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NCK Chiefs Fan

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NCK Chiefs Fan last won the day on February 7 2019

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  1. That would be pretty hard to do. Chuckle chuckle. I have no idea where he lives and vice versa, besides I don"t drink. Never did develop the taste for it.
  2. Thanks for the info, did not know that he is a Doc. Never met anyone on this board so how could I know that But I also have some knowledge about the subject. Have seen that same injury several times.
  3. Do you know something they are not telling us? Why do you think he will not be back this year? A Fracture of the fibula is not that a serious of an injury. I saw several of them, that same injury, during my career and mostly they were back by 8 -10 weeks. The main purpose of the fibula bone is to provide stability to the ankle joint. There seems to me there is no reason he should not be back in the 6 - 8 or 10 week range.
  4. It's possible the Gruden holds a grudge against the raiders and since he and Andy have been fellow team mated and friends for 30 years or so he wants to work with Andy to help him beat his former team.
  5. he is a known receiver who knows the system, is it basically insurance for Rice in case he is suspended for a length of time?
  6. If I remember correctly, Clark made Scott Pioli go with him to intercept Andy on his way to AZ for that Head Coach interview. Polili Would have hired some one like Todd Haley again.
  7. I am just totally amazed at our team and QB and coach!!. I remember the Marty years where the team would do a 13-3 or 14-2 , 12-4 season and go 1&done in the playoffs, Now with Reid and Patrick we are going to 4 Super Bowls in 5 years. Damn that is Fantastic!!!!! I am so damn proud of the team that we fans support!!!!
  8. I had high hopes for this guy when they picked him up, but now........don't let the door hit you on the ass on the way out!
  9. I can not imagine the crap that guy is going to have to put up with for eternity now. It is deserved tho!!
  10. The NFL doesn't give a damn about the fans watching a game. They just want the $$$$$$. Because of my work schedule I can not watch the games anyway so I subscribed to NFL Premium for $14.99 a month and can listen to the games live at work and then watch the replays after work or the next day. It's not the same as watching the game live, but at least I can hear what's going on and then watch it after work or at my leisure.
  11. I don't think he could see the open guys because he was running for his life. sacked 4 times and constantly running away from the raiders defense, the offensive lined did not protect him. If I was looking for an open spot to run to, I sure would not be looking for an open receiver!
  12. Ed Budde has always been and will always be one of my favorite players. He will be missed and thought of often.
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