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Everything posted by Fmbl2187
  1. Here is another one that is funny. In fact, after all these years it is still funny. Whenever we would receive a specimen from surgery, a few specimen types were special. When a lower leg amputation was done for vascular disease, we called it "receiving a klunk" named for the sound it made when set down on the exam table. The assistant would come in my door, and say, "hey, we have a klunk for you." It seems like every day on sugical pathology, we would get at least one klunk.
  2. Whenever somebody would die in the hospital, a common phrase was that they had "cooled." If somebody that was in room 416B died, they would call the morgue and say that patient 416B, bed 2 "cooled." Sounds pretty awful, but slang develops in any kind of business.
  3. I can't find a book by Kafka about puns. This is the only good list I can find. https://www.goodreads.com/list/show/6220.The_best_of_Franz_Kafka
  4. ooooooooooooooooh I've heard enough innuendos about Xen. At least that's what they call them in Italy. You know, that's why this thread has the title it does.
  5. Oh! 27 years. That's where we got that un-namable player! I missed that.
  6. How about Lin Elliot? (Oh, I'm sorry. I named him.)
  7. If the market for Bienemy remains cold much longer, HE will actually cool to room temperature.
  8. If you think that's scary, you should see their truckma.
  9. I was worried you were going to beat me to it, so I hurried.
  10. I don't think so, but he sure can give you a pso' ass and that'll make you quite ileo.
  11. No one seems to have talked about this other than to express puzzlement, but I have a theory. His story and symptoms sound to me like he strained his psoas muscle and ileo-psoas tendon. That is one of the core muscles and its tendon. It is a big one that extends from the spine downward and slightly forward and attaches to the inside of the pelvic bone. It is a main muscle you use to bend to the side and straighten up and would explain that much of the pain was in the abdomen as well as the pelvis. A bad psoas strain would be like a bad hamstring strain in that it would take weeks and weeks and leave you susceptible to straining it again. Might have even torn some muscle fibers in it. Just my guess. They are obviously being very cautious in hopes he can play in the playoffs, but my guess is ileo-psoas.
  12. Disagree. Think about it. If there were ever a leak that that were true, the NFL would lose half its audience almost immediately. Credibllity would be gone. It would cost them billions. You can't hide that kind of thing.
  13. Why even play the season? Just give the Chargers the Lombardi every April and call it a day?
  14. All the more reason to recognize that the Chargers' fans are more worried about having to play the Chiefs than we are of having to play the Chargers. Hopefully that extends to the players and coaches. When players and coaches worry too much, it makes them press, and that causes mistakes.
  15. Who cares? If the Super Bowl decides the NFL champion, then the winner is the NFL champion. It doesn't have to mean they are best. It means they won the tournament, that's all. If we want to be champions, we win the whole goddam tournament. Period. If we can't win it with an extra week of rest and preparation, we aren't the champions and shouldn't be.
  16. Again, if we are the best, we beat everybody. Anything else is an excuse. Do we want an asterisk after a Super Bowl victory with a sentence below it that says, "but the Bengals and Bills had to play each other the week before?" Of course not. It's bullshit. Everybody has to beat the other contenders to be champs.
  17. The Chargers play half their games and practice for all of them in LALA land. Too many distractions, too much press exposure. Too many starlets and hangers on. They will always underperform. How can they keep their focus? Same thing with Las Vegas. The only distractions the Chiefs have is barbecue.
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