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Everything posted by sith13
  1. They artificially increased the impact of the crowd noise over the stadium here in with a special setup to keep the crowd noise while pushing up the ticket prices. It's not that big of a deal when watching on TV but feels really weird to hear so much noise in the stadium when people around you are just sitting down and watching the game with minimal noise.
  2. The cast will depend on the surgery and his specific case. I liked the youngsters early but we could look to add another body to the mix until Breeland returns. Hopefully the injury doesn't bother him for long, Ward is on the right track to become a decent CB for a while.
  3. It sure can't get any worse than this, let the youngsters come up with some fire.
  4. Defense will simply get to pick their poison, I'm guessing we'll see a few more long bombs this year than 2019.
  5. We also learned that our LBs are crap, once that's fixed I don't see any real competition against the Chiefs.
  6. Teams will start stacking the box against him, which is when Mahomes will thrive but I'm guessing we'll see a few more of these performances as early as this season.
  7. LB will be an issue this year as well. Hopefully Gay catches up quick but I don't see the group being any sort of strength any time soon. Overall the defense has a lot of potential but we need some rotation to form up. Offense is the same as always, no worries there.
  8. Sneed looked decent probably the biggest rookie surprise for me. Don't know if Gay even played, may be on ST? CEH doesn't have the speed but looks like a robust guy that always falls forward. I think that's more critical at RB, move the chains and get some yardage after first contact.
  9. Is there even an outrage from the Native Americans or are the Chiefs just following suit with the weird sensitive mood in pro sports?
  10. LDT already made some nice cash in the NFL and doesn't have much time left to earn big bucks so moving on to being a medical doctor is a very smart move IMO. Williams opted out due to his mother, definitely not good for his career but probably the right move. I agree with the rest, Niang probably hurt his career quite a bit and the TE situation is really unexpected.
  11. NFL is uploading to Youtube rather quick, I guess the ads bring in some nice money. Should be there soon, if not already.
  12. Sounds like his fate was sealed last year and was only a matter of someone pushing him off the roster for good.
  13. Great video, and the cost have just gone higher in my mind
  14. Even PS is weird this year. That's good to know, he may be old but did really well last year as the street FA.
  15. Unless Henne goes down with something I'm pretty sure Moore won't be in KC for long. Some team will need him rather soon.
  16. Deiter will likely turn into a camp body after this season followed by on his way out of the league.
  17. I'm not sure if Mahomes could mentor him but he would definitely benefit from being around Reid. Andy simply has a way with QBs even if they don't see the field much and looks like we'll have at least 1 game where Mahomes will sit out after we lock on the #1 seed. The status of Reid's backup QB sure has some value around the NFL.
  18. Bring in Sidney Jones if he's healthy and get rid of him if he doesn't beat late round rookies. Rosen makes a lot of sense as well, I'm pretty sure Chiefs would be his #1 destination with Reid's ability to revive QB careers, in his case to actually start it. 2 vet minimum signings that might be useful at some point.
  19. Had really high hopes for Speaks in 4-3 and we traded up for him. Definitely sucks to see a guy fail to reach his potential so early in his career. I'm pretty sure someone else will give him a chance but wouldn't be surprised if he ends up at NT.
  20. Do they even have a secondary to stop our attack? There's some chance that Eric Murray will be starting
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