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Everything posted by Fmbl2187
  1. I don't think you fully read what I posted about that. I said that in the end, money is the biggest thing, but that agents and players see it differently in terms of short term and long term. But to players, benefits include chasing a ring, having friends on a team, having a big public investment in the community, not having to move (pleasing family and their needs)...things that agents are not considering as money considerations. For example, Mahomes. His MERE 500 million in his contract is probably a fraction of what he is making from the community and from advertisements and promos and from partial ownership of other sports franchises he has bought into. He is doing just fine in terms of being uber rich, as the KC quarterback, regardless of the checks that are written by Clark Hunt.
  2. Of course it does. Basically, it seems you are re-wording what I wrote. We are on the same page.
  3. Obviously players and agents have one and the same goal. Make money. Just like any other endeavor. Making more is considered success in our culture. Players and agents have to agree, but they may have different preferred paths to getting where they want to go. Players may sometimes feel that if they can just play for a good team or be thrown passes by Mahomes, their performance will increase and give them more long term value, like their following contract. Or they put value also in living in a particular city or pleasing their family and friends and not having to move. But agents want to make the most money in the shorter term and don't have the other considerations or pressures. But in the long run, only money matters. Just my own ideas about this.
  4. A lot. Otherwise, why would someone hire an agent? No doubt the agent gets a cut of the increased contract size as part of the payment for services. Clark was a leader and a very fine guy, but let's face it. He wasn't that good or reliable, probably due to his illnesses. Articles describe that he was near the very top of all time statistics for players during postseason games. But that means nothing if a team is always in the postseason. It takes players who are both good and reliable during the regular season to even get to the postseason. Clark was very pedestrian in the regular season.
  5. That'sj probably more like it than my idea of a 4th. We can get really good players in the 5-7 range, especially Veach.
  6. He has a thrilling run just often enough to keep looking at his possible future. But he simply gets swallowed up at the line of scrimmage too much. He was touted as a great receiver, but there must be a reason Mahomes does not target him. I really don't know much about him in pass pro. I think we can do better and get something around a 4th rounder for him, since he was a 1st round pick. Sometimes it's better to cut bait and fish somewhere else.
  7. He really disappointed me. He is one of those guys who is great in college, but just doesn't translate to the NFL. He just seems to bounce off of big guys on the line of scrimmage for no gain waaaay too often for me. Mahomes wanted him desperately. Mahomes should hold his opinion more and leave things to Veach.
  8. A veteran in a Super Bowl showing the trash talkers how winners act. That might be what the coaches tell him. He IS large. The question is if he can contribute to pass pressure or if he is just a big run stopper. If the latter, he is just an occasional early down rotating player or a short yardage guy against good running teams. Anybody with a middle name of Saileupumoni is either an enigma or a new kind of ice cream flavor.
  9. It sounds like the guy is on his way to either oblivion or an alcohol recovery program. The stuff doesn't seem to sit well with him.
  10. That's true, BUT...they might also be better off with someone who has practiced in the system for a couple of years and knows all the plays and the players and has thrown to them in practice a lot. Buchele. All depends on if Buchele is progressing. If he can hold his own in a game and have an improved defense to rely on, that might be a better option.
  11. You take the best player at a position of need who is not an axe murderer or serial child abuser and who can spell and not put on his pants backwards or over his shirt.
  12. I'm pretty sure Spags would figure out something ☠️
  13. OMG. That is awful. I'm trying real hard to suppress a laugh.
  14. This guy unfortunately does not play in the NFL. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gabriel_Jesus It would be really uncomfortable if he did and was really terrible. Can you imagine the posts?
  15. That's what I mean. Any close victory or loss can be ascribed to any one single play depending on where we direct our attention. The ones that irk us the most are when a penalty flag that is questionable causes a loss. I'd rather do any job than be a ref and receive death threats
  16. As others have pointed out, anyone can point to any single thing that would have made all the difference for any team in any year. We would have gone to the SB and won in 2018 if Dee Ford had lined up 2 more INCHES back from the line of scrimmage. Its crazy. The whole thing about running vs. passing is dependent on personnel and on making sure that the offensive play calling and predictabillity stays a fraction of a second ahead of any defensive adjustments. All a Mahomes-led team needs is a credible running game...enough to take away predictability.
  17. Yes. That's because it is probably very disagreeable.
  18. Yeah, he is fast and hard to bring down. Seems to have good hands. I don't remember him dropping any passes or fumbling the ball. He hasn't shown great YAC, but he has always been used on shorter routes in traffic, so there is no way to really know about that. On a team without Kelce, I think he would be a big time starter by now. The only real question mark for me is that I don't know anything about his blocking. The only real question mark for me is that I don't know anything about his blocking. For me, that's kind of a Gray area.
  19. Yes, he did. Too bad. He was a learner, not an idealogue.
  20. Agree. I don't think it makes much sense to use a high draft pick for a RB, when you have basically a passing offense. Lower, yes. The RB's merely need to be credible in our kind of offense. I would rather see us go for a great TE prospect who can relieve Kelce and study under him for a year ot two. I'm just not sure, yet, that Noah Gray can't be that guy. He just needs more playing time and more targets.
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