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Everything posted by kkuenn
  1. I mean last year, we lost to the Bears preseason first game. We really sucked then the rest of the year.
  2. Good catch for James and then he was overthrown next play for the td.
  3. Not more important but with him being traded it allows us to extend them and go after another option next year in FA. Plus we get the benefit of high picks too. Thing is, is the risk. Jones is our d line. Without him we have to be very good on the offense because we slide back to a bottom dweller on the defensive side like we did our 1st sb run. 28 mil or whatever freed up in FA and with high picks that hit, veach would be a total God here if it worked. Better then to fire him for sure.
  4. My son had a hard ass for a baseball coach. One day the coached asked him why he never seemed to phased/bothered about him and his way of coaching. He just replied that his dad was in the army and made drill instructors look weak. I was a proud dad.
  5. Bolton maybe. Creed should have been in there for sure. The others are not the greatest but top 5 to 10 for sure at their positions. Need to be top 3 or top at some of these positions to even get on. I believe Kelce was the only Center on this list but you could say Creed deserved it as much as him if not more. Kelce was 37th btw. Mind blowing thing if somehow we still had Hill, there would be 4 chiefs in the top 10 guys in there.
  6. One hold up was others being extended and to see what their contracts were. With those done, it should have been a formality. CJs agents seem to want the moon though. I mean if they knew they were going to go after 30 plus mil a year, they should have said it from the beginning. This way a trade before the draft or at least the chance to sign something beforehand would have happened. I think they saw the one guy get extended for just 24 mil per year and it hurt their chances of asking a higher number. Now they want to use any leverage they can to try for the 30 and are seeing what is happening now. 28 mil is where I believe the Chiefs are at. I think if the Chiefs guarantee comes in at a great price it will get done no matter what the AAV. Hell, give him 30 per and knock down the guarantees. I mean a cutable year would be a plus for us. CJ just wants his cake and eat it too it seems. I rather get less AAV, but more guaranteed money to me that is what matters the most.
  7. He has to play this year at some time. The hold put all year would cost him millions and.he would need a vested year I believe. It takes 2 to tango.
  8. He was arrested but initially not charged. He was then charged at a later time, so my bad. He pled down and was given a light slap on the wrist. Still bad but the way the nfl hands out suspensions is horrible. Kamara beat a guy down and received 2 games. They need to fix this bs letting Goodell determine whatever he feels like for the punishment.
  9. He should appeal. Gay got 2 games for his suspension. Kamara gets just 3 games for his beat down and Omenihu gets 6 games for pushing his girlfriend. Not right to do, but I don't believe he was even charged for it? Just seems a bit weird how the nfl hands out suspensions.
  10. Can you imagine the wedding announcement in the newspaper? Dicks Cox.....
  11. My cousin had a sales guy whose name was Harold Beaver. The even funnier thing is he was Harold Beaver the 3rd. Yes he went by Harry and there were 2 others before him. It made the business card that much greater.
  12. Top 30 players and if we have 4 or 5 that is a good thing.
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