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Everything posted by Fmbl2187
  1. Juju's was a bad concussion. He was out for abour 5 minutes on the field and in a "fencing posture." I would not expect him this week. It depends totally on his neurologic exam and symptoms. We need him at 100% for the final run to the playoffs. That could take a few weeks. I can't believe that the Cisco Kid wasn't fined and suspended for that. He tried to do it to MVS immediately later. Headhunters have no business in this league.
  2. That would be nice, but it totally depends on the kind of defense we are facing.
  3. Basically, even if the capsule that covers the spleen has a split or crack, it is a ruptured spleen. That kind can be treated conservatively by waiting, or the capsule can be sutured. It's best to not remove the spleen if there is not a lot of bleeding, because it is so important as part of the immune system. But if Hardman had even a small capsular rupture, he would have been in the hospital for major evaluation of the extent of it, since you can bleed out and die from it if it is a bad one. So, that's not it, or we would have heard about it. His season would be over, and they would say so. The spleen is protected by the ribs, so usually a rupture would also involve a rib fracture overlying the spleen. Not always but usually.
  4. Yeah. That was the story before. But, as OT said, it fits into a specific category of "illness/injury" meaning either of those, that allows IR designation, which in our case, is an advantage if we want to deal him for more value. He could lose value if he had another injury after being activated or stops being used since we have Toney. Just a wise organizational maneuver. But it does pretty much seem to establish that they plan to trade him.
  5. Ahh. I see. It is an actual designation that includes both things. Makes sense now. Thanks, OT.
  6. I found the use of this term by the Chiefs be be disturbing and wonder what is going on. Did they mean that he has an illness (like Covid or a cold) AND an abdominal injury, or an injury with a medical problem inside his abdomen together? I found the use of those terms from the team to be mysterious and equivocal, especially with him going on IR. It could be nothing, like a contusion to his abdominal muscles combined with some kind of intestinal virus, or it could be something really ominous like a tumor in his liver that bled after he took a hit. To put him on IR seems to mean he is scheduled for an extensive medical workup with CT scans and MRI's. It could even be something like Hodgkins disease (common at his age, like Eric Berry had) that bled after practice. Whatever, being put on IR combined with the mysterious language designation is a concern to me. Anyone else puzzled by this?
  7. At least he lobbied for him. Lobbyists don't make laws, but they sure influence lawmakers. And where else would Mahomes get his info except by watching games and talking to other players who are his friends? The Chiefs scouts probably also asked him what kind of player he needs most for the offense. If they didn't do that, then they are incompetent.
  8. True. Also, it may be the CEH will still be what we thought. I haven't given up on him entirely...yet.
  9. At 32nd in the the first round, he was almost a 2nd rounder, anyway. It wasn't all Veach. Mahomes had been lobbying for him.
  10. I can't accept your apology. Maybe other members can, but I can't. You know why? Because I'm an asshole.
  11. I think it was Pacheco, but there was a quote from somebody during pre-season that said, " He runs like he is angry at the dirt."
  12. I am pretty sure we have a new nickname for this guy.
  13. He was described by Reid as "very, very, very smart". He might have even added another "very." He also mentioned that RB involves knowing all the running schemes, knowing the passing routes as a receiver, and being able to pass block. Obviously, Reid believes he is mentally capable of all of that. So, yes, he is capable. As for vision, isn't that pretty much what happens with rapid mental processing? If your eyesight is fine, then that is all that "vision" is when running. I think a little patience is just what the doctor ordered, just like you are saying.
  14. This guy Toney is going to be fun. Now...can he stay healthy?
  15. Funny take. Just one problem: When your wife does that, you can't fire her.
  16. Hopefully, the league will not agree with the refs. Cisco needs to be fined big time. Those were obviously intentional and can change the victim's life permanently, often later after football. Juju was completely defenseless before that hit. It was not a tackle. Cisco came in high, and it had to be for that purpose. He will no doubt deny it, but it looked undeniable to me.
  17. I'd love to see Tyreek Hill do the Chiefs one more favor when Buffalo plays Miami.
  18. He seems to be getting his bearings. He is a tough guy. Just needs to see everything that is happening and react without thinking about it.
  19. I sure thought that Veach must have been onto something when he took an RB in the first round. But it was an obvious mistake. I have supported the decision until now, and it looks like the coaches have, also. Veach has done so many good things, but CEH apparently was NOT one of them. Mahomes sure thought it was a good move at the time.
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