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Everything posted by sith13
  1. His cap hit is $19.7M. I would imagine a new deal would give us 10+ at this point, if not more.
  2. I wouldn't mind going for some 4-year rentals in earlier rounds instead of going for "potential". We don't seem to get those potentials realized and spend a lot of time without getting much production from cheap contracts. I like the physical play and there seems to be enough of that. Hopefully the mental aspect will be taken care of as well.
  3. RIP Definitely expected with the recent developments but still tough to hear. His legacy will live on.
  4. Again, not saying he can't play OC just saying we can't really pencil him as the starter. Unlike Gay Allegretti has been here for multiple seasons and hasn't really entered the OC rotation at any point. He might even be a career OG in the NFL. Gay was a rookie and they don't seem to like his state as one, if he's still a backup in 2021 I wouldn't consider him a starter for 2022 this time next year.
  5. Ouch, Ward doesn't seem like a cheap option to bring back then. Might be better off looking for someone else or let him walk and bring him back cheap.
  6. They probably thought Wylie in that situation was better than the alternatives or really liked the continuity. I wouldn't be surprised if they actually thought Wylie was the best of the bunch at all, would explain all the love he got from the coaches. The same could be said of Reiter ahead of Kilgore. The fact that they have been ranking Allegretti behind these guys in our depth chart doesn't lead me to believe that Allegretti could or should start in 2021. May be he does but wouldn't pencil him in as a starter just yet.
  7. As a RFA I doubt Ward gets any serious looks. They could easily tender him with a 3rd day pick and he would be back for cheap, if not we at least we get something in return.
  8. The issue that I have with Allegretti is that he has been around for 2 years with us needing someone to step in at OC in various times but was overlooked in every one of them. They may just be considering him as an OG or may be backup IOL in general but I don't get the impression that he's seen as our starting OC in the recent future. I don't expect Allegretti to be gone, he showed some promise IMO but reminds me of the Kush situation when we thought he would be replacing Hudson only to have him cut in the offseason as our expectations from him may be higher than his value with the staff. Regardless we seem to need a new OT and a new OG/OC that will start in 2021 so the top 2 picks are more likely but should probably add another interior guy not much later to replace LDT in 2022, if not sooner.
  9. Not saying they would but we have seen Trent Richardson move for a high offer so who knows
  10. I was expecting a Hunt-like role for CEH but ended up averaging something like 13 touches a game, that's a player any team can and should give up for any decent return. It's like having a shiny new car sitting in the garage.
  11. As the Bucs showed street FAs are enough as long as there's a decent line. FA WRs will be fighting each other to play in KC for 1-year vet minimum deals. Linemen are much harder to find and cost a lot more. Besides any player that's not starting and contributing in year 1 will be a bust and we all know WRs don't do $hit with Reid for a while. No WR is worth more than a 4th for the Chiefs in any draft as long as Reid is here.
  12. Not saying he's bad, in fact should have used him much more. However in an environment with so many major needs and viable RBs do we actually turn down something like a 1st for CEH at this point?
  13. If there's a buyer for CEH I wouldn't mind trading him for something similar to what Browns got for Trent Richardson. 2 Williams seem to be doing a decent job whenever they get the call and we could use a proven player in a position of need instead of CEH as we can't fix them all via the draft.
  14. Tough to argue against that. If you are not going to use a RB why waste picks in drafting guys high. Not sure if Veach really assembled great roster yet. He's out there wasting picks on flashy positions like RB or WR while the half billion $ QB doesn't even get a single pocket throughout the game. Veach seems to be a great scout for some positions or at least knows how to pick the right guys and finds talent throughout the draft but he sure doesn't know how to build a roster.
  15. Keeping him around doesn't really add another WR either, it just kills a roster spot. I would simply start with Hill & Pringle and find some cheap FAs hoping for a ring or some late round / undrafted guys that might surprise us.
  16. No thanks, I would just hope for an injury settlement. He earned a lot more than he deserved already and not getting any better or younger.
  17. The refs screwed us over big time with all the fresh downs handed to Brady but still Reid was outcoached, trenches sucked big time, things that we were lucky to get away with finally caught up and led to the big loss. Starting the season with so many front office mistakes the team exceeded my expectations and I'm just glad we didn't get any major injuries to Mahomes that will linger for 2021.
  18. Going back to the draft, it's OL or bust.
  19. All the stakeholders will want some competition for Mahomes so they will keep supporting guys like Allen throughout Mahomes' career. They need the Mahomes vs someone narrative going forward.
  20. It's 2 Brady fans against me so I could really use the help
  21. Picking up brisket from a Kansas BBQ place in town and they are preparing some off-menu wings just because I'm a Chiefs fan. Will be making my own nachos as a couple friends are coming over. Brisket before the game and the rest during. All with some local IPA and stout a friend is bringing over.
  22. I hope the children recover. Pure stupidity by Britt, and the timing is really unlucky for us.
  23. Green sure is an upgrade over Watkins talent-wise but he's definitely not healthier. It would make sense to give him the vet minimum if he wants a ring, otherwise I don't think Chiefs have any cash to spend on a 30+ guy with health issues.
  24. Bucs are the underdogs no doubt about it but it's impossible to predict the SB. A single player can always doom a team or a couple plays could change the whole outcome. However I still feel much more comfortable this time around as opposed to last year.
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