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Everything posted by Fmbl2187
  1. Remember, we got Kelce in the third round. Wasn't Tyreek Hill in the 5th round? I trust Veach to hit on at least half of his picks. The top two rounds need to go for big guys up front on D and on O. I think a good RB can be had in free agency.
  2. I'm not worried at all. I'm saving that for if we draft him.
  3. I'm puzzled. This is such a long thread about one fast, skinny receiver. I can't understand it. We could pick one or even two with this guy's same upside, and this draft is deep in great WR's. We do need speed with MVS gone, but c'mon. What about the others who have more versatility and could bully people out there? We need a guy who can block also.
  4. I'm very happy. But it means that Sneed will be gone. Glad the secondary is deep.
  5. So, what else do you have to do other than reading long posts?
  6. No way. Iowa is well known for its sarcasm. You have to be thick-skinned to even fly over the state. I've known people who have died as the result of sarcasm attacks while walking down the sidewalk in Sioux City.
  7. I don't know his injury history. A big question is how much he would have to be unavailable due to injury or have snaps at least limited to avoid injury. Another problem with a small, fast receiver is that they are too small to be good blockers. A lot of teams build their system around good blocking WR's IMO, Worthy would be best used on kick returns due to his speed and good hands. I don't think he would be used much as a WR except on obvious passing situations. What it comes down to is how adamant Toub is about getting a punt returner as well as how much Andy and Nagy need a field stretcher. The whole coaching staff obviously like versatility. That's why I feel a sturdier and bigger receiver who can block and be a red zone threat is what the Chiefs will go for. A draft should consider how many snaps a guy can handle and the variety of plays and situations they can be used with.
  8. I agree with Boone. You don't send a very good receiver to a division rival who has Mahomes at QB. Period. They can get those picks they need with any other team that needs a good receiver.
  9. I do, too. A criminal case can be made but not won IMO. A civil case would be won.
  10. Absolutely. But the outcome would depend on the jury as always. Juries are carefully screened by both sides but are also instructed to rely on hard evidence, not just circumstance. Drawaing a timeline between the assault and the outcome of her business or even harrassment is not showing causation, even when it "seems" obvious. Let's face it - even the harrassment and threats are crimes of others, not the defendant in a criminal case. It is up to law enforcement to identify and charge anyone harrassing or threatening as criminal offenses. But what Jackson Mahomes did was assault and apparently had witnesses. And assault is a criminal case, but the subsequent harrassment and threats were not something done by Jackson Mahomes. If Jackson's assault is proven and determined by a jury, then the PUNISHMENT for that conviction can be made more harsh by the judge, based on harm done to her by those harrassing and threatening. I agree that a civil suit is her best option, since it does not involve proving something beyond any reasonable doubt.
  11. I hope they do. I like receivers who can block. Otherwise, their use is limited only to certain plays, and defenses know which plays are possibly coming depending on who is lining up.
  12. I said he was a really good player, Xen. Just too small to hold up in the NFL. I stand by that and would be shocked if he is a guy they pick. They will pick a WR, whether by draft of free agency, and he will be a bigger guy who can go up for the ball and put some muscle on defenders. I know speed kills, and Andy Reid knows that. But he also knows that speed kills when it is on the field and not on injured reserve.
  13. If Veach and Co. think he is worth it, it is awfully hard to argue against. If Mahomes can just overthrow it long, like he often does, and the guy can still just run under it and actually catch it like what happened with Hill all the time, then his value at keeping the defenses honest will make a huge difference. If nothing else, he would be MVS who has much better hands. I think its a moot point, I think the noise about the Chiefs picking Worthy might just be the Chiefs luring some other team into choosing him so that a target we like more is available when we pick. I personally don't want a guy who will be lost for a month or a season after one really hard hit.
  14. And you know what they say... "Small hands, small gloves."
  15. Yep. But then, his 40 time would be a lot longer. Speed kills, but I would rather get a WR who is big, tall, strong, and can go up and win contested catches.
  16. A very philosophical question OT. Actually, he is a potential WR draftee who just ran a 4.21 second 40 yard dash at the combine. The fastest time ever recorded at the combine. Even faster than Hill. But he is pretty small, only 165 lb and 5'11. He has very good hands and can track the ball but could get annihilated by a big guy. He would have to be a gadget or maybe used like MVS to stretch the field and open it up to the other receivers. Maybe a bottom of first round or early 2nd round guy. Could go higher because of his combine performance.
  17. You're talking about Taylor Swift, of course.
  18. With Mahomes probably 10 years away from retirement, there is an opportunity for championships for a long time, and the front office knows that. That's why I believe they will not mortgage the future...and they shouldn't.
  19. I think Taylor would have a dead cap of about 2 million and change. But that still would add about 10 million to the cap. Not sure we can find a vet who can do the job for less than that, though. Taylor really did well later in the season when he got his penalties under control and when the officials backed away from throwing too many flags during the playoffs. Constant penalties causes loss of fan interest in a game, and the ratings and advertising revenue drops. Maybe Taylor will always be a late season and playoffs asset but an early and mid season liability. More likely he will have learned his timing with Mahomes' snaps and will make fewer mistakes as a result. Still, I think we can get just as good as him for cheaper and have some cap left over.
  20. Here is a good reference. https://www.criminaldefenselawyer.com/crime-penalties/federal/Vehicular-manslaughter.htm "Criminal negligence," "culpable or gross negligence," "reckless disregard of others' safety". It would all fall under this, but penalties are state specific and also take into consideration other circumstances. Depending on circumstances, penalties can range from 1 year to 20 years. I doubt that the circumstances include who is the father and is he a big shot. Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar. Judges are particularly careful about the appearance of those kinds of things. Britt Reid most likely expressed deep remorse and did a major drug/alcohol program. Still, if he is an alcoholic, he will need to continue his own program until the day he dies or he will surely relapse. But that is a different subject for a different day.
  21. Boy, that's going to cramp their style for a long time. Too bad, so sad.
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