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Everything posted by Fmbl2187
  1. If we are championship-worthy, it shouldn't mean anything who we play. Why be concerned with it? If we don't beat any of these teams, we have no business being in the superbowl. That goes for any of them.
  2. Yeah. Wylie has been better of late, also. But yes, a top RT would help everything...including a mediocre LT, and for cheaper. Now that the O line is gelling, I would like to see the chemistry continue to develop. It sure has been a slow process trying to replace Schwartz, hasn't it?
  3. I have mixed feelings. I would like to see a better LT, but we'd better have someone in place who covers that huge responsibility while OBJ is gone to another team. I think it would be better to tag him again while continuing the search. There are so few good LT's around. Very hard to find and replace even a mediocre one.
  4. Yeah. It's called "insanity." Actually, it's called "money." No..wait! This is the NFL we're talking about. Nevermind. I didn't actually write that.
  5. I'd rather have the Bengals. But really, the truth is that a Super Bowl champion should beat any and all opponents along the way and not worry about picking and choosing their opponents. If they have to do that, then they are not champions. We should take on whoever is thrown in our way and be confident about it or go home, right?
  6. This WAS his second season. No, I think he is great. Butker had a sprained ankle and has a great punter who sucks at holding for him. He needs a holder who is a great ball handler with a quick brain and hands to hold for him. Remember Butker is the guy who had to complete three 58 yard FG's in a row last season in the wind because of last second attempts to ice him...and did.
  7. You win an Oscar for the best speech at an awards ceremony. Next year, you will only win best soundtrack.
  8. Sandy vaginas will be my image for the entire Chiefs Forum for 2022. That and Reese's prediction. But he cheats. He has a time machine. Not even THE HAT can top that.
  9. I was way off. I took the revamping of things too seriously. I estimated between 9-8 and 12-5. I still think the playoffs will take us out while hoping for a SB victory. I have been looking toward next season to re-establish ourselves as SB kings. To some extent, we were lucky to get at least 3 of our wins. So many ridiculously close games against weak opponents. The addition of Toney might change the equation entirely for the playoffs. Maybe we really CAN win the whole thing. Now we have a guy almost as special as Hill while having developed a much more diverse passing offense. Our tackling has improved throughout the season in a kind of uneven upward graph. Great coaching. Fewer major injuries than many of our biggest rivals has been a great help.
  10. OOOOOOOH! You are mounding a big lead now. Your efforts are driving me batty.
  11. When you get in a pun war, you'd better be ready to take the gloves off.
  12. Yes, it was a very underhanded thing to do. There is no other way to spin it.
  13. Funny but not really true. The decision to "develop him" may have been part Alex but mostly Reid. There are so many intangibles that make a career not just short-term successful, but long-term, like the ins and outs of contracts, behavior, mentoring other players, how to encourage and inspire a team and generate locker room esprit without rivalries and resentments creeping up, how to study film and prepare for a game. He also had to learn the massive Reid playbook and how to apply it. He came in ready to lead the entire team in all these areas once he started in 2018. I give that development year a ton of credit for that. I also trust Reid. As a head coach you have to know who you really have in order to develop the right plays for him and let him still be himself. Who knows? Maybe Blackledge would not have been a total disaster had he had a year to learn. That was a generational mistake.
  14. I should have just walked away from this one.
  15. Oh, No!! Not the beginning of another pun war! My comment was clearly an error.
  16. If he plays, I guess we will see if Townsend is a factor in our drop in confidence.
  17. Amazing! And he did it only hitting singles and doubles this year. I guess we can excuse him for one bad half. He is the Muhammad Ali of football. "The Greatest." I guess we could say that Kelce has helped him a bit, though.
  18. There could be. More likely, I think Denver's interim coach will be playing a lot of unproven players to help the front office decide who to keep and who to discard, just like any other team that no longer has anything to play for in the current season. If the Chiefs avoid crazy turnovers and play fundamentally sound football, there is no way they can lose. For the Broncos, I think every possession will be four downs to convert. I don't expect to see much punting. They have nothing to lose by going for it on every fourth down.
  19. Whoever goes where, their decisions are based not just on career but obviously on family situations, schools, circles of friends, emotional (not just financial) commitments, what spouses jobs, friends, kids, situations are. It can always look so simplified, but it isn't. Harbaugh may want to go to Denver in a powerful way, but if those other situations conflict with it, he may stay exactly where he is doing what he is doing now, or go to some team in the NFL in the future.. None of us can know the thousands of things that go into decisions like that.
  20. I'm just trying not to violet your high standards.
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