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  1. We are in Savannah as well. Getting things lined up to attend as well.
  2. Occasionally i go to see whats happening but it reminds me alot of goemaw.com for k-state.
  3. Grew up in North Central Kansas as well. Lived in central Missouri, Florida and the past 25 years in savannah, ga.
  4. Life long cats fan but i went to MU to get my masters degree back in the early 90's.
  5. Long time follower here. Wife and I are from Kansas and Missouri and life long chiefs fans who are in savannah, ga. We are going to take our camper and set up in homestead at a local campground on Friday. Looking forward to exploring Miami and south beach Saturday and the take over in ft Lauderdale Saturday evening. Then break out all the gear Sunday and enjoy the game at our camper. Can't wait to enjoy a Cuban victory cigar and adult beverage!!
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