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Everything posted by Fmbl2187
  1. Risk vs. Reward Age old problem. I feel like we should stay the course, hope for more development from Karloftis to make Clark more effective on the opposite side and rely on another great year from Jones. That is a risk of no improvement in exchange for the reward of being able to give up Frank Clark in a year for MUCH less cap hit. I am glad I am not Veach. Watching why, or if, we fail in the playoffs against a great QB will make that decision easier. Another thing to remember is that all the rookies in our secondary will have another camp and coaching and will be much better next season, giving our current pass rush more time to get to the QB. We will likely cover better. We can't ever expect to have an effective pass rush if opposing QB's can always find a guy open quickly. In most cases, we have been less than a half second from getting to the QB, and that would be remedied by having CB's who know where to be.
  2. According to Dustin Colquitt, who has looked at all the film, the problem with Butker is not Butker. It is the holder, Townsend. He is not getting the ball down in the right spot consistently, and the angle of tilt and the laces are not oriented consistently. Butker has kept his mouth shut about it. He is being the good teammate, at least publicly. He is taking the rap.
  3. No team is without weaknesses. No team can pay for a roster of superbowl quality for very long without going through a rebuild frequently. The Chiefs have the right formula which is the only one that will work and maintain sustained success (like 7 consecutive AFC championships). That is to get the best QB in the world (done), provide him with several playmakers and a competent O-line, get a few true playmakers on defense, and fill out the roster with first contract guys who are coached into being good by the best coaching staff and head coach. Remember, coaches cost a lot less than these players. The most efficient expenditure of money is on the coaching staff. This formula will work for the length of the career of a great franchise QB. It will always require partial rebuilds and will always produce a roster that has a couple of glaring weaknesses. No GM is going to change the truth of that. No set of fans is going to be happy with everything and will blame the GM, coordinators and position coaches for every weakness. As long as we have Mahomes, we will be one of the top teams. It's just that simple.
  4. Considering how few there are each year which puts DE's high in the draft, and with the Chiefs being perennially good and drafting lower than the best DE's available, it really isn't for Veach's lack of trying. Other teams are loathe to let a good DE slip away in free agency and will pay anything to keep them. I have a hunch that the top DE's going to the worst teams explains the ambush games against teams with great QB's,
  5. Oh, C'mon guys. He is still a kid and like so many others, he is a media whore, talks himself up to the media for ratings wherever he is, and plays lights out because he is very good. If he goes somewhere else, he will trash talk the Dolphins and play lights out for some other team that will throw him a gazillion passes. He really just talks off the top of his head. He improvises. It's just who he is...a prima donna. He has no core values other than making money and justifying whatever he does to achieve that.
  6. He is a lead chef at a Taco Bell. He is thinking of moving up to Domino's.
  7. Exactly! My first impression at the time was "Wow! What a great defensive play." It really was. So was the other one. The conventional wisdom all week has been portraying these as great Mahomes mistakes, but they were not. It didn't look like like two of them were. One was.
  8. That and also make Mahomes NOT pass as often on 3rd and short. It will also help to get our two speedsters, Hardman and Toney back in order to keep the defenders honest.
  9. Again, why is it that everyone blames Mahomes for all three of those? He accepts blame, because he is a leader. But two of those were great throws, darts, into tight coverage like he has thrown to Kelce to great success. But my first reaction was Wow, that was a great defensive play! There is a reason Denver is ranked as one of the two top defenses in the NFL. To me. Mahomes made only one bad play. He forced the other two into tight windows to avoid getting injured. The receivers were not able to contest those.
  10. Watson is a good depth piece now and can start if necessary. He needs another camp.
  11. Shit. We need that guy big time. At least he can recover during Bronco week, when they can still probably win without him.
  12. We'll have the answer on Kinnard after OTA's and training camp. For the draft, we need to remember that for O-linemen at least, they don't reach their full potential until around their 5th year on average, and some of the guys we already have may turn out to be very, very good. Not many O-linemen can become starters right out of college. I would be happy to pick up a high ceiling DE by moving up, but I am afraid that a quick fix of any O-tackle spot can only be made by giving up several draft choices to move up.
  13. Talk about a revenge game! How many times in a row have we beaten them? 12? 13? We'd better watch out, better not shout (to make a seasonal remark) until the desired result is in the books.
  14. It is truly amazing. One of the more amazing things to watch are the bi-polar reactions seen in these threads from week to week, from the greatest show on turf, to the bungling underperforming losers.
  15. We've been on the same page. Inexperience at key positions does not lead to superbowls. Possible but highly unlikely this year. I still think we should be looking at 2023. It has been nice that we have squeaked by many teams enough to have our current record, but some of those were games that Mahomes literally carried on his own back. What a great core we now have. The future is bright. But this year is not the time to be looking for a superbowl victory. As long as Veach pays Jones and Sneed and a couple of other key guys, we are good.
  16. I was asking that in the last part of my absurd comparison, whether it is something the employers have negotiated with the union of employees. I would be wrong either way. I'm way too wordy. I know that.
  17. So, an association of corporate executives can override the will of an individual employee regarding which company he wants to work for and how much less he is willing to be paid by that company? If a secretary who works for a farm equipment manufacturer in DeMoines is not allowed to move to Paducah, Kentucky to work for a farm equipment manufacturer there for less money because he/she likes the weather better in Paducah or has family there, and is willing to be paid less for the same type of secretarial work, the national association of farm equipment manufacturers (NAFEM) can prevent him/her from doing that for that lesser amount of money? How does that make sense? Isn't that a violation of some basic freedom? Nothing surprises me anymore, but that doesn't sound right, does it? Maybe I am just naive. Is that because it violates the NAFEM contract that was negotiated between the NAFEM secretaries union (the NAFEMSU) and the NAFEM? Pinch me.
  18. This spiral downward really started with the retirement of Manning. They have been mortgaging their future looking for a franchise QB ever since then. It has been going on a lot of years now. At least the Chiefs found a franchise head coach and took his advice from there.
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