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Everything posted by Fmbl2187
  1. Wishful thinking. In the first episode, Tyreek tried to kill the baby in utero by punching his girlfriend in the stomach and trying to strangle her. That is a little more serious than "neglect." Whether or not she is a complete witch is irrelevant, when it comes to the psychology of physical abuse in a domestic situation. It is a matter of impulse control and making good decisions about whether to divorce or not. Again, statistics show that a domestic abuser repeats at some point 90% of the time. I don't believe that anyone should get their hopes up over the long term, whether it is this incident or a future one. The Chiefs were well aware of this when they drafted him. A quest for a Lombardi should not blind anyone to reality.
  2. Statistics on that are not encouraging, and a child having broken his arm in a domestic dispute is NOT merely a domestic issue.
  3. 90% of domestic abusers repeat, whether they receive treatment or not. It is a literally built in emotional response to stress and anger in a domestic relationship. Maybe something learned by observing as a baby. There isn't really much that can be done about it. It can be held off to some extent but never cured. The Chiefs knew that risk when they drafted him. They know very well that their ability to win will require them to have a stable of very good receivers and a phenomenal QB to throw to them. Whenever Hill goes, for whatever reason, a lesser replacement might cost them maybe one close game per season. Seriously. As the years go by, Mahomes will get better and better with his footwork and his vision at seeing the open guy. The mind blowing speed of Hill was best seen as a punt returner, only occasionally as a route runner. Hill has great hands, also, but great hands can be replaced. Regardless, Hill will always be at risk of domestic abuse. It is just a fact, and the Chiefs know they will always have to be ready for it.
  4. i'm going to go out on a limb here. Andy Reid is all about offense. Mahomes is the key to the whole organization, and he needs targets and protection. Tyreek Hill is under investigation and will be charged if he was involved in the "incident." Domestic abuse is a pattern of behavior that nearly always repeats. It is extremely difficult to stop or learn your way out of, because it is an emotional reaction. The Chiefs knew this and knew they were taking a huge risk with him. For this reason, I am almost certain that he will be found to have been involved in a physical abuse situation. That means 1) he will be released, just like Kareem Hunt and it will happen in a matter of weeks to months. 2) We have to have another top target before that happens, because of that likelihood. We can'f find this out after free agency and the draft are over. 3) As a result, the entire draft situation is turned on its head. The Chiefs will no doubt try to obtain the top WR prospect in the draft, who would be on a cheap first contract, and then will use FA and draft for the defense. But I think WR is now our top priority. #1 priority, no doubt. Keep our fingers crossed on Dieter, Pringle, Tre Smith.
  5. That would be nice. But we still had better draft a speed receiver.
  6. ?? As far as I know, the case that is closed is the one from when he was still in college. The recent thing, Hill has not been charged, but it is being investigated. He could be charged at any time depending on the investigation. Next week? Two months? The Chiefs had better have a backup plan. Hopefully, its nothing, but like I said, a domestic abuser almost always repeats. It is just the psychology of it. It isn't really a moral issue or something that can be unlearned. It is a pure emotional reaction, something that is purely reactive. Fortunately, Mahomes can make any receiver better, but there is still the problem of speed stretching the field. Mahomes needs that to get more separation for everyone else. It could sure change the drafting strategy. The Chiefs have always known that and knew the risk they were taking.
  7. Domestic abuse is almost never cured. It inevitably happens again. This is just a well-known fact. The Chiefs knew this when they took him. We should have signed Antonio Brown. We'll need a new guy who can stretch the field. I don't think this investigation is going to go anywhere good. The league has made it clear. If he is charged, he is gone. Simple as that.
  8. The reason they got him is his versatility. When they lost Fulton, they didn't any longer have a guy who could step in at center, guard, or either tackle position when needed and be credible at any of them. That's why they got Erving. He is like Fulton in that regard. Every team neads a swing man because of the inevitable injuries. He doesn't suck. He's just versatile. Got it? I think his natural position is tackle, and he would like to do that exclusively and develop, but they are working him in camp as the versatile swing guy. Also, remember that O-line is very complex, and most guys don't reach their peak until year 5. What is this? His third year in the league? While moving him all over the place? He was a first round draft pick, for God's sake. Saying he "sucks" right now is like saying a second year med student sucks as a doctor. Veatch is smarter than that.
  9. I would keep the bet on the the guys we have at LG and use a trade like that for another safety.
  10. Yep. When something "seems" stupid or senseless or even ethically wrong in a "for-profit" society, it is very easy to understand. Just apply the basic principle of the immortal Mark Felt: "Follow the money." If you do, everything else will make perfect sense. Your own wish to sit at home and watch pre-season games on TV during prime slots is utterly irrelevant. Professional sports, commercial media, and advertising are all for-profit enterprises.
  11. Not only will his decisions continually improve over his career (beccause he is smart), but his ability to successfully throw accirate;u across his chest while moving in the opposite direction will absolutely brain-fuck secondaries all over the league. If Mahomes keeps learning to use his eyes to mess with defenders, he could be impossible to stop.
  12. Weekend TV time is expensive. Do you really think that enough tickets are sold and viewership is big enough in those games to pay for weekend slots? Maybe the last game before the season. Most viewers don't care to see a bunch of subs.
  13. Everything is lining up for him being a long term great QB. First he gets to learn for a year under AS and Andy Reid. Then he goes under fire immediately in one of the most difficult schedules (thanks to our record) but with an embarrassment of riches at the playmaker spots. By the second half, he will have made his mistakes, and the schedule difficulty will be easing off, as well. What a great setup! So, I disagree with your theory.
  14. Thanks for that, Xen. Especially because Mahomes is compared to Rodgers more than anyone else.
  15. According to Reid, just "tweaks." That's what Reid says about everything, even death. But there seems to be a consensus that these are just mild, typical camp type boo boo's. A shoulder "tweak" for Fisher" and a knee "tweak" for Erving. I guess they are both "tweakers."
  16. I'll tell you what this all means: But that's just my opinion.
  17. Yeah, of course. He's young and needs to work on some coverage skills. They all do. That's always true. But he is already very instinctive against the run. Having a full training camp would be desirable, but not as desirable as having him healthy for the season.
  18. I'm a little concerned, too, but not greatly at this point. Nearly anyone who has had a joint injured will have it swell up a bit on long plane flights, because of the drop in pressure in the cabin. That can go on for up to 2 years. But Ragland played last year on a swollen knee, and it didn't affect his play or bother him. I think the staff is just being careful. If the doctors were really concerned, he would have been scoped by now. He played so well that last 6 games of last year, that Reid probably is not too worried about him missing a bunch of camp. He knows what to do and doesn't have to think much about it. It's pretty automatic.
  19. Yeah, I don't feel like ball control should be our big theme this year. The offense is so dynamic, we should use it. The thing that will help our defense the most will be to get a two score lead and maintain it, forcing opponents to pass. That will allow Sutton to scheme against a more one-dimensional offense and greatly help our pass rush. As always, though, injuries will change the equations throughout the season.
  20. Its absolutely true that Reid wants Mahomes to let it fly and find out what he can get away with. Mahomes is smart. He will make good decisions in real games. He also is good at following Reid's suggestions. I've never seen Reid "giddy" about anything, but people say he is "giddy" about Mahomes. He will definitely throw more interceptions than AS, because he is not exessively cautious like Alex. But that is exactly why he was drafted. He will make plays that Alex would never have tried. Some of them will be dumbfounding. Reid is ecstatic about Mahomes. That should speak for itself.
  21. You weren't being condescending, just sarcastic. A little sarcasm is sometimes appropriate...as in this case.
  22. Safeties will be playing back with Mahomes at QB. Defenses will be keying on the pass. They will pay big time when we run. To protect Mahomes his first year as a starter, we will run as much as pass. Defenses are going to be panicked, but when the safeties come into the box, Mahomes will annihilate them.
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