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Everything posted by kkuenn
  1. You try Lukas! Really I dont care as long as we keep on stopping them for scoring and getting turnovers.
  2. Well another short field. Need to have a td here and just crush their souls.
  3. We had one right before half? That was just before our 2 drives this half.
  4. We have only had 28 plays so far to 45 for Denver and counting now.
  5. Does not help when CEH drops a td pass. Mahomes and the offense has moved at will but we have not had many plays. That will happen when you get a pick 6 and a 102 yard kickoff return.
  6. No communication on the o line.how the fuck do you keep letting a free run to the qb?
  7. All facets of our game is on today. 102 yard kick off return by Pringles!
  8. Now score the td. It would be nice to be up by 18 at half and tee off on them as they will have to pass to catch up.
  9. Stop them here and march down for a td.
  10. Hardman again. Imagine being ahead 21 to 0 instead of fucking douche canoe fumbling.
  11. Nice run Bell. He is going to be such a great weapon in this offense.
  12. Trade for a TE and we know who is cut then.
  13. Fucking keizer. Good God Kpass bit down inside hard on that qb sneak.
  14. Fuck Kizer. How the hell cant you cover up?
  15. Hardman looked great in that rush and then later in the reception grab. Need more of him like this.
  16. Matter a lot if you want the only bye for the first week of post season.
  17. They reached a deal https://www.espn.com/nfl/story/_/id/30175919/sources-antonio-brown-reaches-contract-agreement-tampa-bay-buccaneers
  18. Pretty easy to Google and see the WR breakdowns. Pick and choose any newer article you like, they all say it. https://www.google.com/search?client=ms-android-uscellular-us&source=android-browser&sxsrf=ALeKk02ud-y5Cn5QlzUPzYmy-M5mxm-bgA%3A1603476789616&ei=NR2TX7SFJc-usAXSwYnoDA&q=ravens+wr+group+ranks&oq=ravens+wr+group+ranks&gs_lcp=ChNtb2JpbGUtZ3dzLXdpei1zZXJwEAM6BAgAEEc6CAgAELEDEMkDOgIIADoICAAQsQMQgwE6CwgAELEDEIMBEJECOgUIABCxAzoICAAQyQMQkQI6BwgAEBQQhwI6DggAELEDEIMBEMkDEJECOgIILjoFCAAQyQM6BggAEBYQHjoICAAQFhAKEB46CQgAEMkDEBYQHjoFCCEQoAE6BQghEKsCOgcIIRAKEKABOgYIABANEB46BAgeEAo6BAghEApQhgJYklZg61xoBHABeAGAAaEDiAHHG5IBCTUuNy40LjIuMZgBAKABAcgBCMABAQ&sclient=mobile-gws-wiz-serp#sbfbu=1&pi=ravens wr group ranks
  19. Some see it too in the media https://www.thescore.com/nfl/news/1972708
  20. 3rd and 5th when Vikings paid 2nd and 5th lol. Guess it worked to wait it out....
  21. Shit then, we need to grab a LB or two and an O line guard from them then.
  22. Chiefs have designed DT Khalen Saunders to return from the injured reserve. Great news! In return the Chiefs have designated Martinas Rankin to return to the practice squad.
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