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Everything posted by Fmbl2187
  1. You have to wonder where in hell media people hear this, or are they just making it up to sound like they have something to contribute? The Chiefs had nothing but the highest compliments for the Bengals all week, while the Bengals, from players to the goddam Mayor, were dissing the Chiefs. ESPN hires a bunch o' maroons.
  2. It is funny how so many hated on Butker, even though his entire problem was a bad ankle followed by bad holds. Posters here were ready to trade or waive him. That was horseshit. I never doubted him I had 100% confidence he was going to make that winning kick tonight.
  3. Chiefs won by sheer force of will. Everyone keyed in on Mahomes' incredible determination and toughness and made it their inspiration. And they did it against a phenomenally good team. So Sad. NOT!!! I predicted that we would lose a close one. It has never felt so good to be wrong.
  4. It was field position and the way the Bengals had been stuffing the run.
  5. Our defense should be better than Buffalo's was. Apparently, slick, snowy conditions make it much harder to get traction for fast defensive push off the line. After last week, the Bengals might not be ready for dry conditions with a fast and aggressive defense. They might be thinking too highly of themselves.
  6. That would be a fair deal. As for the hate, just read the posts in this thread. Yes, ranges from hate to plain old dislike.
  7. Actually, I believe that Fortson, Gray, and Bell could very well end up one of the top overall tight end rooms in the league. Fortson has needed this chance, and I have been really impressed with Gray's performance as he has gotten more snaps recently. The three of them include two great receivers, and even Bell can catch OK if he is targeted, but he is a fine blocker. The downside of having a hall of famer like Kelce the the inability to get the snaps for the other tight ends. But yes, the timing of Fortson and Kelce's back might very well say something about how the back is coming along. I am pretty sure that if Kelce's is off the field, the Bengals will feel some relief, try to shut down our other receivers, and all of a sudden Fortson and Gray will be open and start killing them. We might learn about life after Kelce tomorrow.
  8. I don't understand the hate. He would be a fine offensive head coach for a good team, especially with a strong o-line. He gets along with the players fine, has a sense of humor, and knows Reid's playbook backwards and forwards. Why the hate? I wish him the best and would not be disappointed if he stayed.
  9. Have you ever tweaked your lower back, had it tighten up, and tried to move around the next day? If not, you will. Then you will understand. It can get better quickly, too. We'll see. But a lot of times, you can hardly walk and have to wait several days. I think there are too many conspiracy theories about teams overplaying injuries to psychologically manipulate other teams. I just don't buy it. I agree with Mex, though. The listing is "questionable." That means he will likely play at least part of the game.
  10. I never thought for even a moment that the Chiefs ever had more than a decent chance of making the playoffs. This was a re-stocking and re-training year playing a whole bunch of young unknowns. Even if we lose Sunday, this has been an amazing season. Anything else beyond one playoff win to me is just icing on the cake.
  11. I guess the things to remember is that you have to use a redundant chain, and that other teams' chains have weak links, too. Also, I try to keep in mind that the winner of the playoff tournament is merely the team that wins the tournament, not necessarily the best team overall. Who did the Bengals lose to this year? Baltimore, Cleveland, Arizona, and Dallas. Do any of those teams have a Hall of Fame quality QB and brilliant head coaches? No. Those other teams were better than Cincy on THOSE DAYS. That's all. I think we are slightly worse than Cincinatti right now because of Mahomes' injury. But can we win? Absolutely. Why worry about our particular team's weakest links?
  12. In order to avoid gagging, I will avoid anything else until late Sunday night.
  13. You would think a big organization like that would be a little more precise.
  14. Wow. You saw two classics. We were both in the stadium for that Raiders game, only I was 21. You must be 65.
  15. Might have been grief and terror at the idea of murderous Nazis and genocidal maniacs taking over their country and goose stepping down their main thoroughfare. That women next to the guy looks pretty terrified. It hard even for me to find much humor in that, even though I like outrageous jokes about almost anything.
  16. His hands aren't positioned correctly.
  17. Famous photo. I recall seeing that from a book of WWII photos and thought it was people watching the Germans march into Paris. Never saw that caption on the lower left before.
  18. His mom caught him in his room lammontating.
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