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Everything posted by Fmbl2187
  1. The worst thing is their harm done to Mahome's confidence. He is still great but having to hold the ball too long and seems to be trying to carry the offense on his own shoulders.
  2. I absolutely love watching Pacheco. I think a rebuild of the WR's (if possible) would return the Chiefs to the kind of team opponents fear. Its time to admit that Kelce is going to retire soon and that Skyy Moore is simply a bust. Not really a draft mistake, just kind of the luck of the draw. He isn't it. Also, I know Andy Reid likes to let his players' personalities shine through and be who they are, but 1) what they are at the WR position is not good enough right now and 2) they really should be concentrating on football and less on pop stars and making commercials. That goes for Mahomes as much as anybody. Add his commercials, home responsibilities, and crappy wide receivers, he ends up making bad decisions, trying to shoulder the whole team, and throws interceptions based on poor decisions. It's OK to be a gunslinger when you have a young Kelce and a receiver like Hill, but he has to be even more measured and smart than what he has worked pretty successfully at becoming. Andy Reid's decisions have left a lot to be desired also. He should be using more two tight end sets and throwing to Noah Gray more. Kelce is gettng worn out trying to do what he used to do, so offensive strategy has to change.
  3. I've been posting pretty much the same thing since pre-season. I have hoped it was not true, but it is. We could squeak into the playoffs but get no further.
  4. Here I am dating Travis Kelce, and all I get is this crappy plastic thing?
  5. Good point. But the holding penalties usually occur at the tail end of a play where the guy who is caught for holding already knows he is beaten, not at the beginning of a play.
  6. They can instantly see if guys in front of them are using their hands to put pressure on the QB and get past them or if they are trying to shed blocks and move through gaps next to them. Any tackle can see immediately if a defensive player is trying to get around them or push them back or get past them, if they are experienced at all or have done their homework, they can see what is happening by the way the defense is lining up. All of that happens in front of them or right next to them. So, I disagree with the first paragraph in Lamardirt's post about running vs. passing plays and their relationship to holding calls by offensive tackles and guards. Most important of all, is they know what was called by the QB before the snap or in a huddle.
  7. No kidding. Me, too. Some may not realize that these guys are under marching orders to take penalties to protect The Franchise. The cornerbacks are also expected to get PI penalties rather than let a top WR get past everyone and score. There is strategy to a lot of kinds of penalties just like everything else. A quick calculation of "which thing is worse?" Getting Mahomes hurt is by far the worst.
  8. Funny, I saw some green uniforms out there, and some of the players wearing them were pretty good. AND they were playing in our stadium :sarcasm icon:
  9. Agree to some extent. With Kelce, he has been bracketed all season...and he is aging by his own admission. But the other problems are poor play by the offensive tackles, the strategy of using a bazillion WR's as tryout candidates preventing any chemistry or predictability to develop between them and Mahomes, an offensive coordinator with only a strategic brain but no fire or emotion, and a head coach who is beloved but possibly thinking more of retirement than championships at this point. We are quickly becoming "the the great defensive team with a mediocre or worse offense" that we have seen in the past. Some of those teams made it to the playoffs, but virtually none even got to a Super Bowl, let alone won one.
  10. In the second half of the last several games, there is so much blame that I can't keep track of it all. We all seem to want to attribute these "if only's" to the last game, but it has been going on really all season. How many points have we scored in the second half of the last four games? We have been very, very consistent in fumbling, dropping passes, and getting penalized. At some point we are going to have to admit that we have a poor offense this season. After all, what does "poor" mean? Your post reminds me of the old expression, "If the dog hadn't stopped to piss, he'd have caught the rabbit." Well, our dog has been consistently pissing.
  11. In other words, if we were better, we would be unbeatable.
  12. Respectfully disagree. When it keeps happening with otherwise very good and accurate passes, the wide receivers are just plain problematic. In a huge game like Philly, good receivers would have caught those balls. We can't keep making escuses. That is the reason we cannot get through the playoffs this season. If, by some strange circumstance we do, winning the Super Bowl would take even stranger circumstances. Balls are being punched out of receivers' hands, great passes are being dropped, and it hasn't changed all season. Any of those dropped passes or fumbles made the winning margin for the Eagles. Even Kelce seems a little distracted. Bienemy would have been throwing a tirade, while Nagy is just Joe Cool out there. I'm not cool with that.
  13. There is too much missing on this team to consider a championship run. We are good enough to be in the tournament, but this team is never going to the Super Bowl. Let's just enjoy them, have a good draft and use our young nucleus to be dominant for another run hopefully starting next year. Also, I think it is time for the Chiefs to back off from being the team of TV commercials and pop stars and podcasts and just try to be the team of playing the best football possible. Even Kelce is suffering from drops and fumbles. I have to think it is just too much distraction from the sport itself. The mass media is undermining the organization.
  14. We sure miss the run blocking of Brown on the left, but protection of Mahomes is #1. That's the main job, even if tackles have to get a holding penalty in the process. Brown was pretty much a turnstile out there. Mahomes needs all the protection he can get while some chemistry develops with the WR's. Drafting a top offensive tackle is by far the biggest need in the next draft. Remember the luxury of always being able to count on Schwartz?
  15. I can't remember where I saw this, but there was a quote from the coaching staff that he was a good and strong player implying that he had a high floor. Probably a good rotational piece by next year.
  16. I agree. When Toney does get the ball, he dazzles a little, kind of like Rice. We know Mahomes and Reid love to use him in situations, and he really befuddled opposing secondaries late last season and in the playoffs. I have a suspicion that they are kind of hiding him and protecting his health and will start to unleash him slowly on unsuspecting teams late in the season and in the playoffs.
  17. When Toney or Rice get the ball, they are dazzling. We need more "dazzling" and less "thoughtfulness" on offense.
  18. He was full of fire and gave the whole offense that attitude. Nagy just acts too cool and cerebral on the sidelines. The OC needs to convey the attitude of kicking ass and taking names. Nagy is like having Joe Cool out there instead of Conan the Barbarian. We are missing Bienemy IMO.
  19. Probably a combination of things. I wonder about 1) his protection from D. Smith, 2) His concentration ? too many commercials, kids at home, 3) His eyes - does he need contacts? 4) Absence of Bienemy? 5) Too many WR's to try to give reps under the new offensive theory or their abilities. Yes, I think he zeros in on Kelce too much or on someone he things needs their share of targets and is not looking at the whole field. I think he is not using the running game enough to set up the pass (he's got the blockers). The elephant in the room that nobody talks about....the absence of Bienemy. I think the combination of Bienemy's fire and play calling and aggressiveness not being there might be something he was never given enough credit for. Everybody assumed that Andy was doing all the play calling. I don't think so. Why the crazy finesse plays on third and 1 or 2. It's nuts. All they have to do is give the ball to Pacheco or any RB behind that line and throw in three blocking TE's when that is needed. Stop being cute and be hard nosed and force it down their throats. This, to me, is the most irritating and concerning thing about the entire situation. We should run those plays, even if we are on our own 30, Cast your fate to the wind and run the fucking thing straight at 'em. It would give the entire offense an attitude.
  20. Mahomes simply MUST use the run to set up the pass and use some designed QB runs in two or three short yardage situations.
  21. I say the same. 50-50 without Gay and Bolton. If we want to win, we have to 1) Use the run game, close to 50-50, 2) Don't drop the ball, 3) Don't lose the ball, 4) Limit penalties (especially don't hold and don't interfere with Hill, 4) Tackle hard and securely, 5) Rush Tua until he is weary and tentative. If we do 4 out of 5 of those, we win a close game.
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