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Everything posted by Fmbl2187
  1. Jawaan Taylor finally solves his false start problems.
  2. She has quite a set of headlights. I'd wear them on my head.
  3. This is probably wrong and won't sit well with most of you, but I was a bit concerned that C-J looked a little slower to me and more winded after plays. I noticed his shortness of breath and use of the oxygen mask after coming off the field a couple of times last year. He is still phenomenal but used a little less, which is good. Father time starts to catch up with us evern at age 30 when playing with the intensity that CJ does. Still, he is incredible and will be for most of the rest of his current contract.
  4. Quite a difference from the always respectful and admiring way the Chiefs players and coaches always talk about their opponents after a game. It eliminates giving teams a revenge motive the next time they play us. I am certain they are coached to do that. The Chiefs coaches teach their players everything, including fine points like that, not just on-the-field coaching. We are so lucky.
  5. I am not any kind of knowledeable expert, but what I recall, the NFL would announce a suspension to begin at the start of the next year's regular season to allow for team planning.
  6. Hope all is well with you, too, Mex. Goats both died two summers ago. They were old and couldn't take the heat apparently. Only three horses left. One is ancient, about 35 and still kicking butt, Lynne and I are OK except for the usual getting old stuff (except for the dying thing so far). The two boys are great. Still playing jazz in clubs all around KC almost every night. The youngest (the bass player) also got a Masters in biology and working on his Ph.D. Two granddaughters, age 6 and 6 months. Both beautiful and smart. Wisdom hasn't set in yet (that includes me). Chiefs are staying young and still kicking butt.
  7. It makes sense. If a team suspended or the league suspended a player who was found not guilty of a crime in courts, it seems that player could sue successfuly, right? We have released guys quickly like Kareem Hunt in the past, but it was for lying to the organization. Leaving the scene of an accident, though, seems like it shouldn't have to be proven in court, but what do I know.
  8. We didn't dodge anything. The NFL has a rule to never issue a ruling on a suspension until any legal proceedings have been completed. Rice's case is way down the line in the courts. I wouldn't be surprised if he got a long suspension next year. It is in the "court's court" right now.
  9. You're right. Especially after Hollywood's injury last night.
  10. I think the receiver depth is already fine, even if Rice misses most of the season. JuJu is great with Mahomes, but I don't think he would get enough targets to keep him happy (or the others.) Even if its all about team, these guy do have egos and reputations needed to keep getting contracts with teams. I would much rather spend cap space on a good defensive tackle where our depth after Jones is very iffy.
  11. The deep sea fishing in KC sucks, because you have to use such a long line, and the reel has to be about 300 feet in diameter. For really big fish, even more than that.
  12. The less said, the better. That's why Mahomes is so much better. But even when he says nothing, he sounds like a frog saying nothing.
  13. Hard to argue with that. Very newsworthy. I love how they answer questions in interviews.
  14. It will be interesting to say the least. I like all the articles about Brown. He must be impressing everyone. I just hope that some of those guys don't start getting pissed when Mahomes starts throwing to other open receivers because of all his options.
  15. He sure has chemistry with Mahomes and knows all the routes. He would be a great option if a major injury in camp happens.
  16. Unless your kids die in some kind of accident. Then, you might want to try again. I don't know. There might be a reversal fix for that now.
  17. Absolutely. As a matter of fact, I predict Toub will an under-recognized hero this season. With the changes in the kicking game and return game, he is likely to figure it out better and sooner than any other ST coaches and will play a huge role this season. Predictions for the teams are almost totally ignoring the influence of Toub at taking advantage of what the new rules offer. But you are right about keeping the other coaching staff mostly intact. It is a huge advantage for the Chiefs.
  18. I don't think so. Injury hit and run. Racing at 120 mph in the city risking multiple lives. He is lucky he doesn't have negligent manslaughter on his record. I think he is very lucky to get only part of a season. I've expressed this before. Other than a little luck that nobody died and that the drug on board was not alcohol, it is no different than Andy Reid's son, except Reid wasn't racing on purpose. He was plastered. And he went to prison. No, 12 games is light. He is not going to be able to come back and practice up enough to be a contributor the last 5 games or the playoffs. Maybe a play or two? Hopefully he will grow up from this, come back the next season and become a star. Despite what it sounds like, I am pulling for the kid.
  19. That would be nice. Hopefully not too quiet.
  20. He may have been electric in college, but he will short circuit and blow a fuse in the NFL. Too many are picking him.
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