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Everything posted by sith13
  1. This has been a weird offseason for sure but it may have been lucky for us as we got to retain quite a bit of coaches. I'm guessing we'll start losing some of them by 2021.
  2. I would imagine it all depends on his progress as a coach but Smith would definitely need to change a lot in his mentality to be a good HC.
  3. It's all about drafting well and coaching the rookies/FAs. I think the most overlooked part of the SB run has been the coaching upgrades we got. Pretty much every player performed better than they ever did with the new staff which was very critical. Otherwise the team falls apart when you cannot pay the top talent any more. With Mahomes' rookie deal up in 2 years we still have time to replace some positions with cheaper youngsters but who knows what the cap will be under current circumstances.
  4. I think players are fine with the lack of a signing bonus as long as they get some guarantees. Makes a lot of sense in the current environment as it allows the club to keep some cash in the pocket without knowing what the future holds.
  5. Military family, lived all over. Now I'm in Seattle but might have to start considering other options.
  6. Not sure if Andy is healthy enough to contemplate his future retirement. I always thought he would suffer some condition during a game and retire at the end of that season to avoid future problems.
  7. There's some decent upside with him so Andy could turn him into a solid #2 may be.
  8. I would imagine we would rely more on some formations with Sherman on the field rather than Bell. The TE depth has been a major issue for years but you never know who'll turn into a star at the most unexpected time.
  9. There is a lot of hype around him so he should be an answer at LB but not sure if this weird offseason will hamper his rookie season. He could emerge as the next Thornhill if the reports are correct.
  10. I would definitely look to upgrade Fisher, his rankings don't justify his pay but he's definitely not the weak link on the line. We should look to fix the interior OL before changing OTs as long as health/age doesn't become an issue.
  11. If Watkins extends with a 2nd tier WR money that would be awesome as we wouldn't need to worry about the position for quite some time. Always have a youngster to groom as Andy likes for the future but never really needing a high investment.
  12. That can be said by any player. In reality we never know if someone would step up under the new circumstances.
  13. Jones gave his employer that option when he signed his rookie deal which entered him to the NFLPA, and he's a member of. If he didn't like being in NFLPA he shouldn't sign his rookie deal or find a way to resolve his grievance within the union. The quoted part is true except that it should be 3 (my bad). Every NFL contract comes with the option of the tag due to the CBA which enables the employer to retain the services of any player following the duration of the signed contract. Players bitching about the rules they have agreed to isn't really something worth sympathizing IMO.
  14. He signed his rookie deal under the existing CBA which gave Chiefs the option. He already knew the rules and agreed to them when he signed that deal. Now he has the option of denying the rules and leave or comply with the rules and continue to work in the NFL.
  15. Exactly what I mean. Jones signed a deal that gives the Chiefs option of retaining his services for an additional time.
  16. So far she's 100% accurate, that beats pretty much every pundit who are supposed to be experts.
  17. I can't agree with players on this one. He has signed a contract that enables his employer to retain his services for 2 more years with certain increase in his pay. If Jones doesn't like the terms he can complete his lawful obligations and then seek employment elsewhere. A lot of people end up in similar situations but don't get to bitch about it like NFL stars.
  18. On paper I'll be 48 but being a Chiefs fan prior to Mahomes has put up quite a bit of extra wear & tear.
  19. Don't know what the future holds in terms of cap space but the contract screams restructure/extension down the line. It'll be very fun to watch other teams struggle extending lamer QBs who all think they deserve something close to Mahomes.
  20. Over 400 isn't surprising but the question is how much over?
  21. I guess the 5th year option counts as well.
  22. There has been quite a few 6-year deals. Even we have given them to guys like Berry, Houston, Hali, etc.
  23. He "must play out his rookie deal" so we don't have to give him anything for another year unless they think it helps down the line. However I'm not sure if the 5th year option counts as part of that rookie deal, I think it's simply an option that the team can pick up and players cannot refuse but don't think it goes into effect right away.
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