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Everything posted by sith13
  1. So Kinnard will be focusing on RT, that could be an interesting takeover rather soon. Didn't know Niang was active though.
  2. Would love that trade but why would the Bears give up a 2nd for a guy whose top season in his career came in 3 years ago during his rookie season with 538 yards and 6 TDs having the record breaking Mahomes at QB? I think Hardman is likely worth a 3rd day pick and anything better would be great IMO. Not sure if I would want him to leave for anything less than a 4th though, at least he knows the system and could be a 1-year "rental" type guy that may bring in that pick through FA.
  3. I think McKinnon will be our 3rd down guy with Pacheco backing him up. CEH and Jones might end up as the actual rushers but with our weird play calling I wouldn't be surprised with any setup.
  4. With so many changes on both sides of the ball we'll likely see quite a bit of veterans as well to build some harmony. Not as much as the youngsters though which is the point of the preseason.
  5. I doubt Hunt would be any better than Bell in KC at this point in his career. May be he shines in a couple games but too far gone to be a consistent threat IMO.
  6. 0.01% chance of that happening. Charles was so unique that I think he makes Hill look like a regular player in comparison. Would love to see Charles in this offense, he would likely make NFL history in a few areas.
  7. Better than this year would mean a consistent solid LT so I wouldn't let him walk by any means. Tag would be a must for me in that case. I'm assuming most teams wouldn't mind giving up a 1st for a solid LT so the trade would be my first option but I wouldn't mind extending him for the mentioned numbers either. I don't think he'll accept that much though. The worst case scenario for me, assuming he's healthy, is that he'll leave for a 3rd in 2024 after playing his second season on the tag while we fix other needs. Also if we find the LTOTF I don't mind that guy rotating for a season.
  8. Definitely a good move by the Chiefs but I don't see Brown valued any higher than that. As you said the offer was 19.5 per year which would make him the 5th highest paid OL in the NFL while making it look like the highest on paper for ego purposes. I don't see him getting anything better than that unless he takes a huge leap and more importantly I don't think it'll make giving up picks for him any easier for most GMs around the league.
  9. How hard can it be to replace Niemann at any aspect of the game 🤔
  10. 10 million in KC could be worth 12 on a team with lame QB. There's always that small difference as the better QB will win the receiver some money off the field as well. Sustained success topped off with a ring or two means some decent money after retirement and with the tv deals coming in I think more and more players are realizing that.
  11. There's a special dialect that comes with national titles 😎
  12. Curious about the market for OBJ. He's good but not great, just turned down the highest LT contract in terms of average. Not sure if any GM would be on board to give up prime picks just to take on this whole mess.
  13. To me the logic is simple, if we are paying the top LT money we should be getting the top LT. Otherwise overpaying will lead to losing some critical players in the future.
  14. Historically ST coaches have a limited say in the picks but I'm pretty sure the ST capabilities would be a deciding factor among very close prospects later in the draft. Don't know if they already saw some talent in Pacheco as a ST guy or if he shined to be one during the camp but if he's a legit option he'll definitely make the team with that speed.
  15. May not have been very clear on my part as my intention was to mention the guys not earning as much as they should have over a longer period of time as the old fashioned "elite" status would suggest. Right now the going rate for elite players seem to be the top money at the contract signing which gets surpassed by inferior players in a few years. However Kelce is truly elite but his contract doesn't reflect that as opposed to Donald who'll likely be the top dog for quite a while.
  16. Well I also envisioned us winning 3 back to back SBs 😅
  17. Not really taking less than market value, if we look with that perspective Kelce is still the #2 TE in terms of contract value. My point is rather being underpaid based on contribution. Elite players are generally paid as the top player, or very close, at the signing of the contract but they don't really get too far ahead of the positional value and fall behind in rankings within a year or two. Kelce is paid as the #2 TE but based on the contributions his real value would be the top TE even after a few years pass. The same goes for Mahomes who's now getting paid less than guys like Murray or Watson with laughable guarantees in comparison. Looking at the entire NFL I'm pretty sure I'm missing a few guys but I don't know anyone other than Donald who's not underpaid and will likely remain so throughout his contract.
  18. No surprises with the statement, he can't find a better QB elsewhere so staying here until retirement makes perfect sense. He's definitely underpaid based on the current numbers but that's not very uncommon for elite players.
  19. Interesting prospect coming out but isn't he a RT now?
  20. I always envisioned Kinnard starting at RT in 2023 with Niang at LT.
  21. It was more of a roster issue. I don't think Dunlap was bad at LB but not great either. However he definitely belongs to the DL.
  22. He'll definitely end up in coaching, bring in Smith too.
  23. I guess he didn't want to risk losing his job to an ex-starter at LT or a youngster. Should definitely look to trade him at the end of this season.
  24. I would add the veteran leadership to the mix. Clark is a proven idiot and we have a bunch of young bodies at DE, they could learn quite a lot from an established veteran so Dunlap might be providing that presence.
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