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Everything posted by sith13
  1. The idea of the meeting actually taking place in the past but staying quiet as he considers other opportunities makes sense. Feels a lot like a thing a loyal guy like Reid would do but I don't like the idea of the Chiefs actually being the safety net at this point. We need to get rid of EB regardless and if there's going to be a hire coming in from elsewhere in the NFL we don't have much time left either as once the new season begins the whole thing becomes a huge mess.
  2. The ideal prototypical size used to be 6'2" 200 pounds but that no longer seems to be the case with the rules favoring the offense and the "smaller" shifty guys tend to get a lot of recognition. Also I think some players play faster/slower than their pure speed or bigger/smaller than their size IMO.
  3. There was talk about the looming meeting but not sure if anything else came out. Not sure how the story affects this whole process though.
  4. Quite a bit of stars had some red flags coming out. Hopefully Bolton will end up the same.
  5. Not sure about Lammons but Kemp is generally used a lot by the defense due to his size which is a big upside when practicing for the opposing teams. However if they believed some other player had more upside then they would keep him/them over these guys.
  6. They are. ST capabilities are just used as tie-breakers for others when you don't really care about whomever you keep. With the way NFL has evolved returners must be exceptional to have a roster spot as just returners and gunners are basically project players that you want to keep around.
  7. QB is an exceptional position and unless your team really sucks you generally have to give up multiple picks for one. However other than that a single pick should equal a single player as in the end every rookie is a project. However raw players should be selected later in the draft as the return on investment in terms of the cap is very critical in this environment. Anyone selected in the first 3 rounds should either be starting or have a decent place in the rotation and if you have to wait a few years for any of them to show up then it's a bad pick. Again QB is the exception and there's nothing wrong with the LT sitting out as a swing tackle for a year IMO.
  8. Aligns with some of the pre-story thoughts on this board as well. Seems like there's a shared view on EB throughout the NFL.
  9. Well he's in basically the exact situation now with Daboll but may be thought it's much easier of a move to the HC gig or a more serious OC option from there.
  10. You mean from the Chiefs' perspective, I thought you meant the other way around. In that sense I think Chiefs should be able to understand his will to stay put for a year with no serious long term option available and keep loyalty to Big Ben who basically made him. Unless there's any resentment from the Chiefs frontoffice I think this should be an easy deal to take care of rather soon.
  11. A bit surprising since he has been turning a lame investment into gold in the secondary. Not sure how that's possible with the players not liking him but may be it was a relatively new thing?
  12. The only question in my mind is why did Kafka leave if this is the case? It's apparent that EB wouldn't stick around with such a storied season so it would look like his time to shine in this regime.
  13. Even thought Ridley is the more talented receiver I think Juju is the better move for the Chiefs. Keep the picks for defense and don't worry about Ridley's personal issues in the future.
  14. Players can talk trash as much as they want during the game. It definitely helps some do better but nobody should be talking trash or trying to roast others after the game. Looks juvenile and somewhat classless.
  15. I love Bolton's performance and he is a beast but Creed is definitely the ROY for us and it's not even close. What I love more is the number of rookies who were awesome throughout the year.
  16. 16-0 to begin, can't be sure about the last game with reserves.
  17. I imagine the front office would have some concrete info on that but not sure if we'll ever hear about them unless there's some public incident in the mix.
  18. That was a very good return but I wouldn't consider it the primary spark. After 24-0 defense didn't let the Texans get out of their own half until we were already up by 17, offense scoring 6 TDs in 7 drives without letting them pass midfield. You don't get that with just a return to the midfield.
  19. I don't think the new guy has to put his foot down and send Reid to just the HC role, nor believe that's even an option but I believe taking some ownership of the process could go a long way. A downside of being a players' coach is that you can't always be as stern as you like, such as the last play of the first half against the Bengals. Another figure in the mix could help balance that.
  20. I don't really blame Eli talking trash against us. It's our immature WRs that started that ordeal. Not sure about what triggered Kupp and the rest but I prefer if the Chiefs just stay out of this whole mess.
  21. Hopefully a new OC will challenge Reid in that sense and get us a decent offensive balance.
  22. I didn't watch the entire game but watched some in the second half and been through the highlights. We should have easily won the Bengals game and then win the SB with a reasonable approach. Especially the Rams seem to be weakest at our strengths.
  23. Playing defense is much more demanding than offense. Not that I think we have solid tacklers all over the defense but they would definitely benefit from the offense actually giving them a rest between drives. 2-3 changes on the lineup would go a long way to take care of our tackling problem.
  24. When you have some of the pieces in place I don't think it's a bad strategy. Definitely not as good, or sustainable, like building for one but in the end they got to the promised land. The difference between 0 and 1 SB wins is much bigger than the difference between 1 and 3 IMO.
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