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Everything posted by kkuenn
  1. Biggest take away from my quote above is we are not blitzing. We are not stunting. We also are one of the worse at getting pressure while rushing 4 or less. Something has to change.....
  2. The WRs dropped 3 for sure TDs today too. Should have been worse for us on that one also.
  3. Man I would love to know how the team meetings watching game tape goes. They cant be sitting there thinking all is fine and then trot out the same shit each week?
  4. IF Wis can pick up the offense quickly I can see him at C. Thing is, Fisher might do much better if Wis is the LG?
  5. Nope, still like us winning our division and going long into the playoffs. We need to get healthy but the coaches really need to adjust to what they have here and now too and in the future. Spags has shown me nothing so far.
  6. Morse was not worth it. I dont care how much you want to argue that point but he was and is showing, not worth his contract. His concussions alone are bad and he should just hang it up. Fulton is another one no one was crying over to allow to walk.
  7. We had 3 drives in the second half, 2 of them were 3 and outs. 16 plays all together and only had 5:54 forbtime of possession out of 30 minutes that half. Mahomes had around 70 yards throwing and almost all of it came in that first drive. Reid needs to just give up play calling. He is not dlimg thr team any favors nor can any defense stay on the field that ling all the damn time. The league has caught on to him wanting to have big plays and be cute with all his movements. Go back to basics now with a big try now and then. Offensive records will not get us SBs if we cant adjust. Spags needs to fucking adjust and learn to bring pressure. It cant get any worse than watching them take all day on plays and atill get the td or points any ways. He is playing a bend dont break type shit without really trying to do so. For all the training camp interaction and breaking it down one on one we sure as hell cant fill the right gaps let alone tackle. Toub needs to go if they keep being a penalty liability too. Man we were playing so clean at the beginning of the season but have gone to shit now.
  8. Our O line as a whole ranks like 30th in the league. Defense line is 31st or vice versa last i saw. Just horrible on both sides but injuries dont help either.
  9. Mahomes had just 80 yards passing for a half. Terrible
  10. Yes because my phone agreed with it that much. Mahomes had almost 200 yards passing before half. He has just 273 yards now. That is how sad it has been for play calls etc.
  11. Here is where the challenge comes back and bites us in the ass. Lost timeout and unable to stop the clock after 2 minute warning.
  12. Here is where the challenge comes back and bites us in the ass. Lost timeout and unable to stop the clock after 2 minute warning.
  13. Again Reid gets to cute. Our offense is off the field with time of possession hugely in favor of the opposing team. Defense there is no blitz, no passion and the offense takes a dump when we need them to drive the most.
  14. 53 for houston with the hold in the middle. No call.
  15. Cost us our challenge and timeout now too. Meanwhile they get to continur tobhold and mug us on both sides and we get called for bs calls.
  16. The refs fuck us again . We lose this and we are screwed when it should have been called in the first place.
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