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  1. Since we don't seem to have any rhythm at the moment, rest is probably the way to go.
  2. Who had the Raiders as the only team in the AFC West to be undefeated.
  3. LOL, I know you weren't being serious, I meant to quote Crow on asking if Har was short for Harold or Harry. Couldn't tell if he was serious or not.
  4. Lol, his real name is Kaylon Nakia Ford Jr.
  5. @jetlord They didn't even have to face Dak twice, when they beat the Cowboys, I am pretty sure Cooper rush started.
  6. I mean their owner is still considering Jeff Saturday as a viable candidate. He might just be dumb enough to take EB off our hands.
  7. No link Mex. I was just guessing that players including JuJu remember what appeared to be cheap shots in the first game.
  8. Not that any team needs extra motivation in a playoff game, but it seem like the cheap shots Juju and the other took in the first game may have their attention.
  9. Best scenario for the Chiefs would be somehow the number 7 seed upsetting Buffalo. Would get the Chiefs playing the seven seed and eliminate the possibility if the neutral site AFC championship game.
  10. The league could push the playoffs back a week and simply eliminate the bye week prior to the Super Bowl. Move the stupid Pro bowl "activities" to the night before. It's flag football now anyways.
  11. According to the ESPN playoff machine, if the Bengals and Bills tied, KC would be the number one seed if they win out, Bills would be 2 and Bengals 3. If the Bills and Begals tie and end up with the same record, it looks like Cinci would have the tie breaker.
  12. I laughed that they felt the need to include Kelce's name on the pronunciation list.
  13. Old Timer, I would agree but none of these three fit into the "Last 30 years" (1992) timeline do they. Same with Dawson.
  14. Well in all fairness, most likely by the Chief's next game Brittany will no longer be his fiancé, they will probably be married so that statement is technically true. He says nothing about his wife.
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