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Everything posted by Fmbl2187
  1. SEMO, I base my number on what I was instructed by the courts to do when making a determination as a coroner in cases of homicide, regarding cause and manner of death. I was told that the confidence level is two standard deviations or 95% certainty. But that was almost 40 years ago, when I served as a forensic pathologist for 4 years. The criteria may have changed since then, but I am merely basing that on personal instructions by the 3rd Judicial District of Kansas from 1988-1992. So you can take that for whatever it is worth. It certainly could be different now. But domestic battery is a criminal charge. A league suspension does not require anything more than "probable." As far as repeat rate for domestic violence, the stats are all over the internet. If you have trouble finding it, let me know, and I will find it for you.
  2. Charges are dropped when there is less than 95% chance that he his guilty (known as "beyond a reasonable doubt") It is a very steep hill to climb before a jury is instructed to convict (Thank God). But the league has no such burden of proof. They have a fan base and a reputation to uphold, because advertising purchases are gigantic. The league can suspend on much flimsier evidence, especially if it is a repeat. You really ought to know your stuff before you make sarcastic remarks.
  3. Good thing he didn't do it in front of a security camera in an elevator.
  4. i'll be cheering right alongside you. But I will also be reminding you of what I wrote when he gets in trouble. My hope is that it doesn't happen. My knowledge of DV is that it is 90% likely that it will. This is akin to purchasing a lottery ticket. I am hoping that he is guilty of OTFV (on the field violence) and not DV.
  5. On the field...for any given game he is playing.
  6. From a pure performance and draft position standpoint, the trade was heavily in KC's favor. The real cost is hidden, which is the fact that 90% of domestic abusers repeat, regardless of counseling. So, I think this deal is bad. It won't feel bad when we are playing. But it will feel very bad when he is suspended during the playoffs. HIs sudden absence will be worse than Dee Ford encroaching in the AFC championship game. Now we were are the John Madden era Raiders. Great on the field but bad people. It will cost us big time at some point and make it more costly to try to re-sign Mahomes. I give this an F, though it will look like an A most of the time. Did you see his reaction about being traded to the Chiefs? It is because he "wanted to be appreciated." Does that sound like a team player or a selfish player all about himself? Where is this management when it comes to medical reality? I think anyone can answer that. I'm not happy about this, especially considering that Hill could be cut or suspended at anytime for the same thing...a self destructive impulse-control problem with a 90% repeat rate.
  7. Belcher had severe PTE and committed suicide. But yes, I see from that article that he had anger and DA problems even in college. So, I stand corrected.
  8. He had post traumatic encephalopathy from multiple concussions. He had a physically damaged, shrunken brain. He had no history of domestic abuse before he became brain-damaged from concussions. PTE has nothing whatever to do with toxic relationships. Anyway, I didn't understand your point. That's whyI said "and....?" Now that you have explained it, it now makes perfect nonsense.
  9. After reading this a second time, something occurred to me. Punching a girlfried in the stomach to kill her baby, then strangling her, to me means that she certainly brings out the worst in him. Its just a compatibility problem
  10. Not only that, but the absurdity of his post is obvious from a practical contractual standpoint. Any team that tried to put that kind of interference in a player's personal life into a contract would simply guarantee that the player would not sign it. The unsigned player would then have the pick of 31 other teams who would sign him in a heartbeat. It just indicates a complete lack of coherent thought to make a post like that.
  11. I think that often. (Of course, that's true of many of mine, also.)
  12. I don't believe that a coach or an employer should be making recommendations about a player's relationships and whether or not they should dump somebody. That's not exactly appropriate, even if it's good advice.
  13. When you are building an offense-oriented team with a franchise QB, you can never have enough good receivers. Too few targets, Mahomes has to hold onto the ball longer, gets hurt sacked and hurt, season over. I agree with you.
  14. Yep. I wonder how and who evaluates prospective draftees' personal and legal histories and what methods they use other than testimonials from other coaches. It must take place with every team evaluating talent, even though all the usual football playing abilities are the focus for teams. Football favors aggressiveness, and other teams experience these things as well. What we don't know is how many problems are routinely prevented by the kind of caution the Chiefs are showing. You can't measure what doesn't happen.
  15. I'm not giving up. Just passing along what I understand about this kind of stuff.
  16. i don't know the answers to those questions, Jet. I only know that 90% of domestic abusers who end up in the court system repeat. The statistic from what I recall does not address the quality and quantity of counseling. Counseling, though, is most helpful for things in which decision-making is involved. It doesn't much affect rage reactions. Those types of things run really deep. They are at the level of emotional reactions in the midbrain, not reasoning decisions from the cortex. The guy unfortunately will always be at risk. You are absolutely right about spiritual transfomations. Those can and do occur and completely change deep emotional reactions. Spiritual transformations can, and do, arrest alcoholism. That is well known.
  17. Statistics and facts, Mr. FANATIC. Laugh all you want in a large font. I am a physician and also was once a deputy coroner for a judicial district with more than its share of crime. That may not be an "insider" in this case involving HIll, , but it carries a little knowledge and experience with it. Your reaction and attitude, frankly, is childish and ignorant.
  18. Wishful thinking. In the first episode, Tyreek tried to kill the baby in utero by punching his girlfriend in the stomach and trying to strangle her. That is a little more serious than "neglect." Whether or not she is a complete witch is irrelevant, when it comes to the psychology of physical abuse in a domestic situation. It is a matter of impulse control and making good decisions about whether to divorce or not. Again, statistics show that a domestic abuser repeats at some point 90% of the time. I don't believe that anyone should get their hopes up over the long term, whether it is this incident or a future one. The Chiefs were well aware of this when they drafted him. A quest for a Lombardi should not blind anyone to reality.
  19. Statistics on that are not encouraging, and a child having broken his arm in a domestic dispute is NOT merely a domestic issue.
  20. 90% of domestic abusers repeat, whether they receive treatment or not. It is a literally built in emotional response to stress and anger in a domestic relationship. Maybe something learned by observing as a baby. There isn't really much that can be done about it. It can be held off to some extent but never cured. The Chiefs knew that risk when they drafted him. They know very well that their ability to win will require them to have a stable of very good receivers and a phenomenal QB to throw to them. Whenever Hill goes, for whatever reason, a lesser replacement might cost them maybe one close game per season. Seriously. As the years go by, Mahomes will get better and better with his footwork and his vision at seeing the open guy. The mind blowing speed of Hill was best seen as a punt returner, only occasionally as a route runner. Hill has great hands, also, but great hands can be replaced. Regardless, Hill will always be at risk of domestic abuse. It is just a fact, and the Chiefs know they will always have to be ready for it.
  21. i'm going to go out on a limb here. Andy Reid is all about offense. Mahomes is the key to the whole organization, and he needs targets and protection. Tyreek Hill is under investigation and will be charged if he was involved in the "incident." Domestic abuse is a pattern of behavior that nearly always repeats. It is extremely difficult to stop or learn your way out of, because it is an emotional reaction. The Chiefs knew this and knew they were taking a huge risk with him. For this reason, I am almost certain that he will be found to have been involved in a physical abuse situation. That means 1) he will be released, just like Kareem Hunt and it will happen in a matter of weeks to months. 2) We have to have another top target before that happens, because of that likelihood. We can'f find this out after free agency and the draft are over. 3) As a result, the entire draft situation is turned on its head. The Chiefs will no doubt try to obtain the top WR prospect in the draft, who would be on a cheap first contract, and then will use FA and draft for the defense. But I think WR is now our top priority. #1 priority, no doubt. Keep our fingers crossed on Dieter, Pringle, Tre Smith.
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