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Everything posted by Fmbl2187
  1. Actually, I did. Though he lost weight, he likely will eat his way back to ineffectiveness over the next year, at least in the off season. Size can be a good thing on many kinds of plays, but Spags system requires speed, footwork, and leadership, more than anything else.
  2. That would be a mistake at this point, I think. ISM looked all-world against the 3's and 4's of bad defenses in the preseason. I would want to see him against the ones of good teams before making a decision like that. Is he a great athlete? Obviously. But how many great athletes have been total busts in the NFL? A lot. It takes a lot more than athleticism.
  3. Screw realistic. I'll tell you what's realistic: Mahomes, Chiefs Kingdom, Spags, Veach, Reid, Cullen, Nagy, and some money. LIke I said before. I saw the guy on the bench after each defensive series. He looked like a guy in respiratory failure, gasping for oxygen.
  4. I trust in Cullen to prepare a good line. Trade Jones, get some cap space and picks. We won't be as good of a D-line this year without Jones, but even with him, he would be in noticeable decline by next year. He is about to hit his age wall. We have the pieces to have at least as good a D based on the improved linebackers and secondary pieces and guys in their second years with Spags. Somewhere in the top 15. We are an offensive team. It is better to maintain the chemistry than to appease an LCP (last contract prima donna). Don't mortgage the dynasty by overpaying an aging superstar.
  5. Now I am TOTALLY grossed out. BTW, I like your photoshopping skills, but you forgot to remove the mole in her reflection.. Or maybe they are lesbians trying to get at each other through a glass shield.
  6. Oh, that's right. I forgot. It is actually 20 M in real money. Truly belt-tightening. How does he get by?
  7. I remember two things about him. I remember the broad jump event at the Combine before we drafted him, when his junk came out of his shorts and he had to quickly tuck it back in there and pretend nobody noticed. I knew we had to draft him. The next thing that "stands out" are the many, many times last season when the defense would come off the field, and the cameras showed Jones breathing so fast while hunched over on the bench with an oxygen mask on, that I was worried he was dying of respiratory failure. Some would say that is because he tries harder than anyone else, but his respiratons looked really labored to me. My guess is that we saw his peak, and now age is catching up. A few good years left, but not at the money he is asking.
  8. I'm getting fed up with CJ, too. What kind of game is he playing? I guess when he said he wanted to be a Chief for life, he forgot to add " as long as they pay me a billion dollars." It's a shame. Without him, I don't think we will be good enough to do much this year other than a wildcard. What or who is it that he has a beef with in KC? Is he pissed at Veach? Is being paid only 30 million dollars to play football for a year with a fantastic organization some kind of blow to his ego? My feeling at this point is that he should report now or be traded for an early and mid round pick. Then let Veach be Veach and shoot for a Super Bowl in Feb 2025.
  9. That play was merely a shortstop pivoting to relay to first base while jumping up to avoid the guy sliding into the bag from first base. It was a baseball maneuver that comes from playing shortstop. Exactly as West said.
  10. The message is that he is going to continue make jaws drop and continue to taser the world in the moments that count the most.
  11. I already have. You know it's going to happen. I don't think it will happen in a blowout game, though. That would look like a kind of taunting.Reid doesn't think that is in our long term interests. I think it will happen when we are behind and trying to make another miracle comeback. It will happen in a situation where Reid or Nagy see some defensive alignment or personnel matchup that leaves that play a slam dunk. Something guaranteed to leave an opposing defense in a total state of exasperation and frustration, something that will take the wind out their sails.
  12. I could see him signing for two years, but that is about it.
  13. I think we're past the point of no return to do that. He is not going to sign a multiple year contract to be a backup knowing the possibility we could keep him rather than trade him. He knows how good he is and how he performed in these two preseason games. His agent would never let him sign for multiple years, leaving him no leverage as to where he goes. It's just the burden we have to pay for the good fortune of having the best player in the NFL at QB. I think we are going to have to trade him for less than he is worth just to make sure he doesn't go to a team we are rivals with, since he will bring the entire knowledge of our offense with him. He would make half the teams in the NFL immediately better, and those teams know it. So does he. I don't know how much time is left on his current contract. Does anyone here know? I'll be hoping he goes somewhere to a rising team with good players and which is in the NFC.
  14. The kid knows the Chiefs system inside out and upside down and has the talent and arm to execute it. It's a tough call for sure. The league has all the tape it needs from the last two games for a team with a mediocre or an aging QB to want him badly. We should squeeze the life out of any team willing to give up draft picks for him. I'd sure like him to stay as QB2 for another year, though.
  15. Sure looks like it. It looks like he could come in for a hurt Mahomes, and the game plan and play calls would not have to be altered one bit. He should be QB2. He cannot be allowed to get away from the Chiefs. At some point, though, he will have to be allowed to make a name for himself as a QB1 somewhere in the NFC I would hope, not the AFC (especially the West). But for this year, he needs to be QB2 for the Kingdom.
  16. I've heard the same rumors. Yes, but he was cut the within the first few days. He was stumped as to why.
  17. Harry Johnson. That would be my guess. Or possibly even Ben Derhover.
  18. It will be essentially impossible to re-load there, but there are a lot of "there's" there. Other positions besides TE can become totally dominant under the teaching of a great coaching staff, smart drafting, and the on-field leadership of Mahomes. Our window depends far more on Mahomes than it does on Kelce, in my opinion. Already we are seeing the back end of the defense becoming elite. The game plans will be designed and adjusted for the best personnel. Eventually the window will be closed, but any team can win a championship through drafting and coaching, as long as they have a generational talent at quarterback.
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