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Everything posted by Fmbl2187
  1. Also, Toub. With more depth at RB, the #4 RB can be used on ST snaps, if he is good at it.
  2. Somewhere in that vicinity. But it is highly unlikely that Mahomes would miss more than four games, unless something really awful hits him. If we can go 2-2 in those games, or 3-3, we can still get in the playoffs based on the part of the season Mahomes would still play.
  3. The only weakness I see remaining on this team is CB. Even with that, guys like Thornhill and Mathieu can fly around and basically act as CB's in certain sets, like Parker was for us for a few years.
  4. Basically great depth at RB. I would bet the thinking is that if Mahomes is hurt for awhile, a very strong running game can get us through that period. He has some gas left in the tank and basically spells D. Williams. He already knows Reid and how he likes to work his games. So, now we have speed, vision, strength, balance, EXPERIENCE STARTING, and depth at RB. All of them can catch. We have short yardage guys in Darryl Williams and A. Sherman and even Darwin Thompson. Jeez. All of them can pass block. Jeez, this gives Mahomes a lot of options depending on the opponent, as well as safety, blocking, and the shorter passing game. Frankly, I don't know how this offense can be stopped. It is possible that the biggest reason we signed him was that it was worth 4 million dollars to keep him off the Chargers roster for this Super Bowl run. When McCoy is gone in a year or so, Rivers will be even older. Really a brilliant move by Veatch and Reid, both short term and longer term. We can also now afford to dangle a good RB for a good CB if needed.
  5. The situation with the Chiefs is that there is no situation. We will never see him play another down of football for the Chiefs or probably for anyone. You can take it to the bank. Forget about Hill. He is history. Time to move on. He tried to kill his child before he was born. Since then, he beats him in the chest with his fist, he uses a belt to discipline him, and he breaks his arm. He is a bad man. A bad, fast man, but a bad man.
  6. Frank Clark is also probably going to repeat at some point. Chiefs are not smart taking these kind of people. They knew what they were doing, and they drafted Hill anyway. Now we are a worse team. It's now up to Mahomes to make average receivers good and good receivers great.Little doubt he is capable of doing that.
  7. We were talking about professional football players who have a history of DV. That isn't a different topic. Violent trauma as a young child inflicted in a domestic situation is extremely relevant to this and explains why some football players have this and some don't...and not just football players.
  8. Your emotional trauma came as an adult, though. Something placed on top of a longer life of normal experiences. That is very different from the emotional damage inflicted on someone when they are 2 or 3 years old. PTSD will make you anxious, reactive, and depressed at times, and that is extremely difficult. My heart goes out to you. But it is a different thing from the immediate anger response that is programmed when you are 3. You still have choices and other values. You can still have a few seconds to choose and react to things appropriately.
  9. Depends on the person. Someone who experienced violence against them as a child would be far less able to compartmentalize than a football player who had a different kind of emotional programming.
  10. I enjoy the violence of the sport, no question. BUT...no. Most people cannot compartmentalize their emotions. It just isn't the case. If we had a bad day at work, we come home irritable and short-tempered. We don't leave our emotional state at the office door. Get real.
  11. That helps. Yet, these players are expected to simply turn off the aggressive switch like a light switch once they walk out of the facility? That still makes no sense psychologically. Brains simply don't, and can't be expected to, work that way, at least for a significant percent of humans. The contradiction may be solved in the reasoning brain, but not in practical reality.
  12. The whole thing that is weird is the double standard of outrage. In our world, men have forever been given a pass for slapping around or beating their wives and inflicting corporal punishment on their kids, often being considered derelict for NOT doing so in some circles. Add in the fact that football is a violent game played by aggressive and strong young men, and it is weird that anyone at all is upset about any of this. I am upset, but I am one of those snowflakes that does not believe in slapping or punching around our own spouses and children, not to mention anyone else's. Yet, I love this violent, graceful, complicated, and amazing sport. I just cannot reconcile any of it in my reasoning brain.
  13. Yeah, it could be that this will get Jones pumped so much, he might sign a long term contract for less just to get to play alongside Clark. Clark's presence will provide incredible opportunities for Jones to dominate. That could make Jones' following contract in several years incredible.
  14. Plus, there are a lot of potentially great players still deep into the second round. The round difference is an arbitrary dividing line. There is no more difference between a 25 pick and a 31 pick than there is between a 44th pick and a 50th pick. It is still a six pick difference. For all practical purposes we would have been picking in the early second round, anyway, had we been picking at 29. This is especially true when going for positions of need with a strong draft class at a position of need. Now we will have Clark and our own mid to late second round. Barnwell really IS a moron.
  15. That's going to happen with Mahomes, too...as it should. We are going to lose someone huge for that. Someone like Jones. Still, those have to be done with a franchise QB. There is something else Barnwell is overlooking in his opinion piece. With a young building defense, the players need to be infused with a culture of nasty aggressiveness. Barnwell is not looking at the attitude that will carry over for years with other players and their style of playing. Another thing he may not be looking at is what will happen in Mahome's development when he finds that he does not have to score as fast as he can. He will become a much better QB (if that is possible), by learning to "matriculate the ball down the field." He can take his time and fewer risky throws and wear out defenses, if he knows he is likely to get back on the field quickly. Mahomes needs more of that Alex Smith approach to make him complete. Maybe a better example is that Tom Brady approach.
  16. Right. The league is not a criminal courtroom. Circumstantial vs. hard evidence does not bind them. If it "looks" bad to the league, they can suspend, just like any private business can fire. If Hill "looks bad" to the league on this one, he will be suspended. How long depends on how bad it "looks." Simple as that.
  17. Most everyone here is giddy from a gameday, on-the-field perspective, and so am I. But I am also realistic like you. We are going to have to pay Mahomes, and I thought that the plan was to keep him and several weapons, have a decent line on both sides, and then keep replacing first contract players with new first contract players who fly around and play a fast aggressive style under good coaching. To suddenly put a big financial burden on that plan seems a little over-aggressive. I want a dynasty, not a one year Lombardi. Frank Clark could go down with injury just like anyone. The character issue also looms. I really believe it is important to build the plan around overwhelming offense and "decent" middle-of-the-road defense and stick to it, not whipsaw all around every year. Anyway, I am just saying that a long-term plan for the type of product we put on the field is the best way to go. Meanwhile, I will still enjoy watching Clark wreak some real havoc out there and open up more wiggle room for the developing players around him. I am giddy about what Chris Jones could do this year. I also think the rest of the teams in this very strong division are in a state of shock right about now. It is essentially last year's team plus a top safety and essentially a Khalil Mack. Looking at a looming division game against the Chiefs will inspire fear.
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