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Everything posted by sith13
  1. You never expect the guy on the ground to deflect a ball over Kelce, that was a freak play.
  2. Looks like they are missing quite a few guys, should be relatively easy for us.
  3. http://buffstreamz.com/nfl-streams/ You need to open a couple pages to get to the streams. Not sure about the content though, you might end up with some porn.
  4. Lynch was a beast but so far removed from the NFL I'm not sure if he would be worth anything at this point of the season. Also don't know how much he has left in the tank but I'm fine with Bell in the mix for us.
  5. I don't know, Mahomes seems to like it down in Florida especially Miami.
  6. Sometimes the defense can get annoyed enough to actually hurt playmakers, Hill and the rest should stay away from that IMO. Otherwise they are allowed to have some fun and especially Hill deserves it. I do like to see some old fashioned plays around the goal line though. Occasional trick plays or bold moves are nice to have but we seem to have too much of it, the OL needs to learn to allow the HB to pound the ball.
  7. I can see another Ravens type game in this one. They have a solid defense but the offense is very limited due to both the QB and the rest. Our pass defense should be able to hold them in check as long as the offense scores a couple early TDs. They are good at ball protection so we need to make sure that they take some risks and the ball hawks in the secondary will do the rest.
  8. The only way to get sustainable success is via the draft. We'll be paying Mahomes for quite a while and likely some to the supporting cast but we need to draft well to keep up the success. Sometimes the best player is the one that will contribute in the short term without a high ceiling in the long term, that's a draft mentality we need to start seeing in Veach. Otherwise we'll simply be paying any player by the time they are worth something. For long term sustainability of success it's essential to have some guys leave after their rookie deals and go for 2nd tier FAs that will outplay their contracts.
  9. It's good to see Smith finally beat the Steelers. Don't know how the seeding will turn out but Big Ben and the company have been exposed quite a bit over the last couple weeks. I think they lose at least one other game but not sure about us.
  10. Not sure what stats can be used to show that we didn't stretch the field as usual. We were terrible in red zone which is a whole other issue but most of our underneath throws were very contested as well.
  11. We were 3 out of 10 on 3rd downs against a Denver team that shouldn't really be so competitive. It'll always be ignored as long as there is nice cushion on the scoreboard but that wasn't the case either.
  12. The fact that we aren't using Sherman doesn't take away his usability though. We run better with him on the field and he's pretty good at catching out of the backfield. He has better hands than all our non-Kelce TEs, surprised that he's not used more often.
  13. I think Mahomes is messing up quite a bit of stats for the linemen. He's very mobile and can extend plays so even when our linemen mess up big time they can get away with it due to Mahomes making something out of nothing. QB mobility should somehow be reflected on the stats and in that case we would have much lower rankings.
  14. We have the deep ball and will always do with Hill around. However I don't think we stretched the field, in fact the defense playing close to the box got Hill so wide open. The defenses are focused on the pass but lately not as stretched out as we are used to and that seems to take away the underneath throws rather easily. Still we should be able to move the chains with ease but we seem to go for the complex plays on 3rd downs rather than the simple ones to get enough for a first.
  15. With that speed and hands a WR should always find ways to be useful, I wish some reporter asked Reid about him. Even Robinson is getting more snaps and he has hands of stone. I'm starting to think that we should trade down the 2nds for a 3rd and a 4th may be. Thornhill is probably the only one that worked out well for us over the last billion picks.
  16. I never understood that, there are like 9-10 routes yet players whose entire job is based on them take too long to learn even after some time in college. I would imagine that it should be easier for Hardman to implement the routes as he's pretty agile but there sure is something wrong.
  17. Agree we need to take some shots (like with Gay) and live with the consequences. The payoff could be much higher and we need such guys to adjust sooner or later. We didn't really stretch the field nor utilized the backs It was mostly throwing short to mid range to receivers which is much easier to cover for the defense. Also I don't understand the weird plays on 3rd downs, just go for the regular stuff that should work, no need to get flashy or creative. Run if you have to and fall short but do some simple stuff. With so much talent 11-1 isn't surprising, if anything the loss was a bigger surprise. Even when we don't play well there's still enough talent to be competitive and so far this year that competitiveness kept winning us games. However we need to get some things figured out for the playoffs. I think that'll be much easier since we are already in the playoffs and have more flexibility to try new stuff.
  18. Yep, not sure when he'll be ready though. If they use simple routes for him he seems to be doing fine, that could be just the defense ignoring him as it was only a couple games but who knows. However other than the DMC type backfield roles Hardman seems to be overlooked way too much for a recent high pick. Hill used to be terrible with routes as a rookie but Reid designed plays to utilize his abilities back then, right now I'm not sure if he's spending any time for Hardman.
  19. PFF could have been ranking Osemele in the time span he played and Allegreti over a longer time span that includes now. Just a guess as I don't know how they are doing it.
  20. Defense isn't good but this one is one the offense and Reid. Since we cannot/do not run teams realized that they need to take away the deep ball and focus on stopping the underneath receivers. We have been one play away from losing way too many times to win the SB. If we don't run the ball we cannot rip any decent gains and even if we don't get any decent yardage as long as it's enough to move the chains within 3 plays that's something to consider. Otherwise passing won't continue to cut it against tougher opponents. Another thing is Hardman played some decent football when given the chance, afterwards he has been a 1-2 target guy again, not sure if it's Mahomes or Reid that doesn't like Hardman but why did we spend a high pick on a guy if we are not going to play him. Not to mention he was decent when used.
  21. Yep TE over WR is a bigger priority. We have a 30+ year-old guy and nothing else yet ignore the position quite often. Also a viable second option at TE would open up the playbook even more.
  22. Ogbah was really good, but that was his goal in KC all along. He wanted to showcase his skills and get the big bucks, which he did last year.
  23. If we take care of business in the 1st or the 2nd quarter I think we'll see more youngsters getting the bulk of the snaps. That being said I would already expect Gay to play all 3 downs as we don't really have a viable alternative but coaches love themselves some veteran experience. They would really have to surprise to make this one competitive. I wouldn't rule it out as we needed near perfect performances from Mahomes to win some of the last few and division games are always tougher but if we cannot take care of these Broncos with ease then I think we may be thinking about SB way sooner than we should.
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