Among the 3 Houston is the best one so far in his new role and could have been much better to keep him for 21 million this year with the picks. He would either bring in a pick in FA or could be kept for a decent contract for the next couple seasons while we use those prime picks to fix the OL.
  2. First contact with QB at around 4 yards and can't wrap him up 😳
  3. Because we always have to be flashy, can't go for the basics. Otherwise we could easily win
  4. Mahomes is really hurting, clearly shows in that throw to Robinson.
  5. Actually I would probably be more comfortable with a defense like this as long as we can keep Mahomes upright. Two injuries on the same ankle within 5 games is too scary. However the way he's trying to fix the needs isn't showing me anything to be hopeful of going forward. He seems to be going for the flashy guys like WRs or pass rushers like most fans would rather than the fundamental guys so far.
  6. The sad part is we have a great FB in Sherman who can do a lot to help his pathetic line. Can't imagine why we have any plays without him on the field, he's no worse than the guys carrying the rock as long as we stick to handful of carries and he's a better blocker than all. Not to mention he's a decent receiver, which should be a boost for Reid.
  7. Also home team gets a serious advantage in some questionable penalties more often than not.
  8. This is not a video game where we can look at numbers and predict. A GM is the one that has to know whether a guy will work in the system or not. Everyone whiffs on a few but so many just diminishes the GM as a whole. Pretty much any guy on here could ask Reid what position we needed and go ahead to find someone in FA or draft, scouting and such are the main things to consider. Watkins was a bad contract to begin with, you simply don't pay guys with such injury history big money. That's like GM 101. It's not like he was good for much prior to coming here either, had 1000 yards and 10 TDs in two seasons combined. Those are the guys you bring in on a bargain mid-level deals. HB is no better for a GM either. The guy has 3 ACL + 2 shoulder surgeries in his career. Yet we make him one of the highest paid Safety in the league, as if we didn't just suffer the Eric Berry situation. I like the emphasis on Safety, it's the scouting Veach seems to be bad at, I like Thornhill so far and hopefully he'll get better over time and become a complete player. It's a reiteration but I consider the top money at pure pass rushers a waste as well. You basically tie up a lot of resources on a single guy who can simply be stopped by two street FAs in today's NFL. And if there's an injury the whole aspect of the team is gone. Teams don't win SBs while paying a single pass rusher top money. WR is simply a luxury position now. Just find a few decent guys and let your QB have some time with them and you are done with all the defensive restrictions due to penalties. We have a late round pick and an undrafted guy doing just as well as our multiple-pick 2nd round guy. The offensive rule is simple, find an elite QB (very tough to do) and use offensive resources on protecting him. Then you can worry about luxury picks like WR or RB as one injury to your QB means the whole team going down unlike any other position on the roster. In terms of positions Veach seems to be going for what the fans want but he (and his staff) doesn't seem to be good at analyzing those guys which is entirely on him. In the mean time pretty much any other GM seems to get the better of him in draft trades and players seem to get a lot of guarantees without actually performing at that level in their careers. We enter a draft with major needs at 2 starting OL positions and a more important backup OT then end up giving up 2 high picks for what looks to be our #4 or #5 WR. Even for the #2 WR that would be a huge mistake. I like the Ogbah trade as well as the Okafor signing. Pretty much the entire 2018 draft looks terrible and this year doesn't seem to be any better with Thornhill being the only contributor. Overall I think Veach and his staff are very questionable at scouting and I don't see any contracts that we can consider to be a bargain. Paying top money to risky guys isn't a good move.
  9. I was actually very high on Clark. However it looks like he was a product of the system or the players around him making him look better. I think the same can be said of Hitchens but I haven't actually watched him prior to his arrival in KC. We are overpaying young guys hoping that they will actually get better once in KC. So far none of them has been worth their contracts and some were even crazy (like the walking injury Watkins). In the mean time while placing 2 WRs among the highest paid ones we let our line become an expressway to the QB and raised the bar to resign other impending FAs like Jones. Not all the positions we spent money/picks on are low priority but some of them are and I would argue that WRs are pointless in today's NFL as we have seen in Robinson and even Pringle situations. I believe the same to be true for pass rushers, when was the last time a team won the SB while paying a pass rusher top money? I literally don't know the dates of the whole thing but can't think of any team in this decade (may be I'm missing one?). I like the emphasis on Safety in both FA and draft but so far that seems to be the only position we actually made a good move (in draft, not FA yet). Dorsey was no different in contracts. He wasn't that high on FAs but extended his own guys with the hope that they will get better over time. Tell me do you actually like paying high guarantees over short term for questionable guys that earn more in 3 years (with the dead money) than most guys in similar positions earn over 5-6 year deals?
  10. That really hurts, the guy we let go is the one that messed up our offense. We were supposed to pile up on tackles behind the LOS this year but seems to be the other way around.
  11. Not sure we signed any emerging players though. Hitchens didn't emerge in the national stage until we paid him (looks like for the wrong reasons) and Watkins had a history of injuries followed by an average season in LA. I expected Clark to be much better than what he is now but doesn't look like he was scouted very well. HB is probably the best performer among signings and he's not really worth the money so far either. I'm against paying guys over 30 but that's not really what Dorsey did though, most of the guys he paid were on their second deals with Hali probably being the exception. That being said proven guys with a lame third contract are not a bad way to go (aka Michael Bennett type guys). So far we have basically overpaid everyone in FA and since these are short term contracts with high percentage in guarantees we are not saving any money in the long run either. Right now we have 23 million in cap space but guys like Mahomes, Jones, etc will eat up that space and some of the signings like Clark and HB don't really have considerable cap hits yet. In fact we have 190 million tied up for next season. If we had a QB on the roster that actually had a QB contract we wouldn't have that cap space and that may actually be as early as next year, hence why I think Dorsey = Veach in contracts. The big problem IMO is that we are wasting money and picks with Veach as we seem to be spending those at low priority positions that don't bring in enough added value.
  12. Definitely need Sherman out there. Build a decent run game so the pass will actually work.
  13. Houston seems to be much better and the 2 early picks would simply make up for the difference in cap. May be a 2-year extension to Houston similar to what Indy gave him could have been a useful move, if not one season of decent DE play with our picks either contributing or ready to take over soon.
  14. I think it's a good move. He has a history of decent performance in a position of need and definitely could be better than what we have been going back to in Allen. Didn't know he was out of work though, didn't keep track of him after Oakland.
  15. It's no different to give bad contracts to guys in their first big deals than those in their third ones. If the players are bad the contracts simply keep hurting with limited cap. Tell me one considerable contract in Veach era that actually didn't hurt the Chiefs (not even neutral)? Right now the only difference is that we had to pay a QB in Dorsey's era and don't have to yet in Veach's era. Other than that it's literally the same cap management. Neither guy paid CBs and both loved paying pass rushers. Both guys kept drafting project players early on. Veach is simply a younger version of Dorsey. The only difference I see is that Dorsey actually drafted a few solid guys in mid & late rounds but Veach will probably get there over time as well, too many similarities.
  16. Glad to hear it's not a major injury. He'll probably be back in a few weeks and probably won't cause issues going forward in the season (assuming there are no new ones).
  17. Actually we probably lost Saturday because of Hardman and could have lost in Detroit again because of Hardman. We had glaring holes at LG and OC entering the draft (assuming everyone stays healthy all over). Then we go ahead and pick a WR. Hill is out yet Hardman is still our #3 or #4 WR. The reality of football is that WRs are dime a dozen, you can find similar guys in late rounds or even undrafted ones. Now we have a line that can't protect Mahomes yet we should be happy because we have a guy who gets 4-5 targets a game if a few guys ahead of him are injured?
  18. How so? We can't get out of Hitchens deal until 2022 (the last year) and that's with 1/3rd of his deal going to dead money. In case of Clark we cannot get out until his last year with 1/5th going to dead money. How is his contracts any better than Dorsey's? In the mean time we paid Watkins top 5 WR money as well as HB being a top 5 Safety in FA. BTW I love Okafor signing and the Ogbah trade. However I don't see any improvement in Veach over Dorsey in terms of contracts. We might actually be in worse situation as the players don't seem to be the right ones.
  19. Some defenders might be into the mean look and not shaking hands but an offensive player, especially a QB, should be far away from it. In terms of talent and personality Mahomes is basically a dream come true.
  20. Definitely, and we might have actually stepped it up from last year as well. However we only do those by not being content with where we are by accepting our problems but rather upgrading wherever possible. If Veach is the problem as Sutton was then upgrading at GM will only make us better.
  21. Well we accomplished most of those with Sutton in town, why did we let him "get away"?
  22. He spent 4 picks on Hardman and Speaks, our #4 WR as it seems and a developmental pass rusher who was a terrible pick for our scheme back then. Both were our first picks in those drafts. I'm pretty sure he'll find a way to trade away our next #1 pick as well together with a few more for yet another single player.
  23. Well we will end up being in the same cap situation within a year or two. IMO Veach is no better than Dorsey with contracts. Pretty much all his considerable FA moves look to be bad and he doesn't seem to be doing any better in draft either. I don't think we have upgraded one bit, not sure if he's a downgrade though. I'm not saying Hunt is furious with Veach but I believe he'll be at some point and hopefully Mahomes will not be the next Luck in terms of health by then. Thinking that we have been outstanding under Veach is just funny though, very very funny
  24. We were already doing that without Veach. What did Veach bring to the table that we didn't have without him? A GM is judged on fixing his mistakes, if Veach cannot show that he can I doubt Hunt will keep him around for long.
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