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Everything posted by kkuenn
  1. Lol OK bud. Try going back over your post in order and see the movement.
  2. Lol my wife does not keep moving the goal post as much as him though. Wait, never mind, it is a winless battle with her too.
  3. Let's not leave out I said to see how rehab goes.... re read it
  4. No,yo are all over the place. First it was not going after players that their own teams don't want to resign. Then it was by position, then by age of 32 and now it is age 30. Just wow. Cant debate when goal post move all over.
  5. Just to be clear palangi, are you saying we should not look at any players over 32, or 30, that is cut in the future this year? Especially at a position that can't be played long term?
  6. Yeas, because according to you, you would not even look a him at all. Not a position of good long term playing or after 32, now 30 years of age. All as you have said later on after the point of your OP of not wanting cast offs. Anything else I need to know before pointing out any other players?
  7. No, you said this after your post if not wanting to sign another teams cast off. You mentioned it after which moved the goal post. Go look back and see. Words not put in your mouth at all.
  8. How is it personal? You responded without truly reading my post. I said I would look to see how his rehab is going..... I mean that is the same as signing him huh? You have to thin of skin it seems too.
  9. Lol, so now you would want a guy not resigned by his own team. Goal post moving now? I mean you never said specific positions. Just wow.
  10. There are always plenty there. You stated you would jt want a guy nit wanting to be resigned by his team. As we should avoid FA then? Get a grip. Plenty are never resigned by their own team, hence we have free agency.
  11. Jesus do you have reading comprehension? Re read what I said.
  12. Hell we went after Trent Williams pretty hard. For a guy over 32 is it?
  13. You know just because he did not get sacks last year does not mean he did not disrupt. Ingram had a lot of pressures. That is something we did not see from our line. You going off just sacks as a end all is not a good reason. I mean with your thought process we should not go after any training camp cut players etc. What about a trad rd player? I would take Julio for sure does this mean since Atlanta does not want him he is no good? If you want just sacks, then Houston is out there still grinding. I would look to see how Vernon, DE, is doing on rehab. Also take a look at KJ Wright at LB. Just to name a few not signed by their teams. I am sure Schwartz will get signed too. Making us better now can happen. Just because a guy is old and did not do well or no stat you like does not mean he can't better us. One year rentals happen all the time for depth and competition.
  14. Did not say that he excited me. Then again you know there are other vets out there that were not singed by their team that did well. You take to the worse example on the slide bar here and lumped all vets together. I mean there were plenty of good vets that did not resign.
  15. So a player is not good if their original team does not sign them back? Seems pretty foolish of a thought imo.
  16. Wait 3 or 4 years and then see. You will see redrafted grades and a lot of the times those As are low Cs.
  17. Yeah I just posted this too in NFL talk. He wants Denver or Raiders to be close to his fiancees home of Boulder Colorado.
  18. Our first next year and a pick this year. Maybe a player or pick also next year.
  19. Hey man, I want to know now if it looks good, price and where at. I like getting stuff like this for man cave. I have over 60k in comics easily invested and can sell for much more. To each their own?
  20. We are so use to not having a 1st, and it will be end of the round any ways, might as well trade it If a talent falls that far and we get an early second to get the one guy we need/bpa plus still have the other 2 picks..... I am good with it.
  21. ? If we use the 58th pick to move up, we would only still have 2 second round picks. Are you talking of using other picks ti get a third pick in the 2nd round?
  22. 22 starters overall still on the team? I mean 22 starters overall is 12 on each side of the ball. We have more drafted players or udfa we still have in the team over 14, that play a good role or did start etc. If you include our punter etc we have even more. Thing is, we are doing it pretty damn well as results speaks. I will say this, Veach will go after a proven commodity to fill a hole and does not mind using draft pick capital to do it.
  23. Lol what I just said pretty much. I did go into last years FA and cap though too on who we signed. Veach is thinking so far ahead on moves, like a chess master would.
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