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Everything posted by Fmbl2187
  1. By all accounts from the coaches, he is playing very well. Just being picked on by the refs right now. Nothing called the last couple of games that I can recall. Would you rather have Wiley back? Remember, Taylor was going to switch to the left in the initial plan. He is obviously versatile. So far, I don't think the Chiefs overpaid.
  2. That's because you have softened your opinions.
  3. You absolutely could be right. We are actually a young building team, but the chemistry isn't there (yet). As for Swift and the "bum wheel," if he doesn't stay away from her, some other appendage could become a p;roblem.
  4. It always really matters. The early games count just as much as the later games, and we are lucky to be 4-1. I would have predicted 2-2. Also, all teams continue to get better through the season. We are not unique in that. We will be better, too, but so will our opponents. From what I have seen, we are a playoff team. But can we beat the top two or three teams in the league or even get all the way to the superbowl? Not close from what I've seen. Our two top guys have too many off field distractions from a second child to too many commercials and, of course, the Swift thing. Wide receivers are a work in progress. Kelce is 34 and starting to get some physical problems. We will get Omenihu and everyone talks like that will be a difference for the defense. I always waver between superbowl caliber with our coaching staff and Mahomes and a solid D, but in truth we are re-building an entire position group at WR and both of our offensive tackles. Winning a playoff game would be a big win for this year. I don't see the chemistry yet. We are about as good as Minnesota right now. If we had a merely good QB like Cousins, we could easily be 1-4 right now.
  5. Yeah, I was surprised to see Allegretti in there in that situation. I know he's very good at doing backflips for a 300 lb guy. You never know when a good backflip will distract an opponent. He could be out there when we play the Dolphins, just to taunt Hill, who needs a good taunting. Then, flash the V sign at him.
  6. Is Noah Gray hurt? I don't remember him going in for Kelce yesterday, He is a very good receiver. If he is not being used at TE much, why couldn't he be used as a big, tall possession WR? He'd have to learn the route tree. I really don't know what his blocking is like. It must be acceptable at least, since he is a TE.
  7. How about getting rid of CEH? Maybe his contract right now makes that impractical, but he should be gone as soon as it is financially practical. I would guess that is the plan. If Kelce is fully functional, the next 4 games should be easy enough to give Moore more time to develop. I am hoping is is merely a lack of sufficient reps. I'm not ready to give up on him. MVS is as close to worthless as you can get, and we are paying him big bucks. If there ever was a truly bad Veach move, that was probably it. We had to so something after the loss of Hill, I guess, besides JuJu.
  8. No matter what, in the end the game is won in the trenches. Our O line is awesome. Our D line is good and potentially very good, especially when Omenihu returns. So, I am not worried.We also have Mahomes, a great coaching staff, and more versatility and depth than most teams to survive injuries.
  9. Smart. Those spreads are caculated from a lot of things, but not for time management strategies. Gambling is a big industry because it makes money. It makes it off those who gamble. If you win, you want to keep it going until you lose. If you lose, you want to keep going until you win. If you go to a Casino and come out ahead one day, you'll want to do that again the next time, and you will lose. It's just another kind of addiction that costs money, and the industry knows that. They can afford to advertise to you, and charge you to do so.
  10. Only the writers guild strike has settled. The actors strike is still going with apparently no progress so far. Some things are being made by either non-union actors or AI. So if anything is being made, the actors right now are either scabs or artifically created on a giant computer. Or maybe in another country. That's possible. Or.....the clips were made before the strike and are in the assembly and editing stage.
  11. I already thought of that. But Monday is a day for griping. Get with the program. Think of this: If we had lost by 3 points, what would everyone be posting? You already know, and it ain't pretty.
  12. I agree that it is a stretch, but there were some awful looking lapses in protection. It didn't look like there was that much playcalling from Nagy and Reid, but I don't really know. It looked like one of those games where they just told Mahomes to "do your thing." Yes, the Jets D is extremely good. I was amazed by their coverage and particularly their speed. Almost jaw dropping. I found myself applauding a lot of their plays. Spags should have added and mixed blitzing packages to keep Zach Wilson off kilter and tentative and dazed like Lawrence was the previous week. Why did he decide not to? Anyway, I just wondered if the Swift-Kelce crap was kind of psychologically messing with their preparation. Maybe. Maybe not. Just asking what others think. Personally it is driving me up the wall. So, I may be projecting my own annoyance.
  13. They don't get into it directly, but when players are interviewed by talking heads and questions are asked about it, it draws their attention away to some extent. I hope it doesn't affect them, but it sure is unusual to see Mahomes so out of it on the field in his decisions. And where was Spags with all of his fancy and complex blitz schemes? The Chiefs were very lucky to come out with a win AND NO INJURIES that I know of. It could go a long way into making their season a contending one. 3-1 seems a light year ahead of 2-2.
  14. Was last night's lack of Mahomes' concentration and complete absence of pass protection just an aberration, or is the Kelce-Swift circus distracting the Chiefs? Could this obsession or press attention be harming the team?
  15. Nerds of the world, unite! Join the cause. Be a loud nerd and be a proud nerd. Someday, people will understand and fear us. We are the Deadpoolers and the Wolverinists.
  16. I just remember the famous formula, "The angle of the dangle is equal to the heat of the meat times the torque of the pork." Don't forget that. It will be on your next physics exam.
  17. I especially liked the new one. I think there are more coming, if the strike ever ends. Maybe the strikers are carrying worm signs.
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